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Regional Workshop on Community-based ICT Integration: Lessons and Possibilities Manila, Philippines, March 13 -14 2008 Empowering the Community trough ICT Presented by: Yohannes Baptista Agusnugroho IT Coordinator, FORMASI Indonesia
Facts: Indonesia has the biggest population in South East Asia (about 224 million of population in 2007). On 2000 Internet users in Indonesia only about 2, 000 users. On 2007 Internet users in Indonesia increased to become 20, 000 users. Internet users penetration from 2000 to 2007 is 900%
Facts: Based on the statistic, only 8. 90% of the Indonesian population access the Internet. 80% of Indonesian International Internet Connection (Backbone) still dominated by Indosat (http: //techno. okezone. com/index. php/Read. Story/2008/02/29/54/87814/indosat-kuasai-80 -pasar-backboneindonesia)
http: //www. internetworldstats. com/stats 3. htm Facts:
Opportunities: Indonesia with more than 224 million is a big market and big opportunity Indonesian Products need global market and that can be facilitate through a good information and communication tools Indonesia has lots of human resources to develop More than 90% of Indonesian people still need a capacity building on ICT Big opportunity of e-marketing, e-library, e-government, e-learning, etc
Challenges: Limited access to technology in the rural areas. (TV, Phone Line, Computers, etc. ) Access to the informations still limited (prices, infrastructure, human resources) National policy that support grass roots to have access to technology is not yet maximized. Negative perceptions that Internet would bring negative behaviours or impacts (violences, pornography, etc. )
Challenges: Licensed • • • software too expensive to buy. Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic = US$ 104 Microsoft Windows Vista Business Ed = US$ 157 Microsoft Office 2007 Basic = US$ 186 PT. Metrodata, March 2008 Microsoft Office 2007 Small Business = US$ 256 Microsoft Office 2007 Pro = US$ 339 People still have less knowledge on other options than using pirated software. F/OSS is not too popular in Indonesia.
Who Are We? FORMASI Indonesia = Forum Gerakan Pengembangan Koperasi Indonesia = Forum for Indonesian Co-operative Movement Established in 1987 by 10 NGOs Concern specifically in Co-operative Movement, and also The Community in General In 2002, start to have idea on building capacity to the community through ICT
What we've done: 2004 - 2007: FORMASI Indonesia working together with NATCCO Philippines, CULT Thailand, AWCF Philippines, and In. WEnt Germany, running the project of it@coops 2006 - present: FORMASI Indonesia working together with Microsoft Indonesia and ASEAN Foundation initiate the project of Community Technology Center (CTC) and Village Information Center (VIC) in 15 provinces in Indonesia.
What we've done: Initiate F/OSS Discussion among NGOs/Coops/SMEs Participate on FOSS@Workshop Participate on Asia Source II 2007: working together with The Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology to introduce F/OSS to several SMEs in Jakarta. Participate on FOSS GIS Training
What we've done:
What we've achieved: From the it@coops Project • 15 organizations (NGOs and Co-operatives) learned ICT through 100 Days Training of the Trainers, and F/OSS Advance Training (total 27 Associate Trainers – 10 Women) • 5 organizations developed and maintaining Business Development Centre (BDC) supported with ICT. • 15 organizations developed new websites and virtual networking through Internet. • 1343 people (member of co-operatives and the society – mostly farmers) learned ICT from the it@coops IT Specialists and Trainers. (577 Women - 46%)
What we've achieved: Training Conducted by several it@coops IT Specialists & Trainers
What we've achieved: From the CTC/VIC Project • Up to February 2008, 87 CTCs setup and running. Each have 3 computers, Internet Connection, & Training Modules • More than 2500 farmers learned from the CTC (data December 2007) • More than 3600 farmers use the Internet from the CTC (data December 2007) • Virtual networking through Mailing List (ctcformasi@googlegroups. com) • Virtual networking through Online Chat
What we've achieved: Activities related to the Community Technology Center Program
What we've Trained: Introduction to Computer Office Productivity Introduction to Internet (Browsing, Email, etc. ) Introduction to Free and Open Source Software (Linux & Open. Office. org) Web Development using Content Management System (CMS)
Our Methodology: Trainers FORMASI Training Center FORMASI Indonesia Site training at the Community The Community Internet Cafe / Computer Rentals
Our Methodology: FORMASI Indonesia Grantee CTC The Community CTC
Remarks: Giving capacity building to people to become ICT Trainers. Encourage ICT Trainers to train the community
Remarks: Developed & share ICT training materials for the community • • http: //www. it-coopsindonesia. com http: //ctc. formasi-indonesia. org Developed virtual networking through websites, mailing lists, online forum, etc.
Remarks: Initiate ICT Training to the community (at the FORMASI Training Center and onsite training) Socialization on the importance of Information and Technology to the community through CTCs and VICs.
Remarks: Initiate discussion with government on community empowerment topics
Remarks: Socialization of F/OSS as an alternative to the highly price of Proprietary/Licensed Software Support the Governments program IGOS (Indonesia Go Open Source)
Closing Capacity Building Needed Participation of Women in ICT Support from other stakeholders especially the Government Knowledge & Experiences sharing from others If you want to accomplish something in the world, idealism is not enough - you need to choose a method that works to achieve the goal. Richard Stallman