Reported Speech (Questions) [full version].pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
REPORTED SPEECH (QUESTIONS) v Я спросил его, где он живет. I asked him where he lived. v Я спросил его, что он делает. I asked him what he was doing. v Я спросил его, кто приходил к нему вчера. I asked him who had come to him the day before. v Я спросил его, зачем он будет изучать иностранный язык в следующем году. I asked him why he would learn a foreign language the next (following) year.
REPORTED SPEECH (QUESTIONS) Правило: в косвенной речи с вопросами также соблюдается согласование времен, что можно представить формулой Subject + ASKED + Person + Question word + Subject + (подлежащее) (лицо) (вопросительное слово) (подлежащее) Past Simple (worked, went) – когда выражается регулярное действие Past Continuous (was working, were going) – когда действие совершается в момент вопроса + Past Perfect (had worked, had gone) – когда действие предшествовало вопросу Future-in-the-Past (would work, would go) – когда действие последует за вопросом
REPORTED SPEECH (QUESTIONS) EXERCISE: 1) I asked her, “Where is your sister? ” – I asked her …………………………………………. . . 2) He asked his friend, “What sport do you do? ” – He asked his friend ……………………………………. 3) We asked them, “What are you reading now? ” – We asked them ………………………………………. . 4) John asked Mary, “Where did you go last week? ” – John asked Mary ………………………………. . . 5) My friend asked me, “What country will you go to next time? ” - My friend asked me …………………… 6) His brother asked me, “When did you get up? ” – His brother asked me …………………………….
REPORTED SPEECH (QUESTIONS) EXERCISE: 7) She asked Jane, “Where does your brother work? ” – She asked Jane …………………………………………. . . 8) Peter asked his mother, “What sport do you do? ” – He asked his mother ………………………………………………. . 9) Bobby asked his teacher, “How often should I learn English? ” – Bobby asked his teacher …………………………………. . 10) Ivan asked Kate, “When did you go to the party last? ” – Ivan asked Kate …………………………………………. . 11) The boss asked his employee, “When will you stop coming late for work? ” – The boss asked his employee …………………… 12) His brother asked me, “What time did you wake up this morning? – His brother asked me …………………………………. .
REPORTED SPEECH (QUESTIONS) Особый тип вопросов в косвенной речи Главное предложение + «ЛИ» (if, whether) + придаточное предложение v I asked him if (whether) he knew her name. – Я спросил его, знает ли он её имя. v I asked him if (whether) he had gone to the USA a year before. – Я спросил его, ездил ли он в США год назад. v I asked him if (whether) he was reading a book. – Я спросил его, читает ли он книгу. v I asked him if (whether) he would visit me the next day. – Я спросил его, навестит ли он меня на следующий день.
REPORTED SPEECH (QUESTIONS) Особенность косвенных вопросов с «ли (if, whether)» В ПРЯМОЙ РЕЧИ им соответствуют ОБЩИЕ ВОПРОСЫ (на них мы отвечаем «да / нет» ): Он спросил меня: «Ты ходишь в школу? » (общий вопрос) He asked me, “Do you go to school? ” Он спросил меня, хожу ли я в школу. (косвенный вопрос) He asked me if I went to school.
REPORTED SPEECH (QUESTIONS) EXERCISE (form reported questions in Russian and translate them into English): 1) Он спросил меня: «Ты говоришь по-английски? » a) Он спросил меня, говорю ли я по-английски. б) He asked me, “Do you speak English? ” в) He asked me if I spoke English. 2) Она спросила его: «Ты встречал своего друга вчера? » a) Она спросила его, встречал ли он своего друга вчера. б) She asked him, “Did you meet your friend yesterday? ” в) She asked him if he had met his friend the day before.
REPORTED SPEECH (QUESTIONS) EXERCISE (form reported questions in Russian and translate them into English): 3) Он спросил меня: «Твоя мама сейчас готовит обед? » a) Он спросил меня, готовит ли моя мама сейчас обед. б) He asked me, “Is your mother cooking dinner now? ” в) He asked me if my mother was cooking dinner at that moment. 4) Она спросила его: «Твой брат придет на вечеринку завтра? » a) Она спросила его, придет ли его брат завтра на вечеринку. б) She asked him, “Will your brother come to the party tomorrow? ” в) She asked him if his brother would come to the party the next day.
REPORTED SPEECH (QUESTIONS) EXERCISE (form reported questions in Russian and translate them into English): 5) Джон спросил меня: «Кэйт учится в институте? » a) Джон спросил меня, учится ли Кэйт в институте. б) John asked me, “Does Kate study at the Institute? ” в) John asked me if Kate studied at the Institute. 6) Мой учитель спросила его: «Ты приходил на занятия два дня назад? » a) Мой учитель спросил его, приходил ли он на занятия 2 дня назад. б) My teacher asked him, “Did you come to the lessons 2 days ago? ”. в) My teacher asked him if he had come to the lessons 2 days before.
REPORTED SPEECH (QUESTIONS) EXERCISE (form reported questions in Russian and translate them into English): 7) Кто-то спросил меня: «Ты сейчас пишешь письмо? » a) Кто-то спросил меня, пишу ли я письмо (в тот момент). б) Somebody asked me, “Are you writing a letter now? ” в) Somebody asked me if I was writing a letter (at that moment). 8) Джейн спросила свою подругу: «Он полетит в США? » a) Джейн спросила свою подругу, полетит ли он в США. б) Jane asked her friend, “Will he fly to the USA? ” в) Jane asked her friend if he would fly to the USA.