- Количество слайдов: 12
Region 8: What is Possible? Topic : Systems Optimization Topic Leader: Jennifer Prinz, Chair-OPO Committee March 10, 2017 1
Expediting the offer process: Utility vs. Choice 2
To what extent is the community willing to limit our range of choices on individual organ offers in order to prevent discards and increase the number of transplants? 3
System Optimizations to Expedite Organ Allocation Joint work group including representation from multiple committees Topics being discussed: § Reducing the time limits for responding to electronic organ offer (from current 1 hour/1 hour to 30 min/30 min) § Creating an additional time limit for a “final decision” for primary and backup centers (no current requirements) § Technology changes to provide automated notifications (added or modified donor information, primary/backup notification, etc. ) 4
Time Limit for Final Decision § The work group has discussed creating an additional time limit for a “final decision” for primary and backup centers (no current requirements) – concerns about the availability of information Required Donor Information § The work group has finalized the list of required donor information § Most of the information is located across different policies 5
Organ Offers Accepted for One Candidate § Issue with the number of organ offers some transplant hospitals are accepting for one candidate § Leads to late declines/reallocation/logistical issues § Recommend a limit of two organ acceptances for one candidate 6
Organ Acceptances There were several options provided to the work group 1) Limit of two acceptances (provisional and match run) for all candidates 2) Limit of two acceptances (provisional and match run) for the primary and backup centers 3) Limit of two match run acceptances for the primary center (3 a – limit of two acceptances – provisional and/or match run) 4) Policy language stating that a center can only accept two organs for the same candidate and add feature to the match run page that allows OPOs to see all offers for candidates 7
Organ Acceptances - Recommendations § Limit of two match run acceptances for one candidate § Require OPOs to manage the match run acceptances in real time. 8
Next Step Draft policy language for the next public comment period § Reduce the current time limits for responding to electronic organ offers from 1 hr/1 hr to 30 min/30 min § Add additional time limit of 1 hour to make a final decision once all required information has been provided § Limit the number of offers that can be accepted for one candidate § Require OPOs to manage match run acceptances in real time § Revise or create definitions as appropriate 9
Additional Issues § Donor. Net changes to provide automated notifications § Evaluate transplant center acceptance criteria and acceptance practices 10
Questions for Discussion What are the members in Region 8 already doing to expedite organ allocation? • Best practices • Pilot programs or techniques What can Region 8 do within the framework we’ve been given to improve our ability to expedite organ allocation? 11
Questions? Jennifer Prinz OPO Committee Chair jprinz@donoralliance. org Diane Brockmeier OPO Committee Vice-Chair dbrockmeier@midamericatransplant. org Robert Hunter OPO Committee Liaison robert. hunter@unos. org 12