- Количество слайдов: 25
REFLECS project Marco Bomben – LPNHE, Paris M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 1
Outline • Reflecs project: goals, constraints & manpower, scope • What can be done within REFLECS? M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 2
REFLECS: THE PROJECT M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 3
Project goals • Develop a µ-channel based cooling system exploiting the possibilities offered by 2 -phase CO 2 – REFroidissement Léger au CO 2 en Silicium • Aim: Atlas Phase-II; data taking: from 2024 onwards M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 4
Project constraints Ø Time: all budget must be used by the end of 2014 Ø Money: we have been assigned 16 k€ Ø Expenses: 1. 2. 3. 4. we cannot hire people we can buy material, having work done elsewhere we can pay a stagiaire we can pay travel expenses M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 5
Project: groups, people involved § LPNHE: Giovanni Calderini (senior researcher), M. B. (Post-doc) Filipe de Matos (research engineer) § IEF: Jean-Rene Coudevylle (research engineer), Frédéric Hamouda (research engineer) § CMM: Maurizio Boscardin (senior researcher) § MPI: Anna Macchiolo (senior post-doc) M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 6
Project scope 1. A demonstrator consisting of a pixel detector module cooled via µ-channels and CO 2 Sensor – 200 µm R. O. chip – 100 -150 µm Silicon substrate – 300 - 700 µm – Probably not enough budget to accomplish this… 2. Work on connections between different modules M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 7
Upgrade tracker pixel stave z R Scheme: courtesy of J. W. module w/ cooling channels φ carbon frame support parallel coolant distribution • How to deliver efficiently the coolant? Ø Find suitable in plane connections M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 8
I-beam stave concept 40 00 – 1 cm M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 9
I-beam stave concept Pixel module M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 10
I-beam stave concept Outer coolant route Inner coolant route M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 11
Cooling requirements needs for new pixels • To avoid negative annealing future sensors must be operated well below 0 °C ideally: -20 °C • Sensor+chip will dissipate ~ W/cm 2 • Important constraint: very low material budget envisaged ( < 1% X 0) Ø A very efficient cooling system is needed M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 12
WHAT CAN BE DONE WITHIN REFLECS? M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 13
What can be done: cooling plates • Realize some (how many? ) cooling plates for FEI 4 sensors-chip assemblies (size: 20 x 20 mm 2) Some examples from literature LHCb - CNM FBK-CMM M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 In our case: ~ 10 – 15 parallel channels 3 x side length ~ 60 mm long Channels: 70 -100 µm deep 500 -1000 µm Pyrex closure? Or Silicon? Possibility to etch 6” wafers? 8”? Buried channels? Etch channels on sensors? (unlikely) But still: can we etch the support wafer of our edgeless production? 14
What can be done: cooling distribution system? • Long staves (400 -1000 mm) requires a coolant distribution system “parallel” to the stave • Microfluidic tapes? – Below the stave? – If yes: how can we create holes in the cooling plate? M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 15
Backup material M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 16
A STUDY CASE: UPGRADE OF THE ATLAS PIXEL DETECTOR M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 17
LHC in a nutshell M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 18
Atlas M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 19
Current Atlas pixel detector M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 20
Upgrade Inner Detector Layout (Lo. I – DRAFT) More strip layers More pixel layers M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 More disks Forward extension 21
Upgrade Lo. I pixel barrel Beam X M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 22
Upgrade Lo. I pixel barrel First layer M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 23
Upgrade Lo. I pixel barrel Second layer M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 24
Phase-II Lo. I pixel barrel I-beam stave M. Bomben - REFLECS project kickoff meeting - 02/04/2014 25