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[Reflecting on Leadership] Matt Grant, 2013 www. humansnotrobots. co. uk Organisational Change Thinking It Through
Change as an Inevitable Process Stage 2 Storming Stress / Tension Levels Stage 1 Forming New whole team or new part of team. New members ‘settle in’ – they get to know existing systems and practices. Tuckman’s Change Cycle New ideas are brought to the table and thrashed out. Some members become resistant – for various reasons. Stage 3 Re-Norming As the new ideas are implemented, individual members adjust and develop / renew team spirit. Stage 4 Performing Team members become increasingly competent, at varying paces. With new practices in place, there is space for individual innovation. Stage 5 Adjourning / Reforming Depending on the nature of the team, the team is actively disbanded because the project is over or gradually disbands because members leave.
corporate values - appointed experts take responsibility in decision making - data as measure of group and individual success - change is mix of gradual evolution and upheaval / revolution person-led Identity and Culture systems-led - reliant on individual effort and initiative - can lead to innovation and dynamism - can result in a culture of ‘ad-hocery’ - can lead to overdependence of talented, energetic few → and burn out - reliant on agreed / drilled procedures - can create consistency and efficiency - can stifle flexibility and creativity - Poor systems = poor outcomes! community values - involvement of all members in decision making - emotional and social well-being as measure of group success - change occurs in gradual, evolutionary way
Allies and Blockers Shepherds Oversee the general direction of the flock. Hold ultimate responsibility for protection and growth. Sheep Will enthusiastically ‘go with the flow’. Motivated by praise & reassurance. Sheepdogs Intelligent and loyal implementers and maintainers direction, protection and growth. Donkeys Default position is resistance. Require clear direction, with clearly stated expectations Foxes Intelligent but disloyal for various reasons. Will actively seek to cause resistance and disruption. Readers and Carriers Derived from the work of Robertson and Abbey (2001)
Types of Resistance Rational Dissent based on reasonable objectives related to priorities, process , resources and outcomes. RESISTANCE TO CHANGE Political Emotional Dissent based on perceived loss of status and power. Dissent based around previous poor experiences of change, personal insecurities etc.
Disconnected Change 1. Leader is briefly introduced to new idea (via internet, conference, news article etc. ) 2. Leader enthusiastically announces new idea at team meeting. 5. ‘Expert’ input ends. The leader loses interest. The project is left incomplete. 3. Advisor / expert is hired to initiate project based on new idea. 4. Real team issues remain unaddressed. Staff are unresponsive at deeper level.
For further resources or to contact the author, please visit: www. humansnotrobots. co. uk Matt Grant, 2013 Originally produced for Thornleigh Salesian College, UK. Permission to present this material and distribute freely for non-commercial purposes is granted. If you modify this work, please note where you have modified it, as I want neither credit nor responsibility for your work. Any suggestions and corrections are appreciated and may be incorporated into future versions of this work, and credited as appropriate. If you believe I have infringed copyright, please contact me via the above website and I will promptly credit , amend or remove the material in question.