The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitment, especially in AE, hiring. Someone who has been recruited is – a hire. recruit, or in AE
A Company may recruit employees: - directly -use outside recruiters, recruitment agencies or employment agencies ( фирмы по поиску и набору персонала). Outside specialists called headhunters. головами). (охотники за
Headhunting is process when headhunters are persuading people for very important jobs to leave the organization they already work for. As for as when company use directly way to recruit employees. Each company has Human Resources departments. HRD are responsible for recruiting new personnel.
Applicant*- a person who is applying for a position. Curriculum vitae* (CV)- document that gives details of a person’s experience and qualifications Cover letter* - a letter written to an employer is response to a job advertisement. Hire* - employ someone Payroll* - a list of the employees in an organization; the administration of employee pay. Qualification* - an examination passed at school or university. Screen*- to examine or test people. Train – to teach someone the skills of a particular job or activity.
Applying for a job (Подача заявления на работу) Candidates are initially asked to provide a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume (Am. E) which gives information about their qualification, experience and skills. The recruiter then screens the application and selects candidates for interview. Successful applicants are hired and put on the payroll.
There are different ways of selection procedures. Company can invite the most interesting candidates to a group discussion. Then we have individual interviews with each candidates. Also the candidates to do written psychometric tests to assess their intelligence and personality. After this, company shortlist three or four candidates. Company check their references by writing to their referees. If the references are OK, HRD ask the candidates to come back for more interviews. Finally, company can offer the job to someone.
Accept- принимать ; Refused- отказаться; A full time job- полный рабочий день; A part time job – неполный рабочий день; A permanent job – постоянная работа; A temporary job – временная работа; Working hours – рабочие часы Clock in – время прихода Clock out – время ухода Flexi time- гибкий график day/night shift- дневная/ночная смена
If you were at the head of a staff department (HRD) as you led selection of candidates?