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Research for Hydrogen Safety, Codes & Standards An Integrated Approach International Conference on Hydrogen Safety San Sebastián, Spain September 2007 Antonio Ruiz U. S. Department of Energy Hydrogen Program 1
POLICY CONTEXT: Presidential Energy Initiatives – Addressing Challenges through Technology Development HYDROGEN FUEL INITIATIVE (January 2003) • $1. 2 billion over five years • Establishes partnerships with private sector • Develops hydrogen, fuel cell and infrastructure technologies • Goal: to make fuel cell vehicles practical and cost-effective by 2020 HFI ADVANCED ENERGY INITIATIVE (February 2006) • • • 22% increase in funding for clean energy research. Accelerates R&D of near-term transportation options—biofuels and plug-in hybrids, as well as technologies for electricity generation. Reinforces Hydrogen Fuel Initiative. “ 20 -in-10” INITIATIVE (January 2007) • Accelerates R&D to produce 35 billion gallons of renewable and alternative fuels by 2017, and increases fuel economy standards, to displace 20% of annual gasoline use in 2017. • Expands scope of Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) to “Alternative Fuel Standard, ” including corn and cellulosic ethanol, biodiesel, methanol, butanol, hydrogen, and other alternative fuels. August 9, 2007 2
DOE HYDROGEN PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS E E R E Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Research, develop, and validate fuel cell and H 2 production, delivery, and storage technologies for transportation and stationary applications. Office of Fossil Energy Continue studies for scaling up hydrogen membrane reactors and CO 2/H 2 separation technologies for coal-based hydrogen systems. Office of Nuclear Energy Operate sulfur-iodine thermochemical and high-temperature electrolysis experiments to gather data on operability and reaction rates. Office of Science Expand basic research on nano-materials for storage, catalysis for fuel cells, and bio-inspired and solar H 2 production. Increase emphasis on nano-structured design, novel synthesis, and theory and modeling of the physical and chemical interactions of hydrogen with materials. August 9, 2007 3
HYDROGEN FUEL INITIATIVE: TOTAL FUNDING § President Bush committed $1. 2 billion over 5 years (FY 04 – FY 08) to accelerate R&D to enable technology readiness in 2015. Hydrogen Fuel Initiative Funding 1 ($ in millions) FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 TOTAL Approp. Request (FY ’ 04 – FY ’ 08) 157 222 232 274 309 1, 194 § § 1 President’s cumulative request of $1. 267 B (for FY 04 – FY 08) has been consistent with the original commitment of $1. 2 B. Congress has been supportive: Appropriations of $885 M for FY 04 – FY 07. Includes EERE, FE, NE, SC and Department of Transportation August 9, 2007 4
DOE HYDROGEN PROGRAM BUDGET by Office Funding ($ in thousands) Activity EERE Hydrogen (HFCIT) Fossil Energy (FE) Nuclear Energy (NE) Science (SC) DOE Hydrogen TOTAL FY 2005 Approp FY 2006 Approp FY 2007 Actual FY 2008 Request 166, 772 153, 451 193, 551 213, 000 16, 518 21, 036 23, 611 12, 450 8, 682 24, 057 18, 665 22, 600 29, 183 32, 500 36, 500 59, 500 221, 155 231, 044 272, 327 307, 550 Does not include Department of Transportation August 9, 2007 5
HYDROGEN PROGRAM MISSION: Reduce Oil Consumption and GHG Emissions The Hydrogen Program mission is to research, develop, and validate hydrogen production, storage, and fuel cell technologies to reduce dependence on oil in the transportation sector, and to enable clean, reliable energy for stationary and portable power generation. U. S. Oil Consumption U. S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions GO A L GO AL August 9, 2007 6
HYDROGEN PROGRAM SPENDING: A balanced, diverse portfolio National Labs 35% Large 16% Industry Developers 35% Universities & Institutes 20% Small 9% Energy Companies 2% Auto Companies 8% Other 10% August 9, 2007 7
HYDROGEN PROGRAM STRUCTURE DELIVERY PRODUCTION FUEL CELLS TECHNOLOGY VALIDATION STORAGE Basic Research & Applied R&D TECHNOLOGY R&D and VALIDATION Sytems Integration /Analysis August 9, 2007 Funds basic research, applied research and development, and learning demonstrations to advance and validate hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. Enables understanding and assessment of technology needs and progress; supports program decision-making, planning, and budgeting. Research is at the core of the DOE H 2 Program Safety Ensures safe practices within the Program and disseminates safety information to the industry. Codes & Standards Works with established national organizations to lay the groundwork for technically sound codes & standards. Education Overcomes knowledge barriers, by conducting outreach and providing information for training programs. 8
SAFETY, CODES & STANDARDS PROGRAM GOALS ü To develop and implement practices and procedures that will ensure safety in the operation, handling, and use of hydrogen and hydrogen systems for all DOE funded projects. ü To perform the underlying research to enable codes and standards to be developed for the safe use of hydrogen in all applications. ü And to facilitate the development and harmonization of domestic and international codes and standards. August 9, 2007 9
SAFETY, CODES & STANDARDS BUDGET Fiscal Year 2007 Total $13. 8 million August 9, 2007 10
Challenges § § § § August 9, 2007 Limited historical data / insufficient technical and performance data to develop and revise standards Large number of Authorities Having Jurisdiction Lack of uniform training of officials Lack of standard practices for safety assessments Lack of integrated, coordinated approach among C&S Organizations Lack of harmonization of domestic and international standards Limited government influence on C&S process Limited DOE role in international C&S development process 11
RESEARCH NEEDS ARE IDENTIFIED IN COOPERATION WITH INDUSTRY Roadmap detailing information gaps for the following target areas ensures RD&D efforts are properly directed. ü Hydrogen Behavior (physical/chemical, combustion/flammability, materials properties, sensing/mitigation) ü Vehicles (fuel storage system, components, sensors, whole vehicle, failure modes) ü Infrastructure (production, terminals/distribution/delivery, refueling stations) ü Interface (fuel quality, feedback strategies, refueling components) August 9, 2007 12
MATERIALS COMPATIBILITY TESTING Version 1. 0 of Technical Reference for H 2 Compatibility of Materials Complete www. ca. sandia. gov/matls. Tech. Ref ü ü Increased material strength lowers threshold for H 2 -assisted crack growth Increased H 2 gas pressure lowers threshold for H 2 -assisted crack growth TWO OBJECTIVES: 1) Generate benchmark H 2 cracking thresholds for low-alloy steels currently in codes for seamless pressure vessels 2) Establish best procedures for testing in H 2 first data points in 30 years at PH 2>100 MPa H 2 compatibility of 316 stainless steel can be optimized by controlling composition, particularly nickel content. Carbon content seems to be less important August 9, 2007 ASME SA-372 Grade J steel is relatively resistant to hydrogen-assisted fracture at high-pressure 13
HYDROGEN BEHAVIOR Flame Characterization Experimentally Measure Heat Flux Impinging jet, 10 ft impingement diameter Thermal Radiation Models Flammability Limits and Ignition Probabilities August 9, 2007 C*(x/L) = 4 p R 2 qrad(x/L) / Srad 14
HYDROGEN JET AND FLAME BEHAVIOR: H 2 jets and flames are similar to other flammable gases § Fraction of chemical energy converted to thermal radiation § Radiation heat flux distribution § Jet length August 9, 2007 15
BARRIER WALLS AS A MITIGATION STRATEGY ü Goal: determine if barriers are an effective jet mitigation technique since mixtures of H 2 and air can ignite and potentially generate large overpressures. Unignited H 2 Jets (a) ü Contributing member of the HYPER project in Europe. H 2 Mixing (b) (c) Over-pressure characterization Press ure ü Characterize H 2 transport and mixing near barrier walls through combined experiment and modeling Deflagration to detonation Over-pressure from ignition of premixed hydrogen / air ü Identify conditions leading to deflagration or detonation • residence time and ignition timing • magnitude of over-pressure and duration ü Develop correlations for wall heights dependency and wall-standoff distances Axial Distance August 9, 2007 16
H 2 JET BEHAVIOR NEAR BARRIER WALLS ü Characterize stabilization of H 2 jet flame on and behind barrier ü Characterize thermal/structural integrity of barriers ü Use CFD modeling and validation for H 2 jet flames to minimize the number of tests ü Develop correlations for wall height dependencies and wall stand-off distances ü Combine data and analysis with quantitative risk assessment for barrier configuration guidance Stabilized flame H 2 Jet Flames (a) H 2 (b) (c) Radiometers Barlow flame A (ref. Combustion and Flame, v. 117, pp. 4 -31, 1999) August 9, 2007 17
QUANTITATIVE RISK ASSESSMENT: A Traceable Technical Basis for Code Development ü Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) provides a framework for making risk-informed decisions. ü We are applying QRA to help define refueling setbacks. ü Likelihood of events is estimated from component reliability and architecture-based FMEA studies. ü Event consequences are quantified using engineering models from the research program and published data. ü Consequences are integrated and evaluated relative to acceptable risk metrics. ü Site-specific mitigation strategies should be identified where appropriate. August 9, 2007 Sample architecture from NREL H 2 Station Simulator Alternative Mitigation: Wall Jet release in any direction Distance if large diameter leak, high pressure H 2 Distance if small diameter leak, high pressure H 2 18
USING QRA TO CONSIDER SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR H 2 FACILITIES ü Current code separation distances are not reflective of future fueling station operations (e. g. , 70 MPa) Leak Diameter (mm) ü Facility parameters (e. g. , operating pressure and volume) should be used to delineate separation distances ü Consequence-based separation distances (i. e. , single event) can be large depending on pressure, leak size, and consequence parameter Consequence Parameter ü QRA insights are being considered by NFPA-2 to help establish meaningful separation distances and other code requirements August 9, 2007 19
QRA: Towards a Risk-informed Code Development Framework § Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) provides code developers with risk insights to help define codes and standards requirements: – requires quantification of consequences from of all possible accidents – requires definition of event frequencies – requires definition of acceptable risk levels and metrics § Accounts for parameter and modeling uncertainty present in analysis; evaluates importance of risk assumptions through sensitivity analysis example Cumulative frequency of accidents resulting in consequences that requires this separation distance August 9, 2007 Risk = Frequency x Consequence 20
HIGH-PRESSURE (70 MPa) REFUELING ü 25 Fueling Trials at Powertech with 4 individual tanks (not system – type 3 and type 4 tanks used ranging from 34 to 130 L) ü Evaluated SAE J 2601 targets regarding fill density/time changes between different fueling methods w/ and w/out pre-cooling & communications ü Preliminary Results: Precooling is needed to achieve fueling in a short amount of time, in some cases also communications ü Results were used to formulate the follow-on work August 9, 2007 21
HIGH-PRESSURE REFUELING AT THE SYSTEM LEVEL 2007 Government/Industry 70 MPa Multi-Client Study ü Purpose: accelerate progress of informed standards for hydrogen vehicle fueling utilizing real vehicle and station hardware – Why? Not enough information currently available for standards organizations on fueling protocol and station hardware ü OEMs to bring their onboard storage systems to third party organizations (Powertech & JARI) also as in-kind contribution to the project – Participants: DCX, Ford, GM, Honda, Nissan, Toyota ü Funding: Energy Companies & Government – Air Liquide, BP, Linde, Nippon Oil, Sandia (DOE), Shell ü Modeling effort at Sandia for on-board storage and hydrogen station dispensing August 9, 2007 22
FUEL QUALITY: Relative Tradeoffs Identified CRITICAL CONSTITUENTS High Sulfur species Ammonia Aromatic & Aliphatic HCs Carbon Monoxide Oxygen Low Impact on Fuel Cell SPECIFICATION TRADEOFFS Carbon Dioxide Low Methane Nitrogen Helium High Difficulty to Attain and Verify Level Source: Shell Hydrogen August 9, 2007 To date, the North American industry-government team has identified the following as critical constituents around which nearterm R&D and testing should be focused: – – – CO S compounds He CH 4 and inerts NH 3 Particulate Matter (<10µ diameter) This list may change and other critical constituents may be identified as R&D and testing proceed 23
SUMMARY OF FUEL QUALITY PROGRESS § Consensus national and international fuel quality guidelines available – ISO Technical Specification (TS 14687 -2) approved and in press – ISO TS and SAE J 2719 are nearly identical § Significant progress on R&D/testing to obtain data needed to convert guidelines into standards – – – Test protocol, test matrix, data reporting format adopted Testing underway at LANL, HNEI FQ solicitation winners integrated into overall effort International collaboration underway Modeling subgroup formed § International and national standards under preparation – Committee draft for ISO standard – Updating of SAE J 2719 August 9, 2007 24
OBSTACLES TO LINKING R&D AND CODES & STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT § Different timetables – Codes and standards development process has set timetables and deadlines for public notice, public hearings/comment, publication – R&D does not (cannot) follow a set timetable § Different purposes and perspectives – R&D addresses scientific problems, e. g. , hydrogen behavior under given release, confinement, ignition conditions – C&S development requires interpretation of scientific findings to help set requirements that improve safety of general class of applications, uses, situations § Long-term interaction between researchers and C&S technical committee members essential – Cannot be limited to one-time presentations, “testimony” – Researchers must be integrated into technical committees – C&S technical committee members must become familiar with R&D objectives, process, limitations (uncertainty, error bars) August 9, 2007 25
DEVELOPMENT OF CODES, STANDARDS, AND REGULATIONS 2004 Research August 9, 2007 2015 R&D Roadmap Domestic Codes & Standards National Template Global Technical Regulations (GTR) 2010 Standards Codes IEC, ISO International Coordination GRPE GTR 26
Regulators Guide to Permitting Hydrogen Technologies Objective Help code officials sort through applicable codes and standards when permitting hydrogen facilities. Content: Covers stationary fuel cells for commercial buildings and hydrogen motor fuel dispensing facilities and includes: 1 Foundation and Protection 2 Fire Protection Systems 3 Piping Components and Connections 4 Ventilation, Exhaust, and Makeup Air 5 Siting, Installation, and Protection 6 Fuel Supply and Storage 7 Interconnections Typical installation requirements for a fuel cell in a commercial building Module 1 - Permitting Stationary Fuel Cell Installations Module 2 - Permitting Hydrogen Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities § § § Hydrogen's use as a fuel The regulatory process Relevant codes and standards Partners: § § National Fire Protection Association International Code Council Pacific Northwest National Laboratory National Renewable Energy Laboratory www. eere. energy. gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/codes/permitting_guides. html August 9, 2007 27
www. fuelcellstandards. com Web site maintains: § The status of all fuel cell codes and standards activities § Calendar of meetings and other significant dates § Bulletin board for posting questions and answers August 9, 2007 28
Permitting HFS: DOE Initiative § Information Toolkit – Fact sheet(s) • basic information on HFS (examples, codes/standards typically used, information sources) – Network chart • contact list of code officials whose jurisdictions have issued permits for HFS – Flowchart of permitting requirements • web-based map to “navigate” requirements with database of key standards and codes – HFS Permitting Compendium • web-based “notebook” and database § Education-outreach workshops for code officials – National workshops with NASFM, NCSBCS • vet case studies, C&S permitting process, information tools – Workshops in key regions • locations where industry will focus H 2 infrastructure development and vehicle deployment August 9, 2007 29
Remaining Challenges § Open Issues/Remaining Barriers – Difficult permitting process for retail hydrogen facilities – Delayed adoption of approved codes and standards – Synchronizing codes and standards development and adoption with technology commercialization needs § Future Research Direction – QRA; Identify necessary event frequency, define maintenance protocols, secure frequency data – Fuel Quality: Continue collaborative international R&D testing effort. – 70 MPa: Complete expanded cross-industry test program, demonstration project data needed – Materials Compatibility: Expand on the completed initial materials set initiate investigation of composite and other materials – Provide technical support/ guidance to local code officials to facilitate permitting of retail hydrogen facilities August 9, 2007 34
ONLINE INFORMATION TOOLS BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASE H 2 INCIDENTS DATABASE ü Contains ~400 documents related to hydrogen safety ü Information on hydrogen incidents and lessons learned ü Will contain 650 by end of FY 2007 ü Over 100 incidents documented www. hydrogen. energy. gov www. h 2 incidents. org Hydrogen Safety Best Practices Manual Under Development – Dec. 2007 August 9, 2007 35
FOR MORE INFORMATION www. hydrogen. energy. gov Antonio Ruiz antonio. ruiz@ee. doe. gov +1 202 -586 -0729 August 9, 2007 36