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Regent University School of Psychology & Counseling Guide to Exams Regent University School of Psychology & Counseling Guide to Exams

Exams and Credentials • CPCE Exit Exam (Comprehensive) • NCC (National Certified Counselor) credential Exams and Credentials • CPCE Exit Exam (Comprehensive) • NCC (National Certified Counselor) credential • NCSC (National Certified School Counselor) – applied for when taking the NCE • LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) • LCP (Licensed Clinical Psychologist)

The National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) The National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. The National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) The National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. (NBCC®), an independent not-for-profit credentialing body, was incorporated in 1982 to establish and monitor a national certification system, to identify for professionals and the public those counselors who have voluntarily sought and obtained certification, and to maintain a register of those counselors. This board authorizes standardized tests for national credentialing such as the NCC, NCSC, CCMHC, MAC, and ACS. Working in conjunction with the ACA this board provides licensing resources to the professional counselor.

CPCE The Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) Developed by the RACC for graduating masters CPCE The Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) Developed by the RACC for graduating masters level students in the counseling field. At Regent University SPC this exam is mandatory for MA in Community and School students and CACS students and must be passed successfully before a diploma or transcripts will be released. Students must have successfully completed at least 30 hours of coursework prior to taking the exam.

Purpose of the Exit Exam This exam serves two purposes: 1) It provides research Purpose of the Exit Exam This exam serves two purposes: 1) It provides research statistics for graduating counseling students around the country. 2) It provides a comprehensive test of our students at the end of their programs as required by CACREP. 3) This exam is given three times per year, generally in April, July, and October. Dates and times for the exam are posted in the Info & Updates and via email during the month before testing. This exam is mandatory for all students (MA in Community & School and CACS) graduating from the SPC. Starting Spring 2001, the exam must be passed to obtain a diploma. Retakes will be as needed at that point. There is a $35 cost for this test added to the Internship B course fees.

GSA-NCC – Graduate School Application for the National Certified Counselor credential The GSA-NCC is GSA-NCC – Graduate School Application for the National Certified Counselor credential The GSA-NCC is a professional level tailored exam specific to the credential being pursued. The standardization procedures used in these exams insure that all counselors across the country have the same type of training for the counseling profession and have equal chance of obtaining credentials.

NCC – National Certified Counselor The National Certified Counselor is a specific credential covering NCC – National Certified Counselor The National Certified Counselor is a specific credential covering the eight essential areas necessary to becoming a professional level counselor. Virginia does not yet accept this credential for insurance or licensure purposes. Over 35 states do accept this credential. If there is a possibility that you may practice in another state or if you want a professional credential upon graduation, the NCC may be the best one to obtain. NBCC chooses the dates of testing - check the SPC web site. Testing is conducted on campus. In a CACREP program, the 3, 000 hours of post-master’s experience required for the NCC credential is waived, so you could be nationally certified right after graduation.

NCSC – National Certified School Counselor The NCSC is a professional school guidance counselor NCSC – National Certified School Counselor The NCSC is a professional school guidance counselor certification. The exam for this credential is the NCE with the addition of a written application and fee sent to the NBCC at the time of NCE application. If you apply for the NCC/NCSC and pass the exam, you will be awarded both credentials (provisionally) upon graduation.

LPC – Licensed Professional Counselor This is a professional credential used by specific states LPC – Licensed Professional Counselor This is a professional credential used by specific states to determine the qualifications of professional counselors. Virginia uses this credential for official licensing and insurance purposes throughout the state. The LPC test is given twice per year on dates set by the Virginia Board of Licensure. We do not test for LPC on campus at this time. Before testing for this credential, counselors must fulfill a 4000 hour residency including 200 hours of registered supervision. No provisional licensure is given for CACREP students. Call or write the NBCC for information and a packet of licensure regulations and forms. www. nbcc. org

LCP – Licensed Clinical Psychologist The LCP is a professional license for psychologists issued LCP – Licensed Clinical Psychologist The LCP is a professional license for psychologists issued by the state after satisfactory completion of the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) exam. The EPPP is developed by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) and is provided to state and provincial boards of psychology to assist them in their evaluation of the knowledge of applicants for licensure and certification. This standardized examination is constructed and administered semiannually by the state and provincial boards acting collectively through ASPPB. Contact www. asppb. org for more information.

Testing Procedures The exams are given at specific times during the academic year as Testing Procedures The exams are given at specific times during the academic year as follows: CPCE Exit Exam – Three times per academic year: April, July, and October NCC/NCSC – Once or twice per year depending on participation. Dates are set by the NBCC during April and October. Students will receive an email informing them of open registration for the exam. At that time, for the CPCE Exit Exam, students will follow the link given and register online for the exam. For the NCC exam, students will be able to pick up an application at the office designated in the email. Results for the GSA-NCC exam are sent directly to students. Students may email the exam representative and provide results for statistical purposes. Results for the CPCE Exit exam will be sent to the Campus Coordinator, who will then email students with their results.

Testing Procedures Continued Students must be present in the designated classroom for exams at Testing Procedures Continued Students must be present in the designated classroom for exams at 0830 to sign in and begin preliminary requirements. Exams allow four hours for completion from the time the administrator allows the seal to be broken. The Exit exam is mandatory for MA in Community & School Counseling and CACS students, and students must obtain a passing score to receive a diploma. This exam may be retaken once. If a student fails to pass the second time, a remediation plan will be developed with the student’s advisor. Cost - $35 per retake. The GSA-NCC is voluntary. Applications are picked up and filled out by students and turned in to the campus coordinator to be sent to the NBCC as a group with payment. All applications must be accurate and complete or they will be sent back and the student charged an additional $10 reprocessing fee. Retakes are given at the discretion of the NBCC and the current charge is $100 per retake for a total of 3 retakes before the process starts from scratch at full fee.

Exam Process Continued Cut off scores for the CPCE Exit Exam will be determined Exam Process Continued Cut off scores for the CPCE Exit Exam will be determined by the national norms each testing cycle. Cut off scores for the GSA-NCC are determined by the NBCC based on the same and other criteria. Go to www. nbcc. org for details or to contact them. These exams are open to eligible MA in community and school students, Psy. D students, and Ph. D students. Students must have completed at least 30 semester hours (for the CPCE Exit Exam), and 48 semester hours (for the GSA-NCC) in the eight major areas of counseling – Human Growth & Development, Helping Relations, Social & Cultural Foundations, Group Work, Career & Lifestyle Development, Appraisal, Research & Program Evaluation, and Professional Orientation & Ethics.