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Regional distribution of vascular supply to the ventricles with right coronary artery dominance. A. Postmortem angiogram of the heart in a patient with acute myocardial infarction with total occlusion (arrow) of the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) in a 65 -year-old woman who presented with persistent chest pain of 6 hours' duration. B. At autopsy, she had a hemopericardium with rupture site (arrow) identified on the anterior wall of the left ventricle. Note extensive hemorrhagic (h) transmural infarction involving the anterior wall of the left ventricle near the base of the heart (upper slices) and extending into the septum in the mid and apical slices (lower slices). C. Gross photography of the LAD showing hemorrhage into the necrotic core and more than 90% luminal narrowing; barium is seen within the lumen (arrow). D. Dog heart slices after 15 minutes of incubation in 2% Source: Chapter 57. Pathology of Myocardial Ischemia, Infarction, Reperfusion, and Sudden Death Hurst's The Heart, 13 e , triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) at 98. 6° F (37° C). The animal had undergone 60 minutes of LAD occlusion distal to the first diagonal branch Citation: Fuster was sacrificed at 24 hours. Injecting monastery dye after reocclusion of the LAD and just before sacrifice 14, 2018 followed by reperfusion and. V, Walsh RA, Harrington RA. Hurst's The Heart, 13 e; 2011 Available at: http: //mhmedical. com/ Accessed: Marchidentified the myocardium Copyrightinfarction. The heart was sliced and then immersed in TTC. The viable myocardium at risk stains red, the area not at risk is bluered, at risk of © 2018 Mc. Graw-Hill Education. All rights reserved and the infarcted region is creamy white (arrows). Reproduced with permission from Virmani R, Burke AP, Farb A, Atkinson J, eds. Cardiovascular Pathology. Vol 40, 2 nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2001; Fig. 5– 4.