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reduce! miscellaneous thoughts on using less reduce! miscellaneous thoughts on using less

the five r’s resist reduce repair re-use recycle “wear it out, use it up, the five r’s resist reduce repair re-use recycle “wear it out, use it up, make it do, or do without. ” Note that Recycle is last, better only than throwing away

The Story of Stuff http: //www. storyofstuff. com/ The Story of Stuff http: //www. storyofstuff. com/

Overview v. Gasoline v. Electricity v. Heating fuel v. Water v. Plastic v. Paper/wood Overview v. Gasoline v. Electricity v. Heating fuel v. Water v. Plastic v. Paper/wood v. Other Stuff

gasoline • • • Bike or walk or T local trips; short car trips gasoline • • • Bike or walk or T local trips; short car trips pollute more Get convertible backpack luggage and stop taking cabs Stick to the speed limit, or even lower (55 is still best) Every touch of the brake wastes gas! Foot off the gas the moment you see a brake light or red light Coast as much as possible – make a game of it! Inflate tires to max allowed and check often Use low-friction motor oil and change as recommended Combine errands, plan routes Don’t push pedestrian walk button if you aren’t going to wait for the light! Experiment with hypermiling: www. hypermiling. com Some Prius owners have found CRUISE CONTROL the most efficient.

electricity • • Kill phantom power! Everything that responds to a remote or has electricity • • Kill phantom power! Everything that responds to a remote or has lights on all the time should be plugged into a power strip or have in-line switch vs. Set computer to hibernate after half-hour or so of non-use. Is hibernating significantly better than sleeping? Of course, use no incandescent lightbulbs. Explore LEDs. Install digital timers on bathroom fans that might get left on Get a Killawatt to measure how much power you use on each appliance: www. killawattplus. com Remember that appliance that replies to a remote is never really off Microwave vs. gas stove? Microwave is more efficient for warming up small items because it’s not producing heat

Electricity, cont. • Install motion detector switches so empty spaces are never lit • Electricity, cont. • Install motion detector switches so empty spaces are never lit • Install motion detectors on any exterior/security lighting • Line dry all clothes. A few minutes in dryer is enough to fluff towels. • Buy Energy. Star appliances only • Don’t leave coffee pot on. Microwave as needed.

heating fuel • • • Heat home to 62 days, 56 nights and when heating fuel • • • Heat home to 62 days, 56 nights and when house is empty. Wear layers. You will get used to it and be comfortable! Install a clock thermostat with 4 settings per day Have an energy audit, caulk, weatherstrip, seal Weatherstrip even interior doors to basements, attics, cold hallways Tenants install interior storm windows Owners install the highest R-value storms affordable Don’t neglect basement windows, often leaky and without storms Blow insulation into attic floor or overlay it with rigid insulation Have insulation blown into walls, if affordable Keep heating system cleaned and tuned; replace old one with new efficient one if affordable Check out this NY Times Article: “Chilled by Choice”

water • • • We use 20 gal/person/day including dishwasher and clothes washer Install water • • • We use 20 gal/person/day including dishwasher and clothes washer Install 1. 6 gallon toilets And then don’t flush them often! If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down! Brush teeth with one cup of water, not with water running. Dip brush in cup at start, rinse mouth afterwards, pour remaining water slowly over brush Never run dishwasher or clotheswasher unless really full Nest similar dishes, study most efficient way to use space in dishwasher Catch running toilet tanks – Home Depot has a gadget for it. Running toilets can cost $30/day The most efficient dishwashers use 4 gallons of water, about 1 cup/dish Pull open dishwasher door to air-dry dishes

Water, cont. • Composting Toilets – may need special permitting in the city of Water, cont. • Composting Toilets – may need special permitting in the city of Boston • • • Have dogs? They’ll prepare dishes for dishwasher, no water needed Buy front-loading washer – gets clothes dryer, easier on them, saves water Leave dishpan in sink all the time, catch all water for re-use for – Rinsing recyclables – Soaking cooking pots – Soaking and rinsing dishes before dishwasher or hand-washing

more water • Wash dishes using very little water – – – • Don’t more water • Wash dishes using very little water – – – • Don’t dump the dishwater afterwards - find other uses for it! – – • • Put dishes into last meal’s water for a first rinse, then discard it Collect water while running until it’s hot Run hot water into one squirt of detergent – it will last if water is kept clean Pre-rinse dishes with brush dipped into saved water or use it for soaking Rinse in separate pan Clean counters and sponges Clean/soak stove grills and burner pans Wash water filter pitchers, pet bowls. . . What else? Leave it until the next washing – find uses for it! Consider a gray water system Remember that you don’t have to wash each item of clothing before wearing it again

water outdoors • If possible, install rain barrels under cut-off downspouts to collect rainwater. water outdoors • If possible, install rain barrels under cut-off downspouts to collect rainwater. In rental property a landlord might well give permission because it’s the landlord’s water bill! It’s possible to garden without turning on a faucet. • If that’s not possible, even leaving containers around to catch rain for plants, basic outdoor washing like getting garden dirt off hands, saves water. Do not try to have an English lawn that requires constant watering. Read up on native grasses and correct mowing heights. Wash a car from buckets of warm soapy water in the rain, using biodegradable soap; don’t use a hose. Never clean a sidewalk or driveway with a hose! Wait for a dry day and use a broom. Come to the JP Forum’s “Creating your own Compost, Wormbin & Rainbarrel” program on May 7! • •

plastics • • • Gather a good collection of leftover containers and use them. plastics • • • Gather a good collection of leftover containers and use them. There is no reason whatsoever to use plastic wrap for anything! Take cloth bags to stores, keep some in car, one on you if possible. Refuse plastic bags in stores; just carry your stuff. Suggest to salespeople who don’t ask if you want a bag that they consider making that store policy. Put nonrecyclable, noncompostable trash in a paper bag, or even loose, in a trash barrel. No need for plastic bags. Zip-lock bags can be washed and re-used many times.

Plastics, cont. • Don’t buy “disposable” giveaway containers. Use yogurtware! • Speaking of yogurt, Plastics, cont. • Don’t buy “disposable” giveaway containers. Use yogurtware! • Speaking of yogurt, donate #5 plastics to Gimme 5 at Whole Foods. • Hang plastic bags from fridge with magnets to dry out • Consider making your own detergent, and/or don’t use the entire amount that the manufacturer suggests. • Don’t buy shampoo in plastic bottles. Order bar shampoo from JR Liggett: www. jrliggett. com • Don’t buy liquid or stick deodorant. One crystal stick lasts 20 years! • Check out the City of Boston’s recycling video: http: //www. cityofboston. gov/publicworks/recyclingandsanitation/ • Make your own travel size toiletries. Small jars can hold toothpaste. • Make sure to rinse out containers that you will recycle • Rep. Consalvo was proposing a bill to ban plastic bags in MA • There is also a plastic bottle bill in the MA legislature at the moment

more on plastic! • • • Don’t put all loose fruits & vegetables in more on plastic! • • • Don’t put all loose fruits & vegetables in plastic bags. Loose mushrooms need a bag but 4 apples or 3 pears do not. Take your own containers to places like Harvest where you can buy loose in bulk. Take your own containers to restaurants for leftovers. For the plastic bags you do wind up with, find new homes. Some stores are willing to use them. Give smaller ones (newspapers) to dog people. And of course never buy bottled water, ever, and talk to people you see drinking it. Talking points and stats available at thinkoutsidethebottle. org. Carry your own refillable bottle. Test your home water if you’re concerned and install whole-house filter or use pitcher filters if warranted. Britta filters, thoroughly dried, are now accepted by the Gimme 5 program. Use newspaper for cat waste, and placing it under acid-loving trees The “Preserve” product line is made up entirely of old yogurt containers Make your own slogan against Disani water at: http: //opentappiness. org/

wood/paper • • • • Buy or find used or antique furniture, never new. wood/paper • • • • Buy or find used or antique furniture, never new. Use metal studs in construction if possible. Buy certified-sustainable wood if new wood is necessary; never tropical Never buy rayon! Get off mailing lists at www. catalogchoice. org Open all junk mail, save small and folded large pieces for note-writing Save never-folded paper for use in printer Fax from computer or print to scratch paper and fax Always ask fax recipients if they need a cover sheet – most don’t Re-use envelopes (except business reply) by applying stickers Rayon is made from the virgin pulp of trees – don’t buy it! Don’t buy tropical woods – none are sustainable In public bathrooms – Never use disposable seat covers – Never use paper towels – just walk away!

more wood/paper • Unused holiday wrapping paper can be donated to organizations that give more wood/paper • Unused holiday wrapping paper can be donated to organizations that give gifts to children. • Keep handkerchiefs at desk, in bathroom, in pockets, wherever needed. • Scrounge rags, even scraps, from everywhere and avoid using paper towels by keeping rags – Under every sink – With cleaning supplies – With polishing supplies – Under driver’s seat and in trunk • Build a supply of old towels from the trash; use for floor spills, all sorts of things. • Keep towels everywhere there is running water. – On stove handle or somewhere else in kitchen – Beside basement sink

other stuff • When you do need to acquire something, always think Used. • other stuff • When you do need to acquire something, always think Used. • The MSPCA and Bikes-Not-Bombs are always looking for rags – you can bring your old clothes there! • Interesting book about the recycling of clothes to developing nations: The Green T-Shirt • JP, of course, has two wonderful thrift stores. • Join the Greater Boston Re-use Listserve to give away and request things. http: //lists. aq. org/listinfo/greaterboston-reuse • JP has its own, but it’s too small. Please join us! Jpfreestuff@yahoogroups. org • Every town has its own freecycle. • Save giveaway things for JP’s annual Yard. Sale. Free. Stuff Day in September. • Everyone is invited to First Chuch in JP’s YARD SALE! June 2/3 rd!!!