Reported speech.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 26
Reported speech means that someone's words (direct speech) are reported in the form of indirect speech. Sentences with reported speech are complex sentences with object subordinate clauses, and the rules of the sequence of tenses govern them in the same way as in other sentences of this type.
We don`t use the quotation marks in reported speech. We can either use the word that after the introductory verb ( say, tell, etc. ) or we can omit it. etc
Sequence of Tenses in Reported Speech If the verb in the main clause is in the present or in the future, the sequence of tenses in reported speech shouldn't be a problem because the tense in the subordinate clause doesn't change.
Sequence of Tenses in Reported Speech
Sequence of Tenses in Reported Speech He says, "I want to go there with you. " – He says that he wants to go there with us. He says, "I haven't seen her today. " – He says that he hasn't seen her today. He asks, "Does she live in this house? " – He asks whether she lives in this house. He asks, "When will she come back? " – He asks when she will come back.
If the verb in the main clause is used in the past tense (usually, the Simple Past of the verbs "say, tell, ask, answer"), the verb in the object subordinate clause in indirect speech should also be used in one of the past tenses.
Also verb tenses and time expression change in reported speech when we consider what the speaker says to be untrue:
The tenses and modal verbs change as follows:
Exceptions from the rule 1)If a general truth is expressed in the object subordinate clause, the present tense is normally used in the subordinate clause despite the fact that the past tense is used in the main clause. The teacher said that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. The teacher said that water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
2) If the subordinate clause contains the statement, which a speaker consider to be the truth (sayings, proverbs) When he returned from France he said that East or West home is best.
3)If the sentence used in 2 or 3 type of conditional sentences
4) Modal verbs must, ought, should don`t obey the rules of the sequence of tenses and are used in subordinate clause no matter in what tense is used in the main sentence : I didn`t understand why it was I who should do it
In addition, when you change sentences from direct speech to indirect speech, it is often necessary to replace some pronouns and adverbs in the subordinate clause. Personal pronouns change depending on the sense of the sentence, and the demonstrative pronouns "this, these" are changed to "that, those". those But when this/these/that/those used aren`t used in time expressions they changed as follows:
A)They change to the when used as adjectives, that is, when they are followed by a noun ‘This dress is silky, ’ - I said the dress was silky. B) They change to it or they/them when used as pronouns, that is, when they are not followed by a noun ‘This is an unusual situation, ’ – Dad said it was an unusual situation.
Adverbs of time and place that are usually replaced in reported speech
Departure from the rules of the sequence of tenses The above-mentioned changes in the subordinate clause (if the verb in the main clause is in the past tense) are required by the rules of the sequence of tenses, but the changes also depend on the context and do not take place in all cases. Compare: He said, "I will visit her tomorrow. " He said that he would visit her the following day. (If "tomorrow" was in the past at the moment of speaking, it is replaced with "the following day". )
Departure from the rules of the sequence of tenses She told me that she liked that town. (The speaker is in some other town at the moment of speaking. ) She told me that she liked this town. (The speaker is in this town at the moment of speaking. )
Departure from the rules of the sequence of tenses In cases where it is necessary to keep the adverbs of time that indicate specific time in the past in the subordinate clause (for example, yesterday, last year, a month ago, in 1995), the Simple Past remains unchanged in the subordinate clause, because according to the rules of the use of tenses, the Past Perfect can't be used with such adverbs. This is also true of other object clauses, not only of those in reported speech. I knew that she left for Tokyo two weeks ago.
In everyday speech, if the speaker feels that the action in the subordinate clause is still relevant to the present, the present tense may be used in the subordinate clause despite the fact that the past tense is used in the main clause. Anna said that she feels tired. Let's go home.
Reported speech. Types of the sentences
Reported questions
Reported commands/requests/suggestions To report commands, instructions, requests or suggestions in reported speech, we use an appropriate introductory verb ( ask, order, beg, suggest, tell, etc. ) and the toinfinitive, -ing form or that-clause, depending on the introductory verb: a)‘ Stop the car’ – the policeman said to him. The policeman ordered him to stop the car. b) ‘Put all the ingredients in a bowl’ – she said to me. She told me to put all the ingredients in a bowl. c) ‘Will you please hold this bag for me’ – Laura said to Helen. Laura asked Helen to hold the bag for her. d) ‘How about going to the cinema? ’ – I said to them. I suggested going to the cinema.
It suggested leaving a message after the beep.
Resourses: Grammar Way 4 Тренажёр по английскому языку usefulenglish. ru Yandex pictures
The end… Made by Anastasia Kovaleva