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Republic Kazakhstan Population of Republic Executed: Bakirov Samat
Census of population • Census of population of Republic of Kazakhstan 1999 year passed in February month, exactly in 10 after the All-union census of population the USSR 1989 year. First, after finding of independence, census of population of republic of Kazakhstan. Conducted in a period from February, 25 for March, 4, 1999. By the end 2000 year the basic returns of the first censuses of population of country were published. Quantity of population of Republic of Kazakhstan on results the census of population 1999 year made 14. 953, 1 thousand persons, growing short on 1. 246, 1 thousand (on 7, 7%) persons as compared to data of the Kazakhstan revision (16. 199, 2) of data of all-union census of population 1989 year when in a republic 16, 4 million persons lived officially. • Census of population in Kazakhstan 2009 - second, after finding of sovereignty, census of population of republic of Kazakhstan. Conducted from 24 to February, 25 2009 the Preliminary official returns of censuses were published on February, 4, 2010 on the web-site of Kazakhstan госкомстата. Quantity of population of Republic of Kazakhstan on results the census of population 2009 year made 16. 004, 8 thousand persons, increasing on 1. 022, 9 thousand (on 6, 8 %) persons as compared to a census 1999 year. The fall-off of stake of urban population became one of the most unexpected returns of censuses from 56, 3 % to 54, 0 % and corresponding increase of stake of rural population.
National composition • Today's Kazakhstan is the state with ethnic composition of population. From data of census of population 2009 year Kazakhs are 63, 1 % population, Russians - 23, 7 %, other - 13, 2 %; on official estimations on beginning 2014 year - according to 65, 5 %; 21, 5 % and 13, 0 % • These preliminary official censuses 2009 year at the stakes of basic ethnos were published on February, 4, 2010 : Kazakhs - 63, 1 % population, Russians are 23, 7 %, Uzbeks - 2, 8 %, Ukrainians - 2, 1 %, уйгур is 1, 4 %, Tatars - 1, 3 %, Germans - 1, 1 %, other ethnoss - 4, 5 %. [6] The quantity of Kazakhs increased for 1999 -2009, thus, on 26 % (or on 2, 1 million persons), Uzbeks - on 23 % (on 87 thousands), Uygur - on 6 % (on 13 thousands). Sharply the number of Germans grew short - on 50 % (on 175 thousands), and also Ukrainians - on 39 % (on 214 thousands), Tatars - on 18 % (on 46 thousands), Russians - on 15 % (on 683 thousand persons).
Ethnic composition of Kazakhstan from data of current statistics (on 1. 01. 2009) and from preliminary data of census (25. 02. 2009) People Estimation on 1. 01. 2009 Census 25. 02. 2009 % % in all 15776492 100 % 16 009 597 100, 0 % Kazakhs 9 540 806 60, 47 % 10 096 763 63, 07 % Russians 3 869 661 24, 53 % 3 793 764 23, 70 % Uzbeks 463 381 2, 94 % 456 997 2, 85 % Ukrainians 422 680 2, 68 % 333 031 2, 08 % Uighurs 241 946 1, 53 % 224 713 1, 40 % Tatars 226 803 1, 44 % 204 229 1, 28 % Germans 220 975 1, 40 % 178 409 1, 11 % 790 240 5, 01 % 721 691 4, 51 % Other
Half of the European population (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarussian, Poland, Germans) on districts and cities of regional and republican submission of Kazakhstan on beginning 2012 year
Possession languages • According to preliminary informations of census 2009 year a most widely spoken language in Kazakhstan was Russian: 94, 4 % population of country specified that understand the spoken Russian language, 84, 8 % population able to read and write in Russian, 3, 4 % only to read. At the same time 74 % populations of country understand the Kazakh spoken language, able to read and write 62 % populations Kazakh, and 2, 9 % only to read. • Among the different ethnos of Kazakhstan there are substantial distinctions in the degree of possession languages. So among the Slavic ethnos understand the spoken Kazakh language 25, 3 % Russians, 21, 5 % Ukrainians, 19 % Belarussian and 20, 9 % Poland. The similar level of the Kazakh language proficiency is demonstrated by Germans - 24, 7 %. About that able to read and write Kazakh 6, 3 % declared Russians, 5, 2 % Ukrainians, 4, 8 % Belarussian, 6, 6 % Poland, 7, 9 % Germans. That Kazakh able only to read from 2 to 2, 9 % representatives of these nationalities declared. • Declaration about the degree of the English language proficiency at different ethnos varies notedly enough, here the greatest indexes of the English language proficiency were declared by Koreans: 24, 2 % understand the spoken language, 11, 4 % able to read and write, 3, 5 % only to read. Group of ethnos declaring the relatively high degree of the English language proficiency Kazakhs (17, 5 % understand, 9 % read and write, 2, 9 % read only), Uigurs (15, 7 % understand, 7, 2 % read and write, 2, 6 % read only), Kirgizs (12, 6 % understand, 5, 8 % read and write, 2 % read only), make also.
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