REMTh RIS 3 Monitoring JRC Monitoring Working Group #1: Integrate existing intervention logic (based on RIS 3 priorities) with output & result indicators. Mandatory use of specific set of indicators dictated by the Ministry of Finance & Development. Goal: use of “smart” indicators – in case of inadequate national indicators. Q 1: Did you manage (or plan) to run your M&E system totally inhouse or partly outsourcing it?
REMTh RIS 3 Monitoring JRC Monitoring Working Group #2: Collection of data External databases, e. g. : EUROSTAT, GR national stats (ELSTAT) delayed & quantitative. Internal database: collection of data from local stakeholders (non beneficiaries & beneficiaries), with the development of surveys: (a)ex ante and/or ex post for the beneficiaries of the calls, and (b)“industry barometer” using a fixed set of firms within the region, that correspond to different dimensions (size, sector, geographic location, etc). This kind of periodic survey (e. g. biannually) might prove very useful to assess results & impacts of RIS 3 implementation. A 1 st questionnaire has been designed & will be tested to the beneficiaries of the 1 st Call-for-Proposals that the Region is currently running. Q 2: Who will receive evaluation data (networks, funders, community, other stakeholders)? How to ensure the information will be useful for internal program monitoring purposes? Will any of the information be confidential (potential consequences if information were to go public)?
REMTh RIS 3 Monitoring JRC Monitoring Working Group #3: Running the whole monitoring and evaluation system within the RIS 3 Governance Structure. Paved the way towards a coherent RIS 3 Monitoring System, but still, there are essential steps to be taken, since, unfortunately, so far, a transition of the regional RIS 3 governance to an operational level hasn’t been accomplished. Q 3: How do you plan to incorporate the business sector within the designing process of the M&E system? Yiannis Kesanlis Eastern Macedonia & Thrace Region Managing Authority Τel: +302531352332, E-mail: ikessanlis@mou. gr, Web: www. eydamth. gr