Скачать презентацию Research and Transcendental Meditation practice Fred Travis Ph Скачать презентацию Research and Transcendental Meditation practice Fred Travis Ph


  • Количество слайдов: 15

Research and Transcendental Meditation practice Fred Travis, Ph. D Director, Center for Brain, Consciousness Research and Transcendental Meditation practice Fred Travis, Ph. D Director, Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition Maharishi University of Management Fairfield, Iowa

Increased Self-Actualization Meta-analysis of 42 studies Effect Size MTM – M ctl ——————— Pooled Increased Self-Actualization Meta-analysis of 42 studies Effect Size MTM – M ctl ——————— Pooled σ Alexander et al, (1991) Journal of Social Behavior and Perception, 6: 189 -247

Nidich et al, (in press) American Journal of Nidich et al, in prep Nidich et al, (in press) American Journal of Nidich et al, in prep

Seven Different Measures of Intelligence So Kam Tim, Orme-Johnson DW. Intelligence 2001 29(5): 419 Seven Different Measures of Intelligence So Kam Tim, Orme-Johnson DW. Intelligence 2001 29(5): 419 -440

Increased Physiological Relaxation Effect Size Meta-analysis of 32 studies Dillbeck, & Orme-Johnson, (1987) American Increased Physiological Relaxation Effect Size Meta-analysis of 32 studies Dillbeck, & Orme-Johnson, (1987) American Psychologist, 42, 89 -91.

Eyes-Closed vs TM practice Raw EEG Tracing Eyes-Closed vs TM practice Raw EEG Tracing

Task: 5 sec – 0 sec Alpha Beta Gamma Task: 5 sec – 0 sec Alpha Beta Gamma

TM: 30 sec – 35 sec Alpha Beta Gamma TM: 30 sec – 35 sec Alpha Beta Gamma

Brain Integration Scale Alpha/ gamma ratio Broad Band Coherence Cortical Preparatory Response Brain Integration Scale Alpha/ gamma ratio Broad Band Coherence Cortical Preparatory Response

American University College Students (random assignment to groups) Brain Integration during tasks (3 -mon American University College Students (random assignment to groups) Brain Integration during tasks (3 -mon TM) p <. 001 Travis et al, (2009) International Journal of Psychophysiology, 71, 170 -176.

American University College Students (random assignment to groups) Brain Integration during tasks (3 -mon American University College Students (random assignment to groups) Brain Integration during tasks (3 -mon TM) p <. 001 Travis et al, (2009) International Journal of Psychophysiology, 71, 170 -176.

American University College Students (random assignment to groups) Brain Integration during tasks (3 -mon American University College Students (random assignment to groups) Brain Integration during tasks (3 -mon TM) p <. 001 Travis et al, (2009) International Journal of Psychophysiology, 71, 170 -176.

Israel Study Orme-Johnson et al, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 32(4): 776 -812 1988 Israel Study Orme-Johnson et al, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 32(4): 776 -812 1988

Meta-Analysis-Collective Consciousness Davies, J. L. , et al. Journal of Social Behavior & Personality, Meta-Analysis-Collective Consciousness Davies, J. L. , et al. Journal of Social Behavior & Personality, 2005 17(1): 285 -338

Thank you. Any Questions? Ftravis@mum. edu Thank you. Any Questions? Ftravis@mum. edu