Скачать презентацию Reported Speech Косвенная речь Прямая речь это Скачать презентацию Reported Speech Косвенная речь Прямая речь это

Reported_Speech - для 8 класса.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 8

Reported Speech Косвенная речь Reported Speech Косвенная речь

Прямая речь –это речь, переданная дословно, без изменений. He says to Lena, “I see Прямая речь –это речь, переданная дословно, без изменений. He says to Lena, “I see my friends every day. ” Косвенная речь – это передача содержания прямой речи в форме пересказа. He says to Lena that he sees his friends every day.

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную местоимения изменяются согласно требованиям логики. • He tells При переводе прямой речи в косвенную местоимения изменяются согласно требованиям логики. • He tells them, “I can help you. ” • He tells them that he can help them.

Прямая речь now today Косвенная речь then that day yesterday the day before tomorrow Прямая речь now today Косвенная речь then that day yesterday the day before tomorrow this week last week the week before next week the week after ago before here the next day that week

Reported Statements Глаголы, вводящие косвенную речь: • • • say (that) say to tell Reported Statements Глаголы, вводящие косвенную речь: • • • say (that) say to tell (that) say to-infinitive speak about talk about She said (that) she was very happy. She said to me (that) she was very happy. She told me (that) she was very happy. Ann said to wake her up at 7: 00. He spoke about the meeting. talked • never say about

Direct speech Present Simple “I want to learn Japanese”. Present Progressive “We are watching Direct speech Present Simple “I want to learn Japanese”. Present Progressive “We are watching a film”. Present Perfect “I have brushed my teeth”. Reported speech Past Simple She said (that) she wanted to learn Japanese. Past Progressive They said (that) they were watching a film Past Perfect She said (that) she had brushed her teeth.

Direct speech Past Simple Reported speech Past Simple or Past Perfect “I mowed the Direct speech Past Simple Reported speech Past Simple or Past Perfect “I mowed the lawn”. Past Progressive She said (that) she mowed/had mowed the lawn. Past Progressive or Past Perfect Progressive “He was playing the piano”. She said (that) he was playing/had been playing the piano. Future Simple Future in the Past “I will meet you at 7: 00”. She said (that) she would meet me at 7: 00

Не всегда надо изменять время глагола, когда мы используем его в косвенной речи: üЕсли Не всегда надо изменять время глагола, когда мы используем его в косвенной речи: üЕсли глагол, вводящий косвенную речь, стоит в Present или Future Tenses. “I can’t speak French, ” he says. He says (that) he can’t speak French. üЕсли говорящий сообщает о какой-либо истине или состоянии. “The sun sets in the west, ” Mr. Thom said that the sun sets in the west.