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Republic of Rwanda Eastern Province Bugesera District Mid Performance Contracts 2012 -2013 Report presentation Welcome Bugesera District bugeser
Economic Development Increase agriculture & Livestock production, Productivity & value addition. OUTPUT Land consolidated under CIP increased and Banana plantation improved Indicator Number of hectares of land consolidated Baseline Target Achievements % Cassava: 22034 Ha Cassava: 12 424 ha 11281 Ha consolidated 91% Maize: 15020 ha Maize: 13 000 ha 5, 800 ha are planted (402 ha gashora sector in season C 2012) and 5398 ha in season A 2013 44. 6% Soybeans: 0 Ha Soybeans: 1700 Ha 244 ha are alread planted(100 HA at gashora sector, season c 2012) 144 ha in season A 2013 14. 3% Beans : 32163 ha Beans: 34 000 ha 11357 ha are plated (370 ha in season C 2012 at gashora marshland) and 10, 987 ha in season A 2013 33, 4% Bugesera District
Economic Development Increase agriculture & Livestock production, Productivity & value addition. OUTPUT Land consolidated under CIP increased and Banana plantation improved Indicator Number of hectares of land consolidated Baseline Target Achievements % Banana : 200 Ha improved Banana : 500 Ha improved 407 ha are improved 81% Rice : 822 Ha 422 ha cultivated 50% : 422 Ha Bugesera District
Economic Development Increase agriculture & Livestock production, Productivity & value addition. OUTPUT The productivity of selected crops increased Indicator Number of Tons/Ha produced Baseline Target Achievements % Maize: 2. 8 T/ Ha Maize: 3. 4 T/ ha (44 200 t) The sheets concerning data production was distributed on farmers/cooperatives 81% Soybeans: 0 Ha Soybeans: 1. 2 T/Ha (2 040 t) The sheets concerning data production was distributed on farmers/cooperatives 20% Beans : 1. 1 T/Ha Beans: 1. 3 T/Ha (44 200 t) The sheets concerning data production was distributed on farmers/cooperatives 20% Rice : 6, 2 T/ Ha Rice: 7, 5 t/ha (6 165 t) The harvesting are in going, and we collect data of productivities 20% Banana : 20 T/ Ha Banana : 21 t/Ha The activity of farmers training are in going 10% Bugesera District
Economic Development Increase agriculture & Livestock production, Productivity & value addition. OUTPUT Indicator Area under irrigation and mechanization increased Baseline Target 751 Ha irrigated 1751 Ha irrigated 216 ha Mechanized Number of Ha irrigated or Number Ha mechanized Achievements % Whole area (1000 ha) is equipped with irrigation infrastructures 100% 750 ha cultivated by using 130 Ha cultivated by using mechanization system mechanization Bugesera District 17. 3%
Economic Development Increase agriculture & Livestock production, Productivity & value addition. OUTPUT Indicator Post-harvest facilities (drying grounds) increased Number of Tones stored Number of storage facilities constructed Number of drying grounds constructed Baseline Target Achievements % 0 3230 Tons of crops stored (Maize: 500 T and Beans 2730 T) 3206. 227 tones are stored(beans 2287. 511 tons , maize 831. 716 tons 99. 3% One storage facility constructed up to 50% One storage facility of 6000 T in Mayange Sector completed The civil works are in going 90% 20 drying grounds 5 New drying grounds constructed 4 drying ground construction are in going (90%), 1 drying ground, Tender process are in going 90% Bugesera District
Economic Development Increase agriculture & Livestock production, Productivity & value addition. OUTPUT Indicator Live stock production and productivity improved Number of Cows distributed Number of Cows Inseminated Number of Cow vaccinated against LSD and Black quarter Number of MCCs constructed Baseline Target Achievements % 8. 556 1000 cows distributed to poor families 538 Cows distributed in poor families 53. 8% 5543 Cows inseminated 2000 cows inseminated 1410 Cows inseminated 70. 5% 32201 cows vaccinated 10000 cows vaccinated against LSD, 4000 cows vaccinated against black quarter 18133 Cows Vaccinated against LSD 174% and 6700 Cows Vaccinated against Black quarter 2 2 Milk Collection Centers constructed at Ruhuha & Gashora Construction of 2 MCCs are on going 45% Bugesera District
Economic Development Increase agriculture & Livestock production, Productivity & value addition. OUTPUT Indicator Live stock production and productivity improved Baseline Target Number of CAW recruited, trained, equipped Number of MCCs developed into dairy business center Number of Fingerlings restocked Tons of fish produced Achievements % 15 Veterinaries 144 CAW trained and equipped Identification of CAWs is done 20% 2 MCCs 1 Nyamata Dairy business center operational Veterinary Pharmacy , Insemination kits, Seeds are available for increasing milk production 48% 41000 Fingerlings 21600 Fingerlings restocked 22020 are restocked 101% 100 tons 107. 5 Tons 92. 6 Tons harvested 86. 5% Bugesera District
Economic Development Increase agriculture & Livestock production, Productivity & value addition. OUTPUT Indicator Live stock production and productivity improved Number of CAW recruited, trained, equipped Number of MCCs developed into dairy business center Number of Fingerlings restocked Tons of fish produced Number of community agro- processing center Baseline Target Achievements % 15 Veterinaries 144 CAW trained and equipped Identification of CAWs is done 20% 2 MCCs 1 Nyamata Dairy business center operational Veterinary Pharmacy , Insemination kits, Seeds are available for increasing milk production 48% 41000 Fingerlings 21600 Fingerlings restocked 22020 are restocked 101% 100 tons 107. 5 Tons 92. 6 Tons harvested 86. 5% 2 cassava processing unit constructed 1 cassava processing unit constructed in Nyamata Sector Sign agreement Caritas Kigali, District of with KOZAMUBU about agro processing management are on going 30% Bugesera District
Economic Development Enhance urbanization, rural settlement & sustainable infrastructure development OUTPUT Indicator Rural settlement developed Nemba layout plans developed Karumuna layout plan implemented % of households settled in IMIDUGUDU Baseline Target Achievements % Site identified Nemba Layout Plan developed & basic infrastructure (roads) developed INemba Layout Plan study is on going: provisional report is received, final report is going to be given. 20% Layout plan established Karumuna Layout plan implemented Tender process is finished, land owners are senzitized and expropriation is ongoing, 4 km is traced 60% 81. 5% 87% households settled in imidugudu 3523 households are settled in imidugudu site 70% Bugesera District
Economic Development Enhance urbanization, rural settlement & sustainable infrastructure development OUTPUT Infrastructures developed Indicator Number of households connected to electricity Number of new households accessing Clean Water Number of km of feeder roads rehabilitated District office construction completed at 60% Baseline Target Achievements % 5443 households connected to electricity (7. 20%) 3 000 New households connected to electricity (3. 9%) ; total connections = 11, 17% 847 new households connected 20% 212 800 people accessing Clean Water (56%) 4500 people accessing Clean Water (1. 2%); total access = 57. 2% 3250 peoples (650 HH)access to clean water from EWSA’s water pipeline net work, boreholes and protected springs 60% 0 26 Km of feeder roads Execution of activities started on 3 rd rehabilitated (2 km of Jan. 2013 Kamatana & 24 km Gahembe. Kindama roads) 70% Study available District office Constructed up Construction activities are ongoing to 60% Bugesera District 27%
Economic Development Enhance urbanization, rural settlement & sustainable infrastructure development Indicator OUTPUT Number of households connected to electricity Number of new households accessing Clean Water Number of km of feeder roads rehabilitated District office construction completed at 60% Number of public places greened and beautified Infrastructures developed Greening & beautification promoted Baseline Target Achievements % 5443 households connected to electricity (7. 20%) 3 000 New households connected to electricity (3. 9%) ; total connections = 11, 17% 847 new households connected 20% 212 800 people accessing Clean Water (56%) 4500 people accessing Clean 3250 peoples (650 HH)access to clean Water (1. 2%); total access = 57. 2% water from EWSA’s water pipeline net work, boreholes and protected springs 60% 0 26 Km of feeder roads rehabilitated Execution of activities started on 3 rd (2 km of Kamatana & 24 km Jan. 2013 Gahembe-Kindama roads) 70% Study available District office Constructed up to 60% Construction activities are ongoing 27% Sites identified Nyamata and Ruhuha centers greened & Beautified The sites are already prepared and grasses planted 60% Bugesera District
Economic Development Promote entrepreneurship and business development Indicator OUTPUT Number of integrated craft production centers constructed Number of modern markets constructed SACCO offices constructed Amount of revenues collected Number of Shared bought EPIC) Market infrastructures developed District own revenues increased Viable Investment Society Promoted Baseline Target Achievements % 0 Integrated craft centre constructed in Nyamata sector up to 50% The contract for execution is signed by contractor 17% 5 2 New modern markets constructed in Kamabuye and Musenyi Construction activities are ongoing for both sites 70% 10 5 Sacco offices constructed Mareba Saccos, Musenyi Sacco are on roofing, Gashora and Nyamata Sacco are over linto, Ruhuha Sacco is in process to buy the house lend by BPR 75% 591662214 Frw 659 762 850 Frw collected 287785151 FRWS of revenues collected 43. 6% 300 Shares bought 300 Shares The share is already brought 100% Bugesera District
Economic Development Promote entrepreneurship and business development Indicator OUTPUT Number of exhibition of women activities Number of youth cooperatives supported financially Viable SMEs & cooperatives promoted Baseline Target Achievements 1 1 Exhibition of women will be done The activity well implemented at the 50% end of february 2013, but mobilisation of women cooperative is on going. Two cooperative at Nyamata and Musenyi are visited and 1 preparative meeting is held 4 3 Youth cooperatives supported financially. Projects From Sector's youth 80% Cooperatives are selected analysis for financially Bugesera District %
Economic Development Improve natural resources management for sustainable development Indicator OUTPUT Ha planted with agro-forestry and forestry trees Number of new biogaz power plants established. Area covered by forest increased Increased saving energy (Biogas digesters) Baseline Target Achievements % 6049 Ha 100 ha afforested 55 Ha are afforested 55% 150 Families 50 New families used Biogas digesters 34 digesters are in construction (in 21% 6 Sectors: Kamabuye, Nyarugenge, Mareba, Musenyi, Shyara, Ruhuha, ), 13 digesters are constructed, and 21 are ongoing. Bugesera District
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Ensure access to quality education and skills development Indicator OUTPUT Number of new Classrooms, Latrines, and teachers' Hostels constructed New secondary school constructed Number of new adults taught counting, reading and writing. Quality of 12 YBE strengthened Illiteracy rate reduced Baseline Target Achievements 1368 Classrooms 66 New classrooms, 112 Latrines, and 15 teachers' Hostel constructed 66 Classrooms constructed at 85%; 85% 112 Latrines : 25%; teachers Hostel constructed at 42% 39 1 new secondary school constructed at 50% Sites preparation, tender procedures and laying foundation 20% 6106 adults were trained 5000 illiterate citizens taught. 3765/5000 illiterate are trained 75% Bugesera District %
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Improve access and use of quality health OUTPUT Indicator Population covered under community based health insurance increased Population using maternal and child health services increased % of people insured in health insurance % of women using modern family planning methods & women delivering in health facilities Baseline Target Achievements 6% 100% of population without other Sensibilization of people insurance covered in medical insurance 70% 55% 57 % of people used methods contraceptive 55. 5% Sensibilization of people Bugesera District %
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Ensure effectiveness of social safety nets for poverty alleviation Indicator OUTPUT Small projects supported by VUP through financial services % of financial services fund recovered VUP financial services management improved Baseline Target Achievements 2512 1000 projects financed under VUP 157 Projects are financed 112 in process to be financed other wait to be approved by JADF sector Level 48% recovered 60% of financial services fund recovered % 30% 244, 091, 420 frs/ 442, 218, 630 Frw were 117% recovered Bugesera District
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Ensure effectiveness of social safety nets for poverty alleviation Indicator OUTPUT Number of houses for Vulnerable Genocide survivors constructed Number of children supported Vulnerable groups supported Baseline Target Achievements % 1892 54 new houses for vulnerable genocide survivors constructed In 70 houses whitch are being constructed: 16 houses are on finishing level, 11 are on elevation wall, other 43 are on fondation 39% 3052 1434 Vulnerable Children supported (school fees, scholastic materials and vocational start up kits) One holiday meeting Out of 3 was held, one physical control out of 4 was done, payment of third term school fees of 1118 students is done and the tender of school materials is under analysis 70% Bugesera District
GOOD GOVERNANCE & JUSTICE To promote responsible and accountable governance Indicator OUTPUT Number of District general assembly and Governance month organized Number of cases resolved % of implementation of Auditor general recommendations Improved access to information and social media Litigious cases submitted to Inteko z’abaturage solved Public finance management systems are effective and efficient Baseline Target Achievements 1 District general assembly and The single general assembly has been 50% governance month organized once organized on 03 September 2012. a year 95. 53% 100% 700 of 741 litigious cases submited at 94. 4% Inteko z’abaturage has been resoved. 42% Audit report recommendations from Auditors implemented at 80 % Reports quarterly Bugesera District % 56%
GOOD GOVERNANCE & JUSTICE To promote responsible and accountable governance Indicator OUTPUT Number of District general assembly and Governance month organized Number of cases resolved % of implementation of Auditor general recommendations Number of Intore students trained Improved access to information and social media Litigious cases submitted to Inteko z’abaturage solved Public finance management systems are effective and efficient Cultural values and norms promoted through civic education Baseline Target Achievements % 1 District general assembly and governance month organized once a year The single general assembly has been organized on 03 September 2012. 50% 95. 53% 100% 700 of 741 litigious cases submited at 94. 4% Inteko z’abaturage has been resoved. 42% Audit report recommendations from Auditors implemented at 80 % Reports quarterly 56% 2641 1100 Intore students trained 1367 Intore students are trained 124. 27% Bugesera District
GOOD GOVERNANCE & JUSTICE To promote responsible and accountable governance Indicator OUTPUT Number of Cells offices constructed One stop center in place and operational Number of public TV installed Institutional development and performance strengthened Baseline Target Achievements 34 38 4 cells no things done not yet, 12 49% Cells foundations finished 2 cells on Windows 9 cells finished wall elevation 3 cells are on roofing 8 cells roofing finished 7 cells on finishng works. 0 One stop center equipped and operationalized Equipment is already in place and recruitment is ongoing. 70% 0 30 TV, one in each Sector office, and one in 15 Villages with electricity Site identification done 5% Bugesera District %
GOOD GOVERNANCE & JUSTICE To promote responsible and accountable governance Indicator OUTPUT Institutional development and performance strengthened E-filing system in place at District level Video conferencing installed and operational at District level 1 GBV week organized Baseline Target Achievements 0 E-filing system operational Application running at District level, % 35% remain training, putting the application live and installation of large scanners, and meanwhile we can use the District medium scanner. 0 Video conference room created. Room rehabilitation completed , remain installation of equipments from RDB 50% 0 1 GBV week organized. All activities planed are done 100% Bugesera District
Thank you 17 -Jan-2013 Bugesera District bugeser