Скачать презентацию Register for more than 2 classes and receive Скачать презентацию Register for more than 2 classes and receive


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Register for more than 2 classes and receive: 945 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, Register for more than 2 classes and receive: 945 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 Phone: 847. 295. 1322 Fax: 847. 295. 0812 30% OFF your 3 rd Class! 50% OFF your 4 th Class! www. rclbtennis. com 5% Discount for participants in Levels 5, 6, & 7 with Family Membership 2014 -15 Mini & Teen Tennis Registration Session 1 Monday, August 18 – Sunday, October 12 (8 Weeks) No class Monday September 1 Level 6 Level 5 Day Time Weeks Fee Monday 5 -6 pm 7 $210 Monday 4 -5 pm 7 $210 Tuesday 4 -5 pm 8 $240 Tuesday 5 -6 pm 8 $240 Wednesday 4 -5 pm 8 $240 Thursday 5 -6 pm 8 $240 Saturday 11 -12 pm 8 $240 Friday 4 -5 pm 8 $240 Saturday 9 -10 am 8 $240 Match Play Level 5 Match Play Level 6 5 -6 pm Friday 10 matches Level 7 $150 Saturday 10 12 -1 pm matches $150 Weeks Fee Teen Tennis Day Time Weeks Fee Tuesday 1 -2 pm 8 $240 Wednesday 3 -4 pm 8 $240 Thursday 1 -2 pm 8 Friday Saturday 3 -4 pm 10 -11 am 8 8 Day Time Friday 5 -6 pm 8 $240 Saturday 2 -3 pm 8 $240 Saturday 3 -4 pm 8 $240 Registration Information Payment, membership requirement, enrollment, refund and make -up policies: 1. Full payment must be included with the registration form. 2. Make checks payable to The Racquet Club of Lake Bluff; Visa, Master Card, and Discover accepted. 3. Membership is required for certain classes. 4. Fee is non-refundable except as follows: a. A refund or credit less a 10% processing charge shall be given to a student who drops a class before the start of the session. b. A pro-rated refund or credit shall be issued to a student who is asked to withdraw from a class due to not meeting level requirements. 5. There is a minimum and maximum enrollment for each class. 6. Students are permitted make-ups for missed classes provided: a. The club is notified 24 hours in advance of any absence. b. Make-ups must be approved and subject to availability. c. A make-up may not be scheduled after the completion of the session. d. A student is only permitted 2 make-ups. For Office Use Staff Student’s Name Parent’s Name Home Phone Emergency/Cell Phone E-Mail Address Home Address Non-Member Check Cash Check House Charge * Total Due: * Participants MUST have current membership to House Charge. WAIVER: I, as parent or legal guardian, hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless, The Racquet Club of Lake Bluff, it officers, , agents and employees for any costs, damages expenses or liability for any and all injuries, death or property damage arising out of participation of said minor in the above activity. I for myself, my child or ward consent to the publication of personal pictures which may be taken by the Racquet Club of Lake Bluff personnel or their representatives. Publication may include but is not limited to marketing materials, website content and other publications. Date Recorded Amount First Class Date Signature Parent/Guardian/Participant if 18 or over