Reported Speech Back Menu Next Понятие о согласовании

Reported Speech Back Menu Next

Понятие о согласовании времен. Sequence of Tenses. Если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, то в придаточных предложениях употребляются времена по смыслу. where he lives now? где он живет сейчас? Do you know that he went to London Знаете ли вы, что он ездил в Лондон last year? в прошлом году? that he will soon be 5? что ему скоро будет 5 лет? Если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени, то происходит согласование времен: Present Indefinite меняется на Past indefinite. I didn’t know you lived here. Я не знал, что вы здесь живете. Back Menu Next

Для обозначения действия, происшедшего в прошлом, употребляется Past Perfect. He said that he had already seen that film a week before. He said that he had never been to London. They said that it had taken them 2 hours to go through the forest. Для обозначения действия, которое произойдет в будущем, употребляется Future in the Past. Вспомогательные глаголы should и would. I thought you would leave for Sochi soon. He asked me when I should have my test. Remember! where I lived. где я живу. He didn’t know where he had gone. Он не знал куда он ушел. when I would come. когда я приду. Back Menu Next

REMEMBER!!! this - that these - those here - there now - then yesterday - the day before today - that day tomorrow - the next day, the following day ago - before, earlier, ago last week - the week before last year - the year before next week - the next week next year - the next year Back Menu Next Правила замены указательных местоимений и наречий при согласовании времен.

Direct speech Present Simple I like apples. Present Progressive It is raining Present Perfect It has stopped raining Shall/will I’ll come home late Can/ may She can sing well. He may be busy. Indirect speech Past Simple He said that he liked apples. Past progressive He said it was raining Past Perfect He said it had stopped raining Should/would. He said he would come home late. Could/might He said she could sing well. She said he might be busy. Глаголы в Past Simple (did /went /slept и т.д.) можно обычно оставлять неизменными в косвенной речи, либо употреблять их в Past Perfect (had done /gone /slept): Прямая: Ann said `I didn’t go to work yesterday.` Косвенная: Ann said (that) she didn’t go to work the day before. Ann said (that) she hadn’t gone to work the day before. Back Menu Next

Must, might, could, would, should и ought остаются в косвенной (reported) речи неизменными. May в прямой речи обычно превращается в might в косвенной. Tell and say Если вы говорите о том, С КЕМ вы разговариваете, используйте tell: Jim told me (that) he would be late В других случаях пользуйтесь say: Jim said (that) he would be late. Кроме того, нельзя сказать `Tom told about his children'. Вы должны сказать: Tom told us (or me/them/Ann etc.) about his children. Если вы не упоминаете о том, с кем он говорит, то надо сказать: Tom talked (или spoke) about his children(а не `said about.') Back Menu Next

В косвенной речи используется также инфинитив (to do/to stay и т.д.), особенно с tell и ask. Direct: `Be careful crossing the street.` Reported: Mother told me to be careful crossing the street. Direct: `Don't cry', I said to the child. Reported: I told the child not to cry. Direct: `Please, be quiet after midnight`, the old lady said to us. Reported: The old lady asked us to be quiet after midnight. Direct: `Can you help me, Tom?' Ann asked. Reported: Ann asked Tom to help her. Back Menu Next

Reported questions He said, “Where did he stay?” (direct speech) He asked where he had stayed. (reported speech) He said, “Did you have a nice time?” (direct speech) He asked if/whether I had a nice time. (reported speech) Back Menu Next

- Количество слайдов: 8