- Количество слайдов: 22
Research competence Nearly-Science Research
Nearly-Science Research Nearly-Science Conference
Nearly-Science Research Students are expected to be able • to divide research into stages • to proceed from one stage to another in the right order • to be coherent while passing from one stage to another
NEARLY-SCIENCE CONFERENCE Students are expected to be able • to present his / her nearly-science research • take an active part in the discussion of his / her and other students’ presentations
Observation Students are expected to be able • to notice a pattern or • to notice something that falls out of a normal pattern • to describe in a clear and objective way this observation
- I have noticed that during the submersion course everybody wants to sleep. - How do you know that everybody wants to sleep? - Everybody says. - So, you’ve noticed that everybody says that he / she wants to sleep? - Looks like that… - What does “everybody” mean? A hundred per cent? 95 %? Do you include teachers? … - What do you mean by “during the submersion course? ” It’s 24 hours 4 ½ days! In the morning? In the evening? After lunch? During the brushball matches, at night, on the first, last day? I have noticed that about half of the group of students say that they feel sleepy in the morning.
Language for talking about observations We have noticed that… It has been observed that…
How to choose an observation to start your nearlyscience research? Ask yourself these questions: • Does this phenomenon deserve to be studied? • Is it interesting to other people / nearly-scientists? • What might be it’s practical value?
Research question A good research question • is based on a clearly described observation • needs a simple answer • can be answered with the resources available A student is expected to be able • to break a complicated research questions into several simple questions • give a clear definition to every word in the question
Formulating a hypothesis A hypothesis is a possible answer to your research question. A good hypothesis • is rational, i. e. it suggests a natural cause for the phenomenon under study • is expressed in a simple way Based on the hypothesis students are expected to be able to make a supposition which is expressed in the following way: If my hypothesis is right then a certain event X will happen under condition Y.
I have noticed that by the end of Day 3 100 % of Ss on board the Yellow Submarine can speak English. Is it true that by the end of Day 3 100 % of Ss in this course can speak English. 1. Only 80 % of Ss can speak English by the end of Day 3. 2. Yes, it’s true. 3. 100 % of Ss can speak English by the middle of Day 3.
What supposition does your hypothesis allow? If my hypothesis is true then, every student in this group will be able to pass a speaking test based on the material covered in the course by the end of Day 3.
Observation Research question Preliminary research Formulating a hypothesis Testing the hypothesis Processing the results Making a conclusion Formulating a theory
Testing the hypothesis Observation Research question Students are expected to be able to choose an adequate method for testing the hypothesis Possible methods for testing a hypothesis: • survey • experiment • correlation • case-study • natural observation Preliminary research Formulating a hypothesis Testing the hypothesis Processing the results Making conclusion Formulating a theory
Processing the results • collect the results • present the results in such a form that it is possible to make a conclusion whether the hypothesis proved right o wrong Lin eg rap h pie cha rt le b Ta hystogram Diagram Drawing pho t h rap og
Conclusion Students are expected to be able • to make a conclusion based solely on the results of the research • be aware of the fact that the conclusion is about the hypothesis only (whether is proved right or wrong) • be aware of the fact that a negative result is a good result • be able to develop a plan for further research if the hypothesis proved wrong
Conclusion • Our hypothesis proved right / wrong
ЧТО ДОЛЖЕН УМЕТЬ СТАРШЕКЛАССНИК НА КАЖДОМ ЭТАПЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ? Теория • различать теорию и гипотезу • различать индуктивный и дедуктивный способ получения ответа • понимать, что любая теория есть лишь наше представление о явлении • понимать, что любая теория временна, т. е. верна до тех пор, пока не будет обнаружен хотя бы один противоречащий ей факт
We have noticed that some people who normally write with the right hand can learn writing with the left hand in several days. We have noticed that here we learn English like many subjects, not like one. Do Ss find studying English in this way (like many subjects) effective? We have noticed that Ss who studied German at school work harder at their English than Ss who studied English.
We have noticed that some Ss in this course of English can't understand more words what we say in our lessons. We have noticed that Ksenia begins to undersand English. We have noticed that many Ss in our course say that they don't like wearing bright T-shirts at all times. Is it true that Ss from our course don’t like wearing bright T -shirts all day long? We have noticed that some Ss say that here they develop headaches, feel depressed, experience culture shock and want to go home.
We have noticed that as we learn English we become friendlier. We have noticed that this course doesn't leave any free time.