- Количество слайдов: 54
Reflection • What did you observe? • How can you frame this as it relates to the Common Core? http: //youtu. be/DJLDF 6 q. ZUX 0
What Is POV Doing in NF for Younger Readers?
What Is a Fact? • • Is Pluto a planet? Is marriage between a man and a woman? Is Iran building nuclear arms? Is the planet getting warmer, and is this caused by human actions? • Is the individual mandate for health insurance constitutional?
Why Should Non Fiction Be New? Don’t Facts Stay the Same?
In the 1960 s when
Historians Rewrote American History
st Century when In the 21
Non Fiction is About Thinking and Change
Who We Are Influences How We See
That is NOT the same as “it is all relative”
One Key: Objectivity • • • Objectivity is an approach What is your evidence? Where does it come from? Are there other interpretations? Have you consulted experts? Do experts disagree?
Notice These are all skills and traits CC emphasizes
Look at a book • Does it make its evidence apparent? • Can you tell where the author got his/her information? • Do you learn of other interpretations? • Do you learn about the author’s research journey or reasons for writing the book?
How Does the Familiar Look Different When you add a different POV?
The CC Sequence: The genius of CC is how it builds year to year: fiction • Kindergarten: discuss relationship of art and text; • 2 nd grade: establish differences in POV in read alouds • Compare versions of same tale (now using art/text and POV)
Onward and Upward • 3 rd grade: Differentiate reader’s POV from narrator or character • Identify author’s POV as expressed in variety of books or series • 4 th grade: compare and contrast narrator POVs, such as first and third person • 5 th grade: describe how narrator’s POV influences how events are described
Same Sequence in NF • Kindergarten: identify details in text • With help, identify similarities and differences in two books on same subject • 1 st grade: compare and contrast two books on same subject • 2 nd grade: identify how author supports statements
Moving Forward • 3 rd grade: differentiate reader’s POV from author’s • 4 th grade: compare first and secondhand accounts of an event or topic • 5 th analyze multiple accounts of the same event – note similarities or differences
Notice in Both Fiction and NF • Youngest children learn to observe details • Then identify approach (who speaking, what evidence, how used) • Then recognize POV • Then compare and contrast POVs
I Want To Take You Higher: Fiction • 6 th grade: explain how author develops POV of narrator or character • 7 th grade: compare a fictional account of person or place and NF account • 8 th grade: explore differences between POV of characters and reader – irony, suspense, humor
Higher and Higher: Fiction • 9 th grade: analyze an experience as described in a work from outside of the US • 9 -10: Analyze treatment of same subject across different artistic genres, such as art, music, text, film • 11 -12: analyze a case where recognizing POV requires distinguishing what is said from what is meant (satire, sarcasm, etc. )
I Want To Take You Higher: NF • 6 th Grade: Compare and contrast one author’s account of events with another’s • 7 th grade: Trace and evaluate an author’s argument • 8 th grade: Analyze two or more texts that present differing or opposing arguments
Higher and Higher: NF • 9 -10: Determine author’s POV in text and show uses language (art, media) to advance that argument • 11 -12: Analyze effectiveness of structure author has used to make his/her case • Note: of course this analysis also gives students tools to make different cases themselves
Summing Up: NF Offers New Information • • Chronology -- time Location -- space Traits – characteristics Records: highest, most deadly, most home runs, etc. • 4 of the famous 5: who, what, where, when
NF Offers New Ways of Thinking: • Why? • How does the author answer this? • What techniques does the author use to explain, to make a case, to posit a theory, to reject other views, to convince readers?
Text Structures • • Before and after Compare and contrast If/then Broad survey Detailed look at single moment Focus on individual -- biography Focus on context – technology, ideas, beliefs, ecology, health, laws
How Can You Alert Students to These Text Structures? • Within a book – Use Sample Chapter of Master of Deceit for example: http: //bit. ly/PYvr. VC • Between books – “cluster”
Clustering Turns a School or Classroom Library Into
Here’s How
Elementary School Pluto
Display, Shelf Talker, Classroom Discussion • • Why does this book say X and that say Y? Is one right and the other wrong? Can there be different rights and wrongs? Why can NF books arrive at distinct answers? • Why can they treat the same subject in different ways?
This is Not Just New Facts • • • It is new interpretations New POVs Based on evidence Making contentions Testing ideas and observations Challenging other views
The More Students • See the debate, the argument among books • The different approaches taken by authors • The kinds of evidence and argument used to make a case
The Better They Will Do • On the kinds of questions we saw this morning • In their own research papers and presentations
Middle Grade
On and On Some Prehumans Feasted on Bark Instead of Grasses By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD (NYTimes, June 27, 2012) “Almost two million years after their last meals, two member of a prehuman species in southern Africa left traces in their teeth of what they had eaten then, as well as over a lifetime of foraging. Scientists were surprised to find that these hominins apparently lived almost exclusively on a dies of leaves, fruits, wood and bark. ”
And On and On • Prof. Mike Parker Pearson, of Sheffield University, said during Stonehenge’s Main Period of Construction from 3, 000 to 2, 500 BC. There was a “growing island-wild culture developing in Britain. ” • He added: “Stonehenge itself was a massive undertaking, requiring the labor of thousands to move stones from as far away as West Wales, shaping them and erecting them, just the work itself, requiring everyone literally to pull together, would have been an act of unification. ”
Knowledge Unfolds • We need to prepare our students to learn as knowledge changes • We do that by shifting from only feeding them “settled” answers to showing them how answers are arrived at; why and how authors arrive at different answers
Two Bios, One Man
Two Genres, One Subject
Disagreement is Healthy • So long as it is fair-minded, based on evidence, open to question, alert to possible alternative views
High School • Many YA novels are in multiple voices • Treat YA NF the same way – what is this NF voice saying, what is that one saying, how can we understand what they are doing, and juxtapose their approaches and answers.
Take Any Event • Breakfast • Describe that same even from multiple POVs – person who bought the food, person who made it, person who ate it, person who cleaned up, nutritionist, supermarket owner, company that makes breakfast foods, dairy company, person from different country whose morning meal is rice, soup, fish…
What Is the “Real” Breakfast? • • • Depends on your POV Your purpose Your background Your experience Your ability to seek out other POVs and other evidence
Our Goal • • Help students see NF as alive Not dead facts But living process of inquiry Based on rules of fairness, evidence, and argument
One Example
CLUSTERING The art of exploring a topic with related resources
Team Cluster – Group Activity • Define Groups by Grade Levels • Assign Topic for Each Group • Use All Types of Resources • How Do These Books Speak to Each Other? • Gr. 7 and up should include a variety of media • Use Electronic Clustering Form – URL provided Each Group Reports Out
Wrap-up Questions?