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Reporting Session ZIN RAS April 14 -16, 2015 HOW TO SAVE LAKE URMIA IN Reporting Session ZIN RAS April 14 -16, 2015 HOW TO SAVE LAKE URMIA IN ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN? April 14, 15: 00 Agh N. H. 1, Aladin N. V. 2, Gontar V. I. 2, Zhakova L. V. 2, Micklin P. T. 3, Plotnikov I. S. 2, Smurov A. O. 2 1 Urmia University, Iran; 2 ZIN RAS; 3 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA

 Lake Urmia is endorheic salt lake in northwestern Iran. It is the largest Lake Urmia is endorheic salt lake in northwestern Iran. It is the largest lake in the Middle East and the sixth-largest salt lake in the world. Its surface area is about 5, 200 km 2, and its deepest part - 16 m. The lake is divided into northern and southern parts by a causeway, having a weak water exchange between them. Due to drought and increased demand for water for agriculture in the Lake basin, the lake water salinity in recent years has risen to over 400 g/L, and a large area of the lake dried out. Since 1967 Lake Urmia has the status of a protected wetland.

October 1984 17. 05. 2014 22. 09. 2014 03. 01. 2015 October 1984 17. 05. 2014 22. 09. 2014 03. 01. 2015

 Lake Urmia and its catchment area are located in the northwest of the Lake Urmia and its catchment area are located in the northwest of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The total catchment area reaches 51, 800 km 2. Super-saturation has converted Lake Urmia into the most saline lake in the world. The catchment area belongs to three provinces: West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan and Kurdistan. The catchment area of Lake Urmia can be divided into 14 sub-basins. The smallest of them has an area of only 431 km 2, and the largest – 11, 759 km 2. The catchment area includes 14 river systems.

 In East Azerbaijan watersheds located catchment areas of 5 rivers: the upper reaches In East Azerbaijan watersheds located catchment areas of 5 rivers: the upper reaches before the dam and the lower reaches after the dam of river Aji Chai; the upper reaches before the dam and the lower reaches after the dam of river Sofi Chai. Here there are catchment areas of more three rivers: Ghaleh Chai, Mardogh Chai, Leilan Chai. In West Azerbaijan watersheds located catchment areas of 9 rivers: the lower reaches after the dam of the river Zarrineh Rood; the upper reaches before the dam and the lower reaches after the dam of river Mahabad. Here there are 7 catchment areas of rivers: Shahr Chai, Simineh Rood, Gedar, Barandooz Chai, Rozeh Chai, Nazloo Chai, Zoola Chai. In Kurdistan there is just upper reaches of river before the dam Zarrineh Rood.

It should be noted that there are only three large rivers: 1) Zarrineh Rood It should be noted that there are only three large rivers: 1) Zarrineh Rood which in Persian means Golden River, is the main source of fresh water for Lake Urmia. It provides more than 50% of annual runoff. This river flows through the two provinces – Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan. Its length is 302 km, and it begins in the mountains of Kurdistan province. Zarrineh Rood flows to the north and is dammed on the frontier with the West Azerbaijan. This dam is hydroelectric and forms a reservoir on the river. After the dam the river continues to flow to the north, turning slightly to the west, and passes through the city of Shahin Dezh, Kashavar, Miandoab and flows into Lake Urmia. 2) Simineh Rood flows parallel to Zarrine Rood and Gadar. It provides about 15% of annual runoff. These two parallel rivers bring into Lake Urmia only 25% of river flow (Mohaggeg, 2002). There is no dam on Simineh Rood and its water flows directly to Lake Urmia. 3) Aji Chai is also relatively large river, it is a salty river and brings consideable amount of salt to Lake Urmia. It provides about 10% of the annual runoff.

Causeway and bridge over Lake Urmia (Photo: N. V. Aladin) Causeway and bridge over Lake Urmia (Photo: N. V. Aladin)

Bridge over Lake Urmia Photo: N. V. Aladin Bridge over Lake Urmia Photo: N. V. Aladin

In November 2008 – February 2009 from 25 points in the Urmia Lake wetlands In November 2008 – February 2009 from 25 points in the Urmia Lake wetlands a total of 32 taxa were collected, and the common taxa, including Chironomidae (midges), Corixidae (water boatmen), Erythemis (damselflies), Ephemerella (mayflies), Hyalella (amphipods), and snails. Samples at ponds with salinities greater than 10 ppt showed a shift in community composition to salt-tolerant taxa and a reduction in total diversity. The corixid Trichocorixa verticalis, the brine shrimp Artemia partenogenetica, and the dipteran Ephydra are salt-tolerant species that only occur at high salinity levels. Ponds relatively high in nutrients had fewer total taxa, reduced abundance and diversity of aquatic beetles, lower diversity index values, and a greater dominance by chironomids than ponds low in nutrients. It is suggested to allocate about 10 × 106 cubic meters freshwater of the represented rivers to these wetlands to improve their trophic condition and transfer their hypereutrophic waters into the Urmia Lake for more production of the macro invertebrates both in the wetlands and on the lake. Ahmadi R. , Mohebbi F. , Hagigi P. , Esmailly L. and Salmanzadeh R. 2011. Macro-invertebrates in the Wetlands of the Zarrineh estuary at the south of Urmia Lake (Iran). Int. J. Environ. Res. , 5(4): 1047 -1052.

Fishes in the rivers of Lake Urmia basin Blackbrow (Acanthalburnus urmianus) Sprilin (Alburnoides bipunctatus) Fishes in the rivers of Lake Urmia basin Blackbrow (Acanthalburnus urmianus) Sprilin (Alburnoides bipunctatus) Sprilin (Alburnoides filippi) Shemaya (Chalcalburnus atropatenae) Mursa (Barbus mursa) Kura barbel (Barbus lacerta) Namak scraper (Capoeta buhsei) Khramulya (Capoeta capoeta gracilis) Chub (Leuciscus cephalus orientalis) Dace (Leuciscus gaderanus) Dace (Leuciscus ulanus) Goldfish (Carassius auratus) Stone moroko (Pseudorasbora parva) Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Gudgeon (Gobio persus) Western crested loach (Nemacheilus malapterurus) Loach (Nemacheilus persa) Kura sportive loach (Nemacheilus bergianus) Angora loach (Nemacheilus angorae) Caucasian sportive loach (Nemacheilus brandti) Wels (Silurus glanis) Brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) By: Lotfi, A. , and Moser, M. 2012. A concise baseline report: Lake Uromiyeh. Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project, IRI Department of Environment, United Nations Development Program.

Mammals of Lake Urmia catchment area Greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) Greater horseshoe bat Mammals of Lake Urmia catchment area Greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) Greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) Lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) Naked-rumped tomb bat (Taphozous nudiventris) Five-toed jerboa (Allactaga sp. ) Libyan jird (Meriones libycus) House mouse (Mus musculus) Малоазиатская мышь (Apodemus mystacinus) Common vole (Microtus arvalis) Gray hamster (Cricetulus migratorius) Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) Bezoar ibex (Capra aegagrus) Mouflon (Ovis orientalis gmelini) Persian fallow deer (Dama mesopotamica) Wild boar (Sus scrofa) European badger (Meles meles) Least weasel (Mustela nivalis) Marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna) Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) Brown bear (Ursus arctos) Jungle cat (Felis chaus) Wildcat (Felis silvestris) Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) Gray wolf (Canis lupus) Common jackal (Canis aureus) Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) By: Lotfi, A. , and Moser, M. 2012. A concise baseline report: Lake Uromiyeh. Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project, IRI Department of Environment, United Nations Development Program.

Birds of Lake Urmia catchment area American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) White stork (Ciconia ciconia) Birds of Lake Urmia catchment area American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) White stork (Ciconia ciconia) Rosy pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) Pygmy cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus) Tundra swan (Cygnus bewickii) Black-necked grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) Common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) Ruddy shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) Garganey (Anas querquedula) Marbled duck (Marmaronetta angustirostris) White-headed duck (Oxyura leucocephala) Ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) Red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis) Lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) Black-winged stilt (Himantopus himantopus) Redshank (Tringa totanus) Broad-billed sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus) Sociable lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) Lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) Red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus) Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) Cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) Great bustard (Otis tarda) By: Lotfi, A. , and Moser, M. 2012. A concise baseline report: Lake Uromiyeh. Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project, IRI Department of Environment, United Nations Development Program.

Amphibians of Lake Urmia catchment area Yellow-spotted newt (Neurergus crocatus) Syrian spadefoot (Pelobates syriacus) Amphibians of Lake Urmia catchment area Yellow-spotted newt (Neurergus crocatus) Syrian spadefoot (Pelobates syriacus) European green toad (Bufo viridis) Arabian toad (Bufo viridis arabicus) European tree frog (Hyla arborea) Marsh frog (Rana ridibunda) Transcaucasian frog (Rana earnerani) By: Lotfi, A. , and Moser, M. 2012. A concise baseline report: Lake Uromiyeh. Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project, IRI Department of Environment, United Nations Development Program.

Reptiles of Lake Urmia catchment area Caspian turtle (Mauremys caspica) Greek tortoise (Testudo graeca Reptiles of Lake Urmia catchment area Caspian turtle (Mauremys caspica) Greek tortoise (Testudo graeca ibera) Caucasian agama (Laudakia caucasia) Horn-scaled agama (Trapelus ruderatus) Sunwatcher toadhead agama (Phrynocephalus helioscopus) Strauch's racerunner (Eremias strauchi) Transcaucasian racerunner (Eremias pleskei) Racerunner (Eremias persica) Steppe-runner (Eremias arguta) Anatolian lizard (Lacerta cappadocica urmiana) Iranian lizard (Lacerta brandti) Medium lizard (Lacerta media) Striated lizard (Lacerta strigata) Three-lined lizard (Lacerta trilineata media) Snake-eyed lizard(Ophisops elegans) Twin-striped skink (Ablepharus bivittatus) Golden grass mabuya (Mabuya aurata affinis) Dotted skink (Eumeces schneideri) Tartar sand boa (Eryx tataricus) Dwarf sand boa (Eryx miliaris) Central Asia sand boa (Eryx elegans) Grass snake (Natrix natrix) Diced water snake (Natrix tessellate) Ghamcheh snake (Coluber najadum) Large whip snake (Hierophis jugularis) Spotted wipe snake (Coluber ravergieri) Transcaucasian rat snake (Elaphe hohenackeri) Dotted dwarf racer (Eirenis punctatolineatus) Wind snake (Eirenis collaris) Cat snake (Telescopus fallax) Montpellier snake (Malpolon monspessulanus) Meadow viper (Vipera ursinii) Iranian mountain viper (Vipera albicornuta) Kurdistan viper (Vipera raddei kurdistanica) Wagner's viper (Vipera wagneri) Levantine viper (Macrovipera lebetina) By: Lotfi, A. , and Moser, M. 2012. A concise baseline report: Lake Uromiyeh. Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project, IRI Department of Environment, United Nations Development Program.

Zooplankton of Lake Urmia basin Amoeba (Amoeba proteus) Ciliates (Dileptus anser, Paramecium amelia, P. Zooplankton of Lake Urmia basin Amoeba (Amoeba proteus) Ciliates (Dileptus anser, Paramecium amelia, P. caudatum, Vorticella sp. ) Rotifers (Euchlanis sp. , Monostyla sp. ) Brine shrimp (Artemia urmiana) Cladocerans (Sida crystallina, Simocephalus vetulus, Acroperus harpae, Alona quadrangularis, Byhoterphes longimanus, Chydorus sphaericus, Daphnia sp. , Diaptomus sp. , Eudiaptomus graciloides, Leydigia acanthocercoides, L. quadrangularis, Leptodora kindtii) Cyclop (Macrocyclops albidus) Harpacticoids (Harpactocoida gen. sp. ) Ostracods (Ostracoda gen. sp. ) By: Lotfi, A. , and Moser, M. 2012. A concise baseline report: Lake Uromiyeh. Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project, IRI Department of Environment, United Nations Development Program.

Zoobenthos of Lake Urmia basin Naidids (Nais sp. ) Larval biting midges (Bezzia sp. Zoobenthos of Lake Urmia basin Naidids (Nais sp. ) Larval biting midges (Bezzia sp. ) Larval chironomids (Chironomus sp. ) Larval chironomids(Spaniotoma sp. ) Larval gold-ringed dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii) Larval mosquito (Dixa sp. ) Punctate corixa (Corixa punctata) Water boatman (Micronecta poweri) River skater (Gerris najas) Water scorpion (Nepa rubra) Water stick Insect (Ranatra linearis) Diving beetle (Derenectes depressus) Whirligig beetle (Gyrinus natator) Larval stonefly (Nemoura sp. ) Larval stonefly (Amphinemura sulcicollis) Larval horse-fly (Tabanus sp. ) Larval common clubtail (Gomphus vulgatissimus) Larval northern bluet (Enallagma cyathigerum) Ear pond snail (Limnea auriculata) Pond snail (Limnea peregra) Pond snail (Limnea sp. ) Dwarf pond snail (Limnea truncatula) Common bladder snail (Physa fontinalis) Planorbid snail (Planorbis contortus) Planorbid snail (Planorbis vortex) Crested valve shell (Valvata cristata) By: Lotfi, A. , and Moser, M. 2012. A concise baseline report: Lake Uromiyeh. Conservation of Iranian Wetlands Project, IRI Department of Environment, United Nations Development Program.

How the Lake Urmia dried so rapidly? How the Lake Urmia dried so rapidly?

Rapid desiccation in less than 18 months 02. 04. 2013 22. 09. 2014 Rapid desiccation in less than 18 months 02. 04. 2013 22. 09. 2014

How 3 days raining affected the lake level The surface area after 3 days How 3 days raining affected the lake level The surface area after 3 days raining (80 mm) increased by about 2. 5 times How this is possible? 22. 09. 2014 08. 10. 2014

Lake Urmia is a shallow lake with huge surface area permitting evaporation of about Lake Urmia is a shallow lake with huge surface area permitting evaporation of about 4 bm 3 water annually That is how the Lake Urmia is converted into a small shallow playa In just 20 years

Lets have a look to some specific and very important characteristics of the Lake Lets have a look to some specific and very important characteristics of the Lake Urmia: Depth, Water volume, salt content and evaporation

3 dimensional view of the Lake Urmia in 2002 (6 years after commencement of 3 dimensional view of the Lake Urmia in 2002 (6 years after commencement of the crisis) showing deep areas in North and South wings Water level: 1273. 27 masl Sharifi, 2002

Urmia Lake water level before crisis 1277. 69 masl Deepest parts: 16 m Average Urmia Lake water level before crisis 1277. 69 masl Deepest parts: 16 m Average depth: 6 m Decrease in water level since 1995 (7. 19 m) Current water level 1270. 50 Current maximum depth: 3 m Deepest part should be 16 -7. 19=8. 81 m It seems we have not lost 7. 19 m water but the depth has reduced by 13 m What has happened to the deep areas of the Lake?

Urmia Lake water level before crisis: 1277. 69 masl Current water level: 1270. 50 Urmia Lake water level before crisis: 1277. 69 masl Current water level: 1270. 50 masl Lake salinity before crisis: 160 ppt Amount of salt in Lake water: 33 bm 3 * 160 kg = 5, 280, 000 tons Where the salt has gone? Minerals are sedimented mostly in deep zones Annual evaporation and consequent salt/minerals sedimentation added layer on layer to fill the deep parts causing significant changes in geomorphology of the lake

Changed geomorphlology is the reason for vast annual filling and rapid evaporation Nazlu Chai Changed geomorphlology is the reason for vast annual filling and rapid evaporation Nazlu Chai Rozeh Chai This process is repeated every year leaving behind another layer of salt/sand/clay sediments on the lake bed Shahr Chai Barandoz Simulations of the annual natural happenings Natural joining of Gadar, Mahabad and Simineh Rivers

WHAT TO DO? Changed geomorphology of the lake will practically neutralize any effort for WHAT TO DO? Changed geomorphology of the lake will practically neutralize any effort for its restoration; unless we understand the real mechanism to overcome this problem.

Urmia Lake water level before crisis What will happen if we bring annually 3 Urmia Lake water level before crisis What will happen if we bring annually 3 bm 3 of fresh water through rivers or brackish water from Caspian Sea? 4000 km 2 area of the lake will be covered with average depth less than 1 m but more than 2 bm 3 will evaporate leaving behind another layer of salt on top of previous sedimented salts

 Knowing about the extremely flat bed of the Lake, it seems it would Knowing about the extremely flat bed of the Lake, it seems it would be a senseless practice to pour precious water in the lake to evaporate Moreover we know that we will not have enough fresh water to maintain the level of the lake in future, due to population growth and further industrialization So What to Do?

 We believe that Phased Restoration is the only solution to overcome all problems We believe that Phased Restoration is the only solution to overcome all problems preventing the restoration of the lake Our plan is based on sustainable management and wise use of the lake both for its natural inhabitants and for the people living in its vicinity.

There are 2 options for reducing surface evaporation and restoration of Lake Urmia 1. There are 2 options for reducing surface evaporation and restoration of Lake Urmia 1. Restoring the South Arm first (due to its ecological importance) and keeping the North wet. OR 2. Restoring the North Arm and keeping the South wet, it is easier because there is about 1 km 3 water in North.

We propose a simple and efficient solution for this problem which seems to be We propose a simple and efficient solution for this problem which seems to be the most reliable method for saving Lake Urmia By dividing the lake to north and south by a temporary easy removable metal or polyethylene dike

Option 1: Restoring South Arm First 1. Constructing a dike (Clay dike covered with Option 1: Restoring South Arm First 1. Constructing a dike (Clay dike covered with geomembrane) cutting the South arm in 2 parts from under the large islands with 3 spillways. 2. Connecting the 3 islands with dikes. 3. Filling the area between the islands to restore a 8000 ha with controlled salinity for Artemia and birds. 4. Filling another 1900 km 2 in South arm between south dike and the dike under the bridge and the (average depth 2. 2 m). 5. Keeping the north arm wet (to control salt storm) until we have enough water to fill it. This Phased Restoration at the level of 1272 masl will need in total less than 8 km 3 water.

Option 2: Restoring North Arm First Nazlu Chai Rozeh Chai Shahr Chai Barandoz Joining Option 2: Restoring North Arm First Nazlu Chai Rozeh Chai Shahr Chai Barandoz Joining of Gadar, Mahabad and Simineh Rivers • Separating North Arm from South by an easy removable dike under the bridge connecting 2 arms • Water that runs up to the bridge (dike) naturally should be pumped to the North arm filling an area of 1500 km 2 at an average depth of 2. 2 m within maximum 3 years • During this period we can keep the South arm wet with little water due to its vary flat surface (to control the salt storm)

What type of dikes are preferred? • Polyethylene dikes • Geomembrane dikes • Clay What type of dikes are preferred? • Polyethylene dikes • Geomembrane dikes • Clay Dikes • Sand stone dikes • Concrete dikes • Metal dike We should find out which one best fits for Lake Urmia

Restoration in Phases: Phase 1: Restoration of a natural ecosystem between big islands in Restoration in Phases: Phase 1: Restoration of a natural ecosystem between big islands in South wing (8000 h) for Artemia and Birds, water salinity will be adjusted at about 100 ppt Phase 2: Restoring another 1900 km 2, 2. 2 m deep in South arm as main water body of the lake, salinity will depend on volume of water and dissolution of salts Phase 3: Restoring North arm (1500 km 2, 2. 2 m deep) if there is enough excess water after restoration of the South arm, salinity will always remain supersaturated This method will require a total of less than 8 bkm 3 of water for restoring Lake Urmia

This project will ensure the earlier safe place for migrating and local birds This project will ensure the earlier safe place for migrating and local birds

Safe living will be once again ensured for the mammals in Ashk and Kabudan Safe living will be once again ensured for the mammals in Ashk and Kabudan islands

Artemia resources will be revived, that will create hundreds of job for young and Artemia resources will be revived, that will create hundreds of job for young and will support the aquaculture industry to grow sharply

Six pillars of “ILBM Pavilion” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Institutions. A management Six pillars of “ILBM Pavilion” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Institutions. A management system with an appropriate organizational setup helps ensure sustainable benefits to lake basin resource users. Such institutions are in Lake Urmia basin. Policies. Policy tools must be better developed to facilitate concerted societal actions for sustainable lake basin management. Such policies are in Lake Urmia basin. Participation. All lake basin stakeholders should participate in decision -making process for sustainable management. Such participation are in Lake Urmia basin. Technology. Although their effect often tend to be limited by certain areas and short period of time, physical interventions can play a significant role in improving lake environment. Some of such technologies are available in Lake Urmia basin. Information. Scientific and public perceptions on lake basin management can differ from case to case. Without knowledge generation and sharing, human and financial resources mobilized in lake basin management efforts may prove futile. Such information are available in Lake Urmia basin. Finance. Financial resources should come from all basin stakeholders benefiting from both direct and indirect use of lake resources. Efforts must be made in order to develop innovative approaches for generating locally-usable funds. Such financing is possible in Lake Urmia basin.

Based on many years of successful work on the lakes and reservoirs in various Based on many years of successful work on the lakes and reservoirs in various countries ILEC (International Lake Environment Committee Foundation) formulated ILBM platform (integrated lake basins management). ILBM platform is based on the basic management principles: 1. Engaging in the conservation and rational use of resources of lakes and reservoirs: a) politicians and political forces at all levels; b) scientists and scientific institutions at all levels; c) all social groups with their mandatory participation in the planned environmental protection measures; d) the most modern information resources, ensuring timely exchange of information, the maximum openness and transparency in the implementation of planned environmental protection measures, full transparency and punishment when it detects any errors; e) required volume of finance, use of innovative financial mechanisms, establishment of public and private funds, control and maximum transparency in the use of funds, full transparency and punishment upon detection of any violations. 2. Using modern technologies and the best practices in the implementation of environmental measures for conservation and sustainable use of resources of lakes and reservoirs. On the basis of these steps Lake Urmia can be at least partially revived and sustainable use of its resources ensured.

Adolf Renane 10. 08. 1898 – 22. 1976 Vladislav Khlebovich Otto Kinne 30. 08. Adolf Renane 10. 08. 1898 – 22. 1976 Vladislav Khlebovich Otto Kinne 30. 08. 1923 – 3. 03. 2015

Tatuo Kira 1919 – 2011 Masahisa Nakamura Walter Rast Tatuo Kira 1919 – 2011 Masahisa Nakamura Walter Rast

Let me inform you that Urmia is not only the name of lake in Let me inform you that Urmia is not only the name of lake in the Islamic Republic of Iran. 1. Urmia – a city in Iran on the west shore of Lake Urmia, the administrative center of ostan West Azerbaijan. 2. Urmia – shahrestan in ostan West Azerbaijan. 3. Urmia – a village in the Krasnodar region. 4. Urmia – settlement in Finland, in the community Suoniemi. 5. Lake Urmia – hydrocarbon lake on Titan – satellite of Saturn.

The authors thank Bahram Taheri, Ramesh Gulati, Patrick Sorgeloos, Gilbert van Stappen, Brad Marden, The authors thank Bahram Taheri, Ramesh Gulati, Patrick Sorgeloos, Gilbert van Stappen, Brad Marden, Wayne Wurtsbaugh, Christian Opp, Masahisa Nakamura, Walter Rast, Tsugihiro Watanabe and Adelina Santos-Borja.

Thanks for your attention Thanks for your attention