- Количество слайдов: 43
Renewable Energy Integration The Only Real Sensible Approach must be done a resource optimized regional level
Overall Focus Current and future sources of energy n What’s best in terms of most efficient combination of capital cost, land use, ecological footprint, material use. Distributed Generation How to improve the Grid Local Energy Storage
The Business as Usual Trajectory BP website (BP. com)
World Energy Consumption to 2025 http: //www. eia. doe. gov/oiaf/ieo/world. html
Primary energy consumed per capita BP website (BP. com)
Global Fossil Carbon Emissions Wikipedia. org, Climate Change, Global Warming articles
And if we require continued Fossil Fuel usage as transport fuel then Alternatives to Crude Oil must be used These alternatives will do incredible environmental damage due to the great inefficiency involved in extracting a barrel of oil. And of course, Coal remains the choice for producing the bulk of electricity
Tar Sands http: //www. protectowire. com/applications/profiles/electric_shovels. htm http: //www. aapg. org/explorer/2005/05 may/dinning. cfm
Oil Shale http: //nandotimes. nandomedia. com/ips_rich_content/896 -shale_rock. jpg http: //geosurvey. state. co. us/Default. aspx? tabid=104
Typical Coal-Fired Power Plant Category Power Plant 100 W Light Bulb Power 500 MW 100 W Energy / year 3. 5 billion k. Wh 876 k. Wh Coal / year 1. 43 million tons 714 lbs Sulfur Dioxide / year 10, 000 Tons Nitrogen Oxides / year 10, 200 Tons Carbon Dioxide / year 3, 700, 000 Tons 5 pounds 5. 1 pounds 1, 852 pounds
CO 2 Mitigation Options http: //www. netl. doe. gov
Carbon Sequestration Options http: //www. whitehouse. gov/omb/budget/fy 2006/energy. html
Ocean Sequestration http: //www. lbl. gov/Science-Articles/Archive/sea-carb-bish. html
Nuclear Energy Consumption – a green alternative to fossil emission
Transportation Concerns http: //www. nei. org/index. asp? catnum=2&catid=84
Wind Energy
US Wind Energy Generation
Recent Capacity Enhancements 2006 5 MW 600’ 2000 850 k. W 265’ 2003 1. 8 MW 350’
Costs Nosedive Wind’s Success 38 cents/k. Wh 3. 5 -5. 0 cents/k. Wh Levelized cost at good wind sites in nominal dollars, not including tax credit
Solar Energy Solar Centre at Baglan Energy Park in South Wales http: //www. c-a-b. org. uk/projects/tech 1. htm
Large Scale Solar – Land Use Issues http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Solar_panel
Small Scale Solar – yes , yes
Oceanic Energy
“Mighty Whale” Design – Japan http: //www. jamstec. go. jp/jamstec/MTD/Whale/
Ocean Wave Conversion System http: //www. sara. com/energy/WEC. html
Geothermal Energy Plant Geothermal energy plant in Iceland http: //www. wateryear 2003. org/en/
Methods of Heat Extraction http: //www. geothermal. ch/eng/vision. html
Global Geothermal Sites http: //www. deutsches-museum. de/ausstell/dauer/umwelt/img/geothe. jpg
Bioenergy Cycle http: //www. repp. org/bioenergy-cycle-med 2. jpg
Types of Biomass
Landfill Gasses Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press (2004)
Hydrogen Economy Schematic
Transporting Hydrogen
Distributed Generation as the New Power Grid
Centralized vs. Distributed Generation http: //www. nfcrc. uci. edu/fcresources/FCexplained/stationary. htm
Central Power Generation (today) Remote, Large, Expensive Long Distance Delivery Fossil Fuel Plants n Waste Heat (Nuclear) n Environment Unfriendly (Co 2) n Health Unfriendly (Nox, So 2, Pm 10, Hg) Nuclear Plants n Waste Disposal Hydroelectric Plants n Flooding Unreliable (2000 -2003) n 110 Grid Failures n Cost $80 -123 B. /Yr n Adds 29 -45% To Electric Bill http: //www. pharmaciaretirees. com/distributed_generation. htm
Distributed Generation Located next to user Range of energy sources n Fossil fuel, waste gas, renewables, n Hydrogen, nuclear Capacity kw –Mw Economic benefits n “Waste” heat used n Lowers fossil fuel use n Low investment n Power failure losses eliminated n Environmental/ health costs reduced n Grid costs – peak/capital n Lower electric bills Flexibility of location Cogeneration n Combined heat & power (CHP) http: //www. pharmaciaretirees. com/distributed_generation. htm
Sources of DG Solar – photovoltaic and thermal Wind Turbines Hydroelectric (large scale and micro) Geothermal Oceanic Nuclear Fossil Fuels n Combined Heat & Power (CHP) http: //www. pharmaciaretirees. com/distributed_generation. htm
Microturbines Low to moderate initial capital cost Fuel flexibility, n burn either gaseous (natural gas, propane, biogases, oil-field flared gas) or liquid fuels (diesel, kerosene) Heat released from burning the fuel also providing heating and cooling needs (CHP Extremely low air emissions n NOx, CO, and SOx Continuous operating even during brownout or blackout A cutaway of a microturbine; 30 and 60 kilowatt units have just one moving part – a shaft that turns at 96, 000 rpm.
Microturbine Systems http: //www. wapa. gov/es/pubs/esb/2001/01 Jun/microturbine. htm http: //www. cleanenergyresourceteams. org/microturbines. html
Micro-Hydro http: //www. itdg. org/? id=micro_hydro_expertise http: //www. greenhouse. gov. au/yourhome/technical/fs 46. htm
Summary n Solutions Exist both on small scale and very large scale n We do not really have an energy crisis – we do have an energy by fossil fuel crisis n Transition requires leadership and courage and commitment – a true test of humanity as a global entity. n OTEC, Wind, Small Scale Solar, Snakes, Dragons, Hydrogen Production represents solution space