Скачать презентацию Recruitment The System The Events Ian Lowe Скачать презентацию Recruitment The System The Events Ian Lowe


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Recruitment: The System & The Events Ian Lowe Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity Convention 2008 Recruitment: The System & The Events Ian Lowe Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity Convention 2008

Outline for Today I. The Recruitment System II. Interactive Goal Specific Events Outline for Today I. The Recruitment System II. Interactive Goal Specific Events

Outline for Today I. The Recruitment System *Will work at any sized school *Example Outline for Today I. The Recruitment System *Will work at any sized school *Example for today outlines those chapters with a house or residence hall (dorm)

The Recruitment System Purpose: Purpose *All members actively involved in recruitment by utilizing their The Recruitment System Purpose: Purpose *All members actively involved in recruitment by utilizing their skills “We lost guys because they'd walk in and no one stepped up except the same brothers over and over because no one felt "responsible". ” *Takes the load off the recruitment chair/committee from having to both recruit guys and execute the event at the same time

The Recruitment System Action: Action *Divide Brothers into assignment categories (delegating) Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, The Recruitment System Action: Action *Divide Brothers into assignment categories (delegating) Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management *each role is given a specific job/task that is easy to complete VOLUNTEERS COME ON DOWN!

The Recruitment System Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management Greeters: Greeters *outgoing brothers who can The Recruitment System Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management Greeters: Greeters *outgoing brothers who can break the ice with PNMs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stand near the entrance of the house Get the PNM a name tag Have PNM sign in with their contact info Have PNM fill out any appropriate Greek Life forms Ask PNM preliminary background questions (give PNM questionnaire) 6. 7. Take PNM to meet a Recruiter the PNM will connect with Spend down time reviewing background questions/questionnaire to match PNMs and brothers during general mingling time

The Recruitment System Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management Recruiters: Recruiters *outgoing brothers who can The Recruitment System Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management Recruiters: Recruiters *outgoing brothers who can talk about the house/section and ask & answer questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Make the PNM feel welcome and comfortable Give PNM a tour of house/section Ask the PNM certain questions Answer questions the PNM may have about the house or the fraternity 5. After tour, take PNM to common area to mingle with other brothers – consider brothers that have similarities with this PNM

The Recruitment System Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management Mingling time after the tour of The Recruitment System Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management Mingling time after the tour of the house -all brothers can be involved -match PNM with a brother he has not yet met AND who shares a similarity with *having them talk means easy connections and if a PNM feels connections and similarities to the brothers, he starts to see himself being in the group as well

The Recruitment System Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management Closers: Closers *experienced brothers who can The Recruitment System Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management Closers: Closers *experienced brothers who can talk about the finer details of the fraternity • Great conversationalist • Smooth talking • Comforting • Persuasive and confident 1. Find out the reservations of the PNM has and discuss those with him

The Recruitment System Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management: Management *brothers who dislike recruitment, aren’t The Recruitment System Greeters, Recruiters, Closers, and Management: Management *brothers who dislike recruitment, aren’t talkative, feel uncomfortable recruiting, or say awkward things 1. 2. 3. help keep house clean restock food/supplies make sure everything is running well (all the mundane jobs that need to be done) *should NOT be a large amount of brothers in this category

Recap What are the four positions mentioned? Greeters Recruiters Closers Management What does each Recap What are the four positions mentioned? Greeters Recruiters Closers Management What does each position do? What is the purpose of having a Recruitment System?

Break – 5 minutes Break – 5 minutes

Interactive Goal Specific Events Why do we have events? What should they know about Interactive Goal Specific Events Why do we have events? What should they know about PLP and what do we want to know about them? -values they have -values we have -beliefs they hold -our group’s purpose -academic status -history -how they work in a team -campus image/standing -likes/interests & dislikes -fun stuff we do Why do these things we’ve listed matter? How do we best learn about these guys? What type of atmosphere/circumstance is best for personal questions?

Interactive Goal Specific Events Inter/Outer Circles Purpose: To have Brothers and PNMs share specific Interactive Goal Specific Events Inter/Outer Circles Purpose: To have Brothers and PNMs share specific facts about each other when prompted by a question. VOLUNTEERS COME ON DOWN

Interactive Goal Specific Events Teambuilding Challenges Purpose: To observe how PNMs work together, lead, Interactive Goal Specific Events Teambuilding Challenges Purpose: To observe how PNMs work together, lead, communicate, handle challenges, and use creativity to solve problems VOLUNTEERS COME ON DOWN

Interactive Goal Specific Events Purpose: Roundtables To share information with PNMs, ask them questions, Interactive Goal Specific Events Purpose: Roundtables To share information with PNMs, ask them questions, and take their questions Benefits: Amusement Park -FUN -Road trip equals tons of time to talk and bond

Interactive Goal Specific Events Purpose: Introduction Night To share information with PNMs, ask them Interactive Goal Specific Events Purpose: Introduction Night To share information with PNMs, ask them questions, and take their questions Benefits: -Can use images from video, PPT, poster boards, pictures, etc -Generic enough that any PNM could come to this

Interactive Goal Specific Events Benefits: Bowling -Laid back fun -A lot of downtime means Interactive Goal Specific Events Benefits: Bowling -Laid back fun -A lot of downtime means ability to talk with multiple PNMs -Cost effective -Bowling alleys are easy to find Benefits: -Laid back fun -Taste of brotherhood Game Night

Interactive Goal Specific Events Attend a Baseball game Benefits: -Laid back fun -TONS of Interactive Goal Specific Events Attend a Baseball game Benefits: -Laid back fun -TONS of downtime means ability to talk with multiple PNMs -Off campus -Guaranteed time with PNMs -Cost effective

Interactive Goal Specific Events Benefits: Camping -Laid back fun -Taste of brotherhood -Great atmosphere Interactive Goal Specific Events Benefits: Camping -Laid back fun -Taste of brotherhood -Great atmosphere to have solid conversations and questions -Guaranteed to have PNM for a while Benefits: Dinners -Every college male likes free food -can be short or long and informal or formal

Other Ideas for Informal Recruiting IM teams Study sessions Workout at the gym Lunches/Dinners Other Ideas for Informal Recruiting IM teams Study sessions Workout at the gym Lunches/Dinners Movie

Questions? Contact Info: Ian Lowe ian. lowe@pilambdaphi. org 203 -885 -5251 Questions? Contact Info: Ian Lowe ian. lowe@pilambdaphi. org 203 -885 -5251

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