- Количество слайдов: 25
Replacement Policy • Replacement policy: – Determines which cache line to be evicted – Matters for set-associate caches • Non-exist for direct-mapped cache
Example • Assuming a 2 -way associative cache, determine the number of misses for the following trace. A. . B. . C. . B. . A. . B. . D. . . A, B, C, D all mapped to the same set.
Ideal Case: OPTIMAL • Policy 0: OPTIMAL – Replace the cache line that is accessed furthest in the future • Properties: – Knowledge of the future – The best case scenario
Ideal Case: OPTIMAL A B C B A B D # of Misses Optimal A, + A, B+ A, C B, C+ B, C B, A+ B, A D, A+ 6
Policy 1: FIFO • Policy 1: FIFO – Replace the oldest cache line
Policy 1: FIFO A B C B A B D # of Misses Optimal A, + A, B+ A, C B, C+ B, C B, A+ B, A D, A+ FIFO A, + A, B+ C, A+ B, C+ B, C A, C+ A, B+ D, B+ 6 9
Policy 2: LRU • Policy 2: Least-Recently Used – Replace the least-recently used cache line • Properties: – Approximate the OPTIMAL policy by predicting the future behavior using the past behavior • The least-recently used cache line will not be likely to be accessed again in near future
Policy 2: LRU A B C B A B D # of Misses Optimal A, + A, B+ A, C B, C+ B, C B, A+ B, A D, A+ FIFO A, + A, B+ C, A+ B, C+ B, C A, C+ A, B+ D, B+ LRU A, + A, B+ C, A+ B, C+ B, C B, A+ B, A B, D+ 6 9 8
Realty: Pseudo LRU • Realty – LRU is hard to implement – Pseudo LRU is implemented as an approximation of LRU • Pseudo LRU – – Each cache line is equipped with a bit The bit is cleared periodically The bit is set when the cache line is accessed Evict the cache line that has the bit unset
Cache organization (review) Cache is an array of sets. Each set contains one or more lines. 1 valid bit t tag bits per line valid 0 1 • • • B– 1 • • • set 0: valid tag 0 1 • • • B– 1 valid Each line holds a block of data. S = 2 s sets tag B = 2 b bytes per cache block tag 0 1 • • • B– 1 • • • set 1: valid tag 0 • • • set S-1: valid tag 0 E lines per set
Addressing the cache (review) Address A: t bits s bits b bits m-1 0
Parameters of cache organization • • • B = 2 b = line size E = associativity S = 2 s = number of sets Cache size = B × E × S Other parameters: – – – s = set index b = byte offset t = tag m = address size t+s+b=m
Determining cache parameters • Suppose we are told we have a 8 KB, direct-map cache with 64 byte lines, and the word size is 32 bits. – A direct-map cache has an associativity of 1. • What are the values of t, s, and b? • • B = 2 b = 64, so b = 6 B × E × S = C = 8192 (8 KB), and we know E = 1 S = 2 s = C / B = 128, so s = 7 t = m – s – b = 32 – 6 – 7 = 19 t = 19 31 s=7 12 b=6 5 0
One more example • Suppose our cache is 16 KB, 4 -way set associative with 32 byte lines. These are the parameters to the L 1 cache of the P 3 Xeon processors used by the fish machines. • • B = 2 b = 32, so b = 5 B × E × S = C = 16384 (16 KB), and E = 4 S = 2 s = C / (E × B) = 128, so s = 7 t = m – s – b = 32 – 5 – 7 = 20 t = 20 31 s=7 11 b=5 4 0
Cache Organization and Access • Parameters • Line (aka Block) size B = 2 b • Number of bytes in each block • Number of Sets S = 2 s • Number of lines cache can hold • Total Cache Size = B*S = 2 b+s t s tag set index • Physical Address • Address used to reference main memory • n bits to reference N = 2 n total bytes • Partition into fields • Offset: Lower b bits indicate which byte within line • Set: Next s bits indicate how to locate line within cache • Tag: Identifies this line when in cache b offset
Example 1: Direct Mapped Cache Reference String 1 4 8 5 20 17 19 56 9 11 4 43 5 6 9 17 Assume Direct mapped cache, 4 four-byte lines, 6 bit addresses (t=2, s=2, b=2): Line 0 1 2 3 V Tag Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
Direct Mapped Cache Reference String 1 4 8 5 20 17 19 56 9 11 4 43 5 6 9 17 Assume Direct mapped cache, 4 four-byte lines, Final state: Line V Tag Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 0 1 01 16 17 18 19 1 1 00 4 5 6 7 2 1 00 8 9 10 11 3 0
Example 2: Set Associative Cache Reference String 1 4 8 5 20 17 19 56 9 11 4 43 5 6 9 17 Four-way set associative, 4 sets, one-byte blocks (t=4, s=2, b=0): Set 0 1 2 3 V Tag Line 0/2 V Tag Line 1/3
Set Associative Cache Reference String 1 4 8 5 20 17 19 56 9 11 4 43 5 6 9 17 Four-way set associative, 4 sets, one-byte block, Final state: Set V Tag Line 0/2 V Tag Line 1/3 0 1 0001 4 1 0010 8 1 0101 20 1 0000 1 1 0001 5 1 0100 17 1 0010 9 2 1 0001 6 3 1 0100 19 1 0010 11 1 1010 43 1
Example 3: Fully Associative Cache Reference String 1 4 8 5 20 17 19 56 9 11 4 43 5 6 9 17 Fully associative, 4 four-word blocks (t=4, s=0, b=2): Set 0 1 2 3 V Tag Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
Fully Associative Cache Reference String 1 4 8 5 20 17 19 56 9 11 4 43 5 6 9 17 Fully associative, 4 four-word blocks (t=4, s=0, b=2): Set V Tag Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 0 1 1010 40 41 42 43 1 1 0010 8 9 10 11 2 1 0100 16 17 18 19 3 1 0001 4 5 6 7 Note: Used LRU eviction policy
Multiprocessor Systems • Multiprocessor systems are common, but they are not as easy to build as “adding a processor” • Might think of a multiprocessor system like this: Processor 1 Memory Processor 2
The Problem… • Caches can become unsynchronized – Big problem for any system. Memory should be viewed consistently by each processor Processor 1 Memory Processor 2
Cache Coherency • Imagine that each processor’s cache could see what the other is doing – – • Both of them could stay up to date (“coherent”) How they manage to do so is a “cache coherency protocol” The most widely used protocol is MESI – – – MESI = Modified Exclusive Shared Invalid Each of these is a state for each cache line Invalid – Data is invalid and must be retrieved from memory Exclusive – This processor has exclusive access to the data Shared – Other caches have copies of the data Modified – This cache holds a modified copy of the data (other caches do not have the updated copy)
MESI Protocol