- Количество слайдов: 12
OUTLINE Introduction n Progress on implementation of Activities n Meeting of SADC Ministers of responsible for Higher Education and Training. Regional consultation on Pan Africa University Project. Curriculum Development, Gender and Culture. Teacher Education
Introduction n n The SADC Region continues to implement the priorities of Po. A The SADC Secretariat continues: Facilitate implementation of regional level activities: monitor the implementation of Po. A at regional level Facilitate technical and policy dialogue at regional level Reporting to relevant policy structures in the Region n Report covers progress of implementation since COMEDAF V in April 2012.
Progress on implementation of Activities q Meeting of Ministers responsible for Higher and Training: An Extra-Ordinary Meeting of Ministers responsible for Higher Education and Training was held on the June 2012 in the Republic of South Africa. Discussed the status and challenges of higher education. Agreed on key priorities to inform the development of a Regional Higher Education Strategic Framework for improving higher education in the Region. Approved Regional Open and Distance Policy Framework
Extra-Ordinary Meeting of Ministers Cont. n Decision cont: Approved the establishment of the Technical Committee on Higher Education, Research and Development. Mandated the Technical Committee to develop Regional Higher Education Strategic Framework and finalise the Study on Cost Barriers on Access to Higher Education and student Mobility.
Consultation on Pan African University Project n n n The SADC Secretariat consulted Member States through writing to them in 2011 and 2012 respectively following Ministers Meetings. We have so far received an offer from Mauritius in March 2013 offering to host the PAU Institute on Space Science. A final decision will be made in September 2013 during the Ministers of Education and Training to be held in September 2013 in Maputo, Mozambique.
Curriculum Development, Gender and Culture. n n Workshops were held for Curriculum Development in May and June in 2012 in Johannesburg, South Africa and Dar-es- Salaam, Tanzania. The workshops discussed among other issues main treaming Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) and culture in school curriculum, curriculum reform, and Capacity Building. SADC Secretariat has developed a Draft Gender Module in Open and Distance Learning to be reviewed by stakeholders in September 2013. The SADC Secretariat is in a process of developing regional guidelines for engendering curricula.
Teacher Education n Convened a teacher education policy workshop in collaboration with IICBA in July 2012. Member States were trained – on how to use the Teacher Diagnostic Guide which is a comprehensive analytical tool on teacher diagnosis to provide a comprehensive teacher situation in a country. The information from the diagnosis will help in developing an evidence teacher policy. – on the steps for development of a teacher policy. n n Convened workshops on mainstreaming education for sustainable development in teacher education. Long term and Short term training in ODL in teacher education commenced.
Monitoring Po. A n n n Developed a Draft 2013 progress report on implementation of Po. A with assistance of ADEA Working Group on Policy Support and Management. Had a validation meeting to review the Draft Report in May 2013. Member States recommended that national data instead of UNESCO Institute of Statics be used. Member States undertook to provide national data. Report being revised for presentation to Ministers in September 2013.
2013 -14 Activities n n n Mainstreaming of gender and culture into curriculum Facilitation of access and student mobility in Higher Education in the Region Assessment of the implementation SADC Norms and Standards, Development of regional guidelines for accrediting and establishing ODL institutions. Development of regional guidelines for quality assurance in ODL.
2013 -14 Activities Training of ODL Practitoners in Teacher Education and Secondary Education n Comparative analysis of skills development policies in the region. n Development of regional guidelines for prior learning. n Monitoring the Po. A. n
Calendar of Events Event Dates Location Launch of the ODL shortterm training in Teacher Education 22 -26 July 2013 Tanzania Meeting of Technical Committee on Higher Education and Training, Research and Development August 2013 To be confirmed Stakeholders Consultative Meeting on the Drafts Youth Empowerment and Developments and the Draft Youth Employment Strategic Frameworks 2 -6 September 2013 Johannesburg, South Africa SADC Ministers of Education and Training 16 -20 September 2013 Maputo, Mozambique