Regulation 650/2012: the European Certificate of Succession Patrick Wautelet CNUE Reg. successions 24 03
I. Concept • Art. 62 -73 Regulation: introduction of a ‘European Certificate of Succession' • Purpose? To make it possible for the beneficiaries of the succession (heirs/legatees) and executors/administrators to easily prove their capacity to inherit and assert their rights (Art. 63) CNUE Reg. successions 24 03
II. A modest certificate • • ECS: an optional instrument Parties concerned free to use the instruments laid down by national law – e. g. : – France: acte de notoriété (attested affidavit) (Art. 730 -1 Civil Code) – Belgium: certificat/acte d’hérédité (certificate/deed of inheritance) (Art. 1240 a Civil Code) – Germany: Erbschein (§ 2353 BGB) – The Netherlands: verklaring van erfrecht (Art. 4 -188 NBW) CNUE Reg. successions 24 03
III. A certificate issued at the end of a meticulous procedure • Who? – Rules of jurisdiction (Art. 4, 7, 10 and 11) – • • Which authorities? How? : verification of the information and declarations and documents + enquiries + any further evidence (Art. 66) What? ECS contains – Information (names, dates, etc. ) – Law applicable to succession (and marriage contract. . . ) CNUE Reg. successions 24 03
IV. A certificate with important pan. European effects • Triple effects (Art. 69) – 1) Instrument establishing proof – matters of succession – 2) Protection of third parties having acted on the basis of the information contained in the certificate – 3 Certificate “valid document for the recording of succession property in the relevant land register” CNUE Reg. successions 24 03