Research and Engineer Group Houston, TX Wellbore Productivity

Research and Engineer Group Houston, TX Wellbore Productivity

Solutions offering

Solutions offering – Integrated Fluids Engineering

Completion Technology Organization

Integrate the completion Preplanning – OPTIBRIDGE, VRDF, VCF, Lab Testing Displace to RDF – VCF, SAFE chemistry Drill with RDF and maintain properly- PST, Acid Insol, etc Displace to completion fluid – VCF, SAFE Chemistry, Displacement Tools, ONEPASS, Filtration & Chemistry Complete well – Brines, Solid free Mud, ECF ???? Spot Breaker system – BREAKDOWN, FAZE-OUT, etc Utilize fluid loss control fluids – SEAL-N-PEEL, SAFE-LINK, etc Utilize packer fluids including thermal systems – SAFETHERM, ISOTHERM FollowUp, evaluate and understand performance Wellbore Productivity

Wellbore Productivity Projects Driving by: Needs / Goals Delay Time Test Parameters Long term testing (weeks – months) Breakers Efficiency (delay vs. Filter cake removal) Logistics (RDF, Breakers, Completion fluids, Products) Simulations (VH, VCF, VRDF) Financials (Cost – Benefits)

Reservoir Drilling Fluid Goal Develop an understanding of the Reservoir Drilling Fluid Design Process by: Designing & Engineering Systems to Balance Needs of the Reservoir, Drilling Operations, Completion Method and Production Program. Knowledge of Resources Available to assist with RDF applications. Understanding of Basic Tools Available to assist with RDF design and management of RDF systems. Familiarity with MISWACO’s RDF systems End Result Seamless execution from drilling through completion to production based on thorough planning and cooperation with operator and other service providers

Completion Technology Group Reservoir Fluids Prod Dev Create New Chemistries Find Replacement Chemistry Develop New Systems Carry Out R & D Projects Develop Product Specs Promote New Tech Customer Visits Internal Education Write Tech Papers Initiate Product Docs Integrate with other R & E groups Reservoir Fluids Lab Support Routine Fluid Formulations Customer Requests 3rd Party Tests Redirect to ops labs (N.O.) Replacement Product Evaluations Training Support Individual Class Adapt existing systems to new apps Tender Support Support WP Initiative

Completion Technology Group Formation Evaluation Geologic Tech Support Wellbore Stability Questions Formation Damage Testing Shale Testing – Fracture/Dispersion Formation Characterization Completions Tech Support Empower operations by: Assist Ops in developing solutions Generate Engineering Guidelines Develop Ops Engineers Manage System /Product Docs Limited Training thru CD&T Dept Promote MI Completion Tech/WAP Write Tech Papers Support WP Initiative

Completion Technology Product Line Clear Brine Fluids & Additives (CBF) Reservoir Drilling Fluids (RDF) Breakers Displacements Fluid Loss Control Systems Packer Fluids Filtration Chemistry Intervention Fluids Gravel Pack Fluid Chemistry?

Reservoir Drilling Fluids Systems

RDF Design Summary Requires input from reservoir, drilling, completion and production disciplines RDF design requires communication & coordination between disciplines Coordination required from initial planning stages through execution and evaluation Project evaluation is important to design process of subsequent projects Post analysis is important to document the lessons learned, success, objectives, and areas of improvement

Современные требования к РПВ Безаварийное бурение Сохранение устойчивости стенок скважины Очистка ствола скважины Предотвращение дифференциальных прихватов Минимизация загрязнения коллектора Предотвращение поглощений раствора Минимизация фильтрации Совместимость с пластовыми флюидами Экологическая безопасность Легкость приготовления и обслуживания

Новые стандарты инженерного сопровождения РПВ Анализ кернового материала для определения минералогии, порового пространства, совместимости пластовых флюидов с РПВ Рентгеновский дифрактометр, Петрографический/Электронный микроскоп, исследования пористости, проницаемости и восстановленной проницаемости Выбор фракционного состава кольматанта ОПТИ-БРИДЖTM Контроль концентрации кольматанта во время бурения КАЛЬЦИМЕТР Контроль фракционного состава кольматанта и минимальной фильтрации во время бурения Фильтрация на керамических дисках в забойных условиях(ВТВД) Контроль ЭЦП, гидродинамики и очистки ствола скважины ВИРТУАЛЬНАЯ ГИДРАВЛИКАTM Контроль эффективности оборудования очистки Современное оборудования, ситовые панели, обслуживание Предупреждение кольматации забойных фильтров (PST)

Анализ кернового материала SEМ (Scanning electron microscope) Анализ шлифов Analysis of microsection XRD (X-Ray Diffraction Рентгеновская дефрактометрия) Porosity Core-permeability determination Восст. Проницаемость The restored permeability

Выбор фракционного состава кольматанта

Контроль концентрации кольматанта во время бурения

Контроль фракционного состава кольматанта и фильтрации

Контроль ЭЦП, гидродинамики и очистки ствола скважины

Контроль оборудования очистки Гидроциклоны Центрифуги Вибросита Ситовые панели, меш Барит Коллоид Ил Песок Гравий, крупный песок Размер частиц остающихся в растворе после очистки без центрифуги

Тест на кольматацию забойных фильтров Фильтрация чистого раствора через фильтр 250 микрон Образец фильтра после фильтрации чистого раствора Образец фильтра после фильтрации раствора с 2% выбуренной породы Фильтрация раствора с 2% выбуренной породы через фильтр 250 микрон

Match Completion Style With Smart RDF Systems

PRO Series of RDF Systems Oil/Synthetic Base FAZEPRO VERSAPRO NOVAPRO VERSAPRO LS Water Base FLOPRO NT DIPRO FLOPRO SF FLOTHRU Overview - Applications

FLOPROTM NT Reservoir Drill-In Fluid System “Maximum Productivity Through Fluid Engineering”

FLOPRO NT Overview FLOPRO NT is a customized, water base Reservoir Drill-In Fluid (RDF) utilizing new technologies and building on the vast field experience gained with FLO-PRO. FLOPRO NT is purpose-built for each specific application.

FLOPRO NT Components Base Fluids: H2O, KCl, CaCl2, NaCl, Formates Viscosifiers: FLO-VIS NT, FLO-VIS PLUS, Biovis F. L. Additives: DUAL-FLO, FLO-TROL, DUAL-FLO HT Bridging Agents: SAFE-CARB Series (numerical suffix) Inhibition: KLA-GARD, KLA-CURE, KLA-STOP, Brine pH Modifiers: Mag Oxide, Caustic, KOH Lubricants: LUBE 167, STARGLIDE Internal Breakers: ECF 683 Breakers: BreakFree, BreakDown, SAFE-BREAK L (Oxidizer), Acid

FloPro Densities

How Does Filtercake React?


Water based mud with an organophilic cake FLOTHRU “Maximum Productivity Through Fluid Engineering”

FLOTHRU System concept Create a filter cake that; Is completion and formation compatible - and remains so in the presence of drilling contaminants Requires no external stimulation by acid, oxidizer or enzyme Remains integral thus maintaining a low permeability barrier to water filtration into the formation A rheologically stable, viscoelastic filter cake which generates hydrophobic low interfacial paths for hydrocarbons to flow through from the formation. Eliminates need for clean-up procedures.

Effectively bridge formation face Seal formation face to minimize infiltration Assist in maintaining borehole stability during drilling and completion operations Avoid losses during completion Go away or be destroyed prior to production RDF filter cake requirements

Water based – monovalent salts and CaCl2 Temperature to at least 125 °C Organophilic cake components Carbonate – Very fine Starch Biopolymer viscosifier Properly sized bridging agents – 80% SAFECARB Compatible with shale inhibitors – KLA-GARD, KLA-STOP FLOTHRU Description

FLO-THRU Target applications New RDF system (FloThru) Applications Open Hole Gravel Packs Expandable Screens Seal-N-Peel Prepacked Screens Slotted and predrilled liners Bare foot completions Benefits Higher return permeability through gravel packs Lower flow initiation pressures Not hindered by solids contamination No breaker required

Features & benefits Features Higher return permeability through gravel packs Lower flow initiation pressures with or without a gravel pack Not hindered by active drilled solids contamination No breaker required Benefits Eliminates time and cost of clean-ups Minimized formation damage Reduced clean-up risk Optimized formation face exposure Increased production

Сравнение рецептур растворов ФЛО-ПРО НТ и ФЛОТРУ

Breaker Systems

Why Use Breakers? Exxon-Mobil estimates that if formation damage had not occurred (or could be removed) in their gravel packed wells, they could produce an extra million BOPD worldwide. 1,000,000 x US$ 70.oo = US$ 70,000,000.oo PER DAY

RDF filter cake challenges RDF filter cake uses properly sized bridging agents to form on formation surface RDF filter cake permeability is low (0.001md) Open-hole completions do not have perforations or fractures to bypass the filter cake Filtercake may become trapped in the system causing potential flow restriction Filtercake can collapse - plugging screens Sandface can collapse - intermix with cake Cake may be trapped at gravel / sandface Filtercake solids & debris may invade & plug the completion during later production

RDF filtercake is designed to be external to the formation Formation heterogeneity may result in some near wellbore invasion Drilled solids contamination may alter bridging agent PSD Filtercake is tenacious Drilled solids, in particular may make cake more “rubbery” Completion equipment may plug Bridging agent required to bridge formation may be coarser than what is required to flow through screen and/or gravel pack Flow initiation pressure insufficient to remove filtercake Small pores Heterogeneity Low Pressure Why a Breaker?

Breaker Selection Factors that effect Breaker Selection BHT Length of open hole Fluid Density RDF formulation Completion assembly Condition of RDF Completion design Desired Result pH Salinity Metallurgy RDF components - Lubricants / Shale inhibitors What to use, when to use it & how do you get it there?

How Does Filtercake React?

Current Methods for Breakers External Breakers in the Well Bore Oxidizers Acids Enzymes Internal Breakers Deposited in the Filter Cake Oxidizers Acids Polymer Degradation Mechanisms Thermal Biological Radiation Mechanical Chemical

Factors Affecting Filter Cake Removal Drilling Fluid Components Size and Concentration of Insoluble Solids Bottom Hole Temperature Hole Angle Type of Completion Fluid Electrolyte Concentration of Electrolyte Clean-Up Technique pH Time of Exposure to Breaker Method of Displacement Length of Time Over Which the Filter Cake Was Formed

Factors Affecting Filter Cake Removal Compatibilities Between: Breaker / Soak Solution Base Brine of Breaker / Soak Solution Iron Sequestering Additive Corrosion Inhibitor Formation Rock Matrix Reservoir Fluids Completion Assembly

Measuring Breaker Effectiveness Return Permeability Fluid Viscosity Lift-Off Pressure “Lift-Off Pressure” is the differential pressure between the well bore and the formation that will be needed to generate a return flow of oil after the drill-in fluid filter placement.

Factors Affecting “Lift-Off Pressure” Core Plug Permeability Flow Rate Viscosity of Displacing Fluid Water Saturation Changes during treatment with the drill-in fluid. Wettability Water Wet Oil Wet Intermediate Case Capillary End Effect Capillary pressure is the difference in pressure across the interface between immiscible fluid phases jointly occupying the pores of the rock

External Breaker Treatment Options Multiple Stage Process Chemical Breaker Soak Polymer Starch Wash or Dissolve Solution for Bridging Agents Dissolve Sized NaCl Dissolve Sized CaCO3

Internal Breakers The rate of oxidation, and subsequent polymer degradation at these sites, is limited by the amount of oxygen present Therefore... The more oxygen available, and the greater the surface area contacted, the better the filter cake polymer degradation

Advantages of An Internal Breaker Deposited in filter cakes and thus provides greater surface area contact. Filter cake removal efficiency is significantly improved Complete uniform filter cake removal is assured Extensive treatments with a high strength acid are not required Exposure time for soak and wash solutions is reduced Plugging of pre-packed screens or gravel with polymer residue is prevented Damage to productive zone is minimized

Smart RDF (Breakers Technologies) Break-Free Break-Down Break-Out Faze-Break Faze-Out (EMS-6420) Faze-Away (EMS-6400) Versa-Out (EMS-6420) Versa-Way (EMS-6400) Nova-Out (EMS-6420) Nova-Way (EMS-6400)

Break-Free Disperses Traditional FloPro filter cakes (Enzyme) Density limit ~ 12.0 ppg (1.44 sg) – Check brine compatibility Temperature limit ~200 °F (94°C) Blended on Location No production system upsets Components: EGMBE (mutual solvent) Base Brine (density) WELLZYME (amalyze) SAFE-VIS E (delay) D-SPERSE or SAPP (disperse)

Break-Down “Dissolve” Traditional FloPro filter cakes (Enzyme – Chelant) Density limit ~ 12.0 ppg (1.44 sg) – Check brine compatibility Temperature limit - ~200 °F (94°C) Blended on Location No production system upsets Components: D-SOLVER or D-SOLVER+ (chelant) EGMBE (mutual solvent) Base Brine (density) WELLZYME (amalyze) SAFE-VIS E (delay) D-SPERSE or SAPP (disperse)

Break-Out FloPro NT system should include D-STROYER in the formulation Dissolve Traditional WB filter cakes (Enzyme / Chelant) Treatment used to activate D-STROYER Density limit ~ 12.0 ppg (1.44 sg) – Check brine compatibility Temperature limit ~200 °F (94°C) Blended on Location No production system upsets Components: EGMBE (mutual solvent) Base Brine (density) D-SOLVER or D-SOLVER PLUS (chelant) WELLZYME (Enzyme) D-SPERSE (surfactant)

Faze-Break Disperses FAZEPRO filtercakes OHGP wells only Water-based breaker system Placed during Gravel-Pack or Post Gravel Pack Provides delay of up to 48 hours in the field Density limit 9.5 ppg (1.14 sg) in KCl Mitigates production system upsets Components: EGMBE (mutual solvent) Base Brine (density) FAZEMUL (water-wet surfactant) D-SOLVER or D-SOLVER PLUS (chelant) SAFE-VIS E (delay & “slick”) SAPP (disperse)

Faze-Out – Versa-Out – Nova-Out Dissolves FAZEPRO, VERSAPRO and NOVAPRO filtercakes Water-based System Designed for Injectors or producers Provides Delay up to 14 hours Density limit >10.5 ppg (1.26 sg) Temperature limit 235°F (113°C) Components: SAPP (dispersant) FAZEMUL (water-wet) D-SPERSE (surfactant) Brine (density) D-STRUCTOR (Acid Pre-curser) EGMBE (mutual solvent)

Faze-Away – Versa-Way – Nova-Way Dissolves FAZEPRO, VERSAPRO and NOVAPRO filtercakes Invert-emulsion System Designed for Producer wells Acts as its own Displacement Spacer Proven Delay of up to 27 hours in the field Density Limit 10.5 ppg (1.26 sg) w/ CaBr2 internal phase Temperature limit 275°F (135°C) Components: External Phase Diesel, Mineral, and/or Solvent VG Plus (viscosity) VERSAWET (wetting agent-emulsifier) Internal Phase Brine (density) D-STRUCTOR (Acid Pre-curser) EGMBE (coalescence)

D-STROYER (ECF 683) FloPro NT Component Internal oxidizer – Polymer coated Mg-Peroxide Coating mitigates conversion More available oxidizer when needed Activate with low pH fluid <6.0 Helps remove biopolymer and ester lubricant components Concentration 1-2 ppb

D-STRUCTOR (ECF 974) Faze-Out – Versa-Out – Nova-Out Component Faze-Away – Versa-Way – Nova-Way Component

HDC (High Density Chealant) ECF 986 High Density Breaker Component Chealant for high density systems Needs 30% v/v of free water in the system Soluble in divalent brines CaCl2 CaBr2 ZnBr2 Maximum Density 14.5 ppg Component of the system: Brine (Divalent Brine) Water 20% - 30% ECF-986 D-STRUCTOR (Buffer)

What Works - Proven

What Works - Proven

Completion Operations Open Hole - RDF Conditioning Ensure adequate density for well control / wellbore stability Adjust rheological properties to minimize surge/swab/ECD, prevent weight material sag Prevent Drilled solids from entering system while drilling (<1% desired) Remove coarse particles for compatibility with completion where practical Displace to new fluid (solids free ?) if necessary for completion compatibility

Completion Operations Hole Conditioning Circulate out cuttings – rotate as needed Ensure adequate density for well control / wellbore stability Short trip to shoe Bullnosed hole opener on deviated wellbores to “smooth” wellbore – May not be necessary where Rotary Steerables have been used

Displacement Of Horizontal Section Prior To Running the Completion Assembly RDF System Solids Free pill Displace the used RDF system with a Solids Free pill in the open hole and +500’ inside of the casing

Displacement of the Casing Above the Horizontal Section Completion brine Solids Free pill Pull hole opener +300 inside casing Displace the used RDF system with spacers and completion brine Pull out of the hole to pick up screens

Completion Assembly In Horizontal Section Completion fluid Solids Free pill Screens Run screens to bottom,set and test packer

Displace out the Solids Free pill with the completion fluid Solids Free pill Completion fluid Displacement Clean-up procedure

Displacement Clean-Up Sequence Completion fluid Breaker solution Spot the breaker solution in the open hole and soak for the specified amount of time

Recommended Hole Cleaning/Spotting Practices

Displacement Clean-Up Sequence Completion fluid Breaker solution After the soak period has elapsed, displace the breaker solution out of hole with completion fluid


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