Religious terrorism.pptx
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Religious terrorism
Outline of the lecture 1) Definition of religious terrorism; 2) Background of religious terrorism; 3) Jewish terrorism; 4) Christian terrorism; 5) Islamic terrorism; 6) Buddhism and Hindu terrorism; 7) Other religious terrorist groups.
Definition of religious terrorism Religious terrorism is a type of political violence motivated by an absolute belief that an otherworldly power has sanctioned and commanded terrorist violence for the greater glory of the faith. Acts committed in the name of the faith will be forgiven by the otherworldly power and perhaps rewarded in an afterlife.
THE NEOCONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN RIGHT Neoconservative Politics and Christian Right https: //oneway 2 day. wordpress. com/ What kind of war would have been fought in World War II if we refused to say that the enemy was “Nazi Germany” and instead said, “The enemy is only a few German people, but not all Germans are the problem. ” Today America’s enemy stands unidentified! This enemy is guilty of the following attacks on America, but is not identified by the Obama administration nor will it be identified by any of the presidential contenders from the Democratic Party. There exists a need to identify the enemy as being Islamist terrorists.
THE NEOCONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN RIGHT Neoconservative Politics and Christian Right https: //oneway 2 day. wordpress. com/
THE NEOCONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN RIGHT https: //oneway 2 day. wordpress. com/
THE NEOCONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN RIGHT https: //oneway 2 day. wordpress. com/ SIS is Islam, an offshoot of Al-Qaeda, which is an offshoot of Al. Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen, which is Islam. It’s Islam, Stupid!!! Conquest is at the core of Islam Jihad is mandatory Islam is Evil
The Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) http: //www. thejidf. org/
Federal Judge Orders Pennsylvania Transit to Display “Stop the Islamic Jew-Hatred” Advertisement http: //freedomdefense. typepad. com/
Islamophobia • Hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise across the West. “What constitutes an Islamophobe? Islamophobes believes that: • Islam, not just a small minority of extremists and terrorists, is the problem and a threat to the West; • The religion of Islam has no common values with the West; • Islam and Muslims are inferior to Judaism and Christianity;
• Islam is an inherently violent religion and political ideology rather than a source of faith and spirituality; • Muslims cannot integrate and become loyal citizens; • Most mosques should be monitored for embedded cells; • Islam encourages its followers to launch a global jihad against all non-Muslims but in particular against the West.
According to historian Roger Savory, Christendom felt threatened by Islam and its incursion into Europe, and thus became hostile to it. "The existence of Islam has always made the West profoundly uneasy. Islam was the only major world religion to be revealed after the rise of Christianity, and consequently it was, from the moment of the revelation of Islam in the seventh century A. D. , viewed by Christendom as a direct threat and challenge to itself.
Jewish religious terrorism is religious terrorism committed by extremists within Judaism motivated by religious rather than ethnic or nationalistic beliefs. Jewish terrorism based on both ethnic and religious grounds, or Zionist political violence, Jewish underground groups Irgun and Lehi, which operated against British law during the British Mandate of Palestine before the Israeli declaration of independence in 1948.
Zionist political violence refers to acts of violence committed by Zionists. Actions have been carried out by individuals and Jewish paramilitary groups such as the Irgun, the Lehi (Stern Gang), the Haganah and the Palmach as part of a conflict between Jews, British authorities, and Palestinian Arabs, regarding land, immigration, and control over Palestine. British soldiers and officials, United Nations personnel, Palestinian Arab fighters and civilians, and Jewish fighters and civilians have been targets or victims of these actions. Domestic, commercial, and government property, infrastructure, and material have also been attacked.
Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky, Jewish Revisionist Zionist leader, the founder of terrorist organizations like Beitar, Ha. Tzohar and the Irgun He expressed this ideology as "every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arab and the British; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state".
State-sponsored terrorism
Kahanism is an extremist Jewish ideology based on the views of Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League and the Kach party in Israel. Kahane maintains that the majority of Arabs living in Israel are enemies of Jews and Israel itself, and that a Jewish theocratic state, where non-Jews have no voting rights, should be created. The Kach party has been banned by Israel and labeled a terrorist group by the U. S. State Department
Cave of the Patriarchs massacre The Cave of the Patriarchs massacre, also known as the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre or Hebron massacre, was a shooting massacre carried out by American-Israeli Baruch Goldstein, also a member of the far-right Israeli Kach movement. On February 25, 1994, Goldstein opened fire on a large number of Palestinian Muslims who had gathered to pray inside the Ibrahimi Mosque (also Mosque of Abraham), at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, West Bank. It took place on February 25, 1994, during the overlapping religious holidays of both Jewish Purim and Muslim Ramadan. The attack left 29 people dead and 125 wounded. Goldstein was only stopped after he was overpowered and beaten to death by survivors. The massacre immediately set off mass Palestinian protests and riots throughout the West Bank, and within 48 hours, nine Palestinian protesters had been killed by the Israeli Defense Forces. Goldstein was widely denounced in Israel and by communities in the Jewish diaspora, with many attributing his act to insanity.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin condemned the attack, describing Goldstein as a "degenerate murderer", "a shame on Zionism and an embarrassment to Judaism". Some Jewish settlers in Hebron laud him as a hero and view his attack and subsequent death as an act of martyrdom
Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin took place on 4 November 1995, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. The assassin, an Israeli ultranationalist named Yigal Amir, strenuously opposed Rabin's peace initiative and particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords.
Israeli settler violence refers to acts of violence committed by Israeli settlers against Palestinians and Israeli security forces, predominantly in the West Bank. Price tag policy or attacks: According to the New York Times, referred to as a "tactic", "strategy", "doctrine", "campaign", or "principle", is the name originally given to acts of vandalism aimed at the Palestinian population, Christians, left-wing Israeli Jews, and Arab-Israelis by Jewish fundamentalist settler youths who "exact a price from local Palestinians or from the Israeli security forces for any action taken against their settlement enterprise".
Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who profess Christian motivations or goals