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Reporting the Latest Trends in Canada’s Environment at CSIN 2010 The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) • Environment Canada
Background on CESI…. • In May 2003, the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy recommended that the federal government establish a key set of easily understood environmental and sustainable development indicators. • In response, in 2005, the government began publishing the annual Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) Initiative • CESI is produced by Environment Canada in partnership with Health Canada and Statistics Canada, and supported by provincial and territorial contributions. • CESI provides a national environmental indicators system of authoritative, best-available information in relation to key issues of high importance to Canadians: • Air Quality • Water Quality • Greenhouse Gas Emissions • to be added for 2009 – Nature - Protected Areas Page 2
CESI meets the following federal objectives: • The commitment in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (1999) • Requires the minister publish “a periodic report on the state of the Canadian environment” [44(1)(f)ii] • The commitment of the Department of Environment Act • Reporting on the environment • Requirements of the new Federal Sustainable Development Act • Positions environmental indicators as a basis for reporting progress towards sustainable development • Highlights Government of Canada’s environmental priorities and legislative agenda Page 3
Key roles of environmental indicators • Providing reliable, long-term trend information to track progress • Highlighting trends in a transparent and accountable manner to Canadians based on sound, consistent and scientifically-accepted methodologies • Enabling decision-makers to understand socioeconomic links to the environment, allowing them to better focus efforts and make informed decisions about programs, policies and services Page 4
Key accomplishments over the past 4 CESI reporting years CESI 2005 -2007: • Published annual print and web-based reports • Improved trends based reporting (i. e. 15 years of trend data on national ground-level ozone) • Upgraded air monitoring instrumentation, developed quality assessment of water data and air –health indicator methodology • Updated 4 Statistics Canada surveys to improve integration of key pressures and drivers • Nurtured provincial partnerships CESI 2008: • Eliminated print reporting • Indicator information written in a less technical manner for Canadians • Improved web-based delivery consistent with online reality • Improved web functionality with drill down to indicator information at local, regional levels on a map • New information on international comparisons and individual actions Page 5
CESI Indicators can provide a range of information on an annual basis… • National indicator results for air quality, greenhouse gas • • emissions, water quality and protected areas. Compares indicators for provinces, regions and ecological areas. Compares Canadian progress on the world stage Provides information about the pressures on the indicators Shows related environmental, health and economic impacts Includes What can I do? section Contains a Data, Sources and Methods section. Allows downloading of data used to create the indicators. Page 6
Air quality: National perspective showing long range trends Nationally, the ground-level ozone exposure indicator showed an increase of approximately 13% from 1990 to 2007. Page 7 No trend was detected in the PM 2. 5 exposure indicator from 2000 to 2007.
Greenhouse gas emissions: Integration with economic indicators Ø Comparing Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions to GDP can help to show efficient sectors in the economy are restricting emissions while producing goods and services for our consumption. Ø Between 1990 and 2007 the level of emissions per unit of GDP fell by 21% in Canada. They fell to approximately 0. 57 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2007 compared to their peak in 1992 at 0. 74 tonnes. Ø This means that there was more economic activity in 2007 for each tonne of GHGs emitted compared to 1992. Page 8
Water quality: Information by monitoring station and in your region Page 9
Methodology Improvements to WQI • A core network of river stations was used to calculate the national and regional histograms. – reduces bias of having a large number of stations in the Windsor -Quebec City corridor – focuses the indicator on the river basin regions under direct pressure from human activities. – Allowed us to eliminate issues of unequal geographic coverage of monitoring sites in northern and southern Canada • Stations have been classified according to the extent and nature of human activities occurring within their drainage areas. – This organization allows further analysis and quantification of the potential pressures human activity is exerting on water quality across Canada. Page 10
Protected Areas: How does Canada compare? Page 11
Key target audiences of CESI and engagement strategy Target Audiences Engagement Opportunities Interested Canadian public Website, Newsletters, site level data, weekly newspaper articles National and International government decision-makers and policy analysts Website, Newsletters, working groups, consultations, presentations Politicians Householder Environmental and non-governmental Website, Newsletters, data organizations Industry Website, Newsletters, data Media News release, Website Academia Website, newsletters Page 12
CESI 2009 and priorities beyond CESI will: • continue to track and report on • • • Page 13 priority environmental sustainability issues to Canadians improve delivery through an interactive and visually appealing web site enhance regional and international comparisons improve engagement tools such as links to common social networking web sites track use and perform ongoing program evaluations provide integrated analysis of multiple issues
How can we improve CESI and the protected area indicator…. • Environment Canada's CESI program encourages you to link to the CESI website: http: //www. ec. gc. ca/indicateursindicators and; • Share your thoughts on how CESI might evolve to better meet your needs. Please contact: Indicateurs. Indicators@ec. gc. ca • Contact: Darlene Thibault Director, Information and Indicators Division email: darlene. thibault@ec. gc. ca Page 14