- Количество слайдов: 49
Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committees PAC for Nuclear Physics Walter Greiner 1
Agenda I. Implementation of the recommendations of the previous PAC meeting II. Reports on themes completed in 2010 and proposals for their continuation (based on written reports): “Information, Computer and Network Support of JINR's Activity” “Mathematical Support of Experimental and Theoretical Studies Conducted by JINR” III. Radiochemical research at FLNP: present status and 7 -year plan IV. Proposals of new projects V. Visit to the Laboratory of Radiation Biology VI. Scientific reports VII. Consideration of poster presentations of new results and proposals by young scientists of BLTP and DLNP in the field of nuclear physics research 2
I. Preamble The Chairperson of the PAC, W. Greiner, welcomed the PAC members, in particular the new member F. Piquemal, and the ex officio members from JINR, and presented the implementation of the recommendations taken at the previous meeting. JINR Chief Scientific Secretary N. Russakovich informed the PAC about the Resolution of the 108 th session of the Scientific Council (September 2010) and the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries (November 2010). 3
II. Reports on themes completed in 2010 and proposals for their continuation “Information, computer and network support of JINR’s activity” -V. Korenkov “Mathematical support of experimental and theoretical studies conducted by JINR” -Gh. Adam 4
Information, computer and network support of JINR's activity – V. Korenkov 20 Gb/s 1. Telecommunication channels: Moscow 1. Telecommunication channels: M 9 - 20 Gb/s; CERN – 10 Gb/s; RBnet - 10 Gb/s; RASnet - 10 Gb/s; Radio. MSU - 10 Gb/s; GEANT – 12. 4 Gb/s; GLORIAD - 1 Gb/s. 2. JINR Local area network: ~ 7000 computers and nodes, Users – 3726 , IP – 8300 , Remote VPN users – 1310, High-speed transport – up to 10 Gb/s. Network monitoring information system - more than 350 network nodes are in round-the-clock monitoring The distribution of batch jobs over the Institute’s subdivisions and user groups excluding the grid in 2010 3. JINR Central Information and Computing Complex: performance 2800 k. SI 2 K (1104 CPU), 2800 k. SI 2 K disk storage capacity 1068 TB, 5 availability and reliability - 99%.
JINR Grid Infrastructure • The CPU time monitoring in the year 2010 places the JINR grid-site on the 10 -th place among the 163 Tier 2 sites of WLCG. The JINR cluster has covered about 40% within the Russian Data Intensive Grid consortium share. 1. The JINR grid-site is integrated with the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid and European Grid Initiative 2. The JINR grid-site supports the computing activities of 10 Virtual Organizations (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, Bio. Med, dteam, Fusion, HONE, rgtest, ops) and also provides the grid-resources for experiments CBM and 3. Grid cooperation: PANDA Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG); EGI-In. SPIRE; RDIG; CERN-RFBR project “Grid Monitoring from VO perspective”; BMBF grant; JINR - FZU AS Czech Republic Project “The GRID for the physics experiments”; Project Grid. NNN (National Nanotechnological Net); NASUkraine-RFBR –LIT; JINRRomania cooperation; JINRMoldova cooperation (MDGRID, RENAM); JINRMongolia cooperation (Mongol -Grid), etc. WLCG Normalized CPU time for JINR Member States (June 2009 –December JINR Member Normalized 2010) CPU time States Russia JINR 53, 883, 774 22, 203, 264 Poland 23, 164, 809 Czech Republic 13, 319, 897 Romania 9, 117, 904 Slovakia 1, 244 Bulgaria 1, 220, 030 Ukraine (Kharkov. KIPT-LCG 2) 622, 919 Belarus 37, 231 Armenia 21 6
The PAC takes note of the report on the completed theme “Information, computer and network support of JINR’s activity” presented by V. Korenkov. The PAC highly appreciates the obtained results and notes the availability of the work performed within the development of the JINR network and the unified Grid environment in collaboration with research organizations of the JINR Member States and other countries. The PAC sees a need for an essential increase of the JINR computing capacity and recommends that the LIT Directorate, under the aegis of the JINR Directorate, prepare proposals on the creation of a high-power computer centre which would provide the JINR scientists with adequate computing 7 opportunities in the future
Recommendations The PAC recommends continuation and development of the work within this theme until the end of 2013. Special attention should be focused on issues of information protection within the Grid environment. The PAC encourages taking steps for a possible upgrade to Tier 1. 8
Mathematical support of experimental and theoretical studies conducted by JINR- Gh. Adam Ø The PAC takes note of the report on the completed theme “Mathematical support of experimental and theoretical studies conducted by JINR” presented by Gh. Adam and notes the high level, demand urgency of the performed investigations. Papers in Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journals (2008 -2010): Foreign journals: 221 Russian journals: 128 Total: 349 Papers in Conference Proceedings (2008 -2010): International Conferences: 252 Russian Conferences: 55 Total: 307 9
STUDY OF 6 He + 12 C (6, 8 He+p) ELASTIC SCATTERING Collaboration BLTP – LIT – Bulgaria Task: To study peculiarities of the mechanism of the flux loss in the elastic channel Task from elastic scattering data at various beam energies. Method: Information is extracted using microscopic optical potentials (OP). Results: In 6, 8 He+p scatterings the OP successfully explains the experimental data if the strength of Im(OP) being appreciably changed. In 6 He+12 C scatterings, OP is found to depend both on projectile & target. Effects of surface terms: Black lines: elastic channel Conclusions: Improvement of agreement with experimental data was got by Colored lines: breakup imposing supplementary constraints which remove ambiguities. Breakup accounts by 50% To understand the meaning of the large imaginary surface term, of total cross-section further studies accounting for breakup effects were undertaken: E. V. Zemlyanaya (LIT), V. K. Lukyanov (BLTP), K. V. Lukyanov (LIT) http: //www. ar. Xiv: 1012. 1182 v 1 [nucl-th] (2010); submitted to Int. J. Mod. Phys E http: //www. ar. Xiv: 1012. 1182 v 1 [nucl-th] (2010); 10
Recommendation The PAC recommends continuation of the studies within this theme until the end of 2013. 11
III. FLNR radiochemical research (present status and seven-year plan)-S. Dmitriev Identification and Study of Chemical Properties of New Elements of the Mendeleev Periodic Table 12 12
Number of observed decay chains Element 118 3 Element 116 26 Element 115 4 Element 114 43 Element 113 2 Element 112 8 13
Relatively long half-lives of isotopes of elements 104 -116 produced in reactions with 48 Ca and chemical properties of SHE predicted theoretically permit new experiments aimed at: § the chemical identification of SHE, § study of their chemical properties, § determination of masses of the SHE isotopes 14
Compound Hg(Au) Reaction: 242 Pu(48 Ca, 3 n)287114[0. 5 s]→α→ 283112[3. 6 s] and 112(Au) 15
Element 112 is a noble metal – like Hg room temperature 16
48 Ca + 242 Pu Chemistry DGFRS 287114 0. 51 s 10. 02 Me. V 10. 04 Me. V 283112 4. 0 s 10. 9 s 9. 54 Me. V 279 Ds 0. 18 s SF Тads= -88 °C 9. 53 Me. V 279 Ds 0. 24 s SF . 17
Result from the chemistry experiment with element 114 → Element 114 exhibits a very weak interaction with Au - pointing to a physisorptive interaction (similar to a noble gas). → A quantitative description of this behaviour is lacking so far. 18
Periodic System (fragment) 20
Synthesis of a new element with atomic number Z=117 Yu. Ts. Oganessian, 1) F. Sh. Abdullin, 1) P. D. Bailey, 2) D. E. Benker, 2) M. E. Bennett, 3) S N. Dmitriev, 1) J. G. Ezold, 2) J. H. Hamilton, 4) R. A. Henderson, 5) M. G. Itkis, 1) Yu. V. Lobanov, 1) A. N. Mezentsev, 1) K. J. Moody, 5) S. L. Nelson, 5) A. N. Polyakov, 1) C. E. Porter, 2) A. V. Ramayya, 4) F. D. Riley, 2) J. B. Roberto, 2) M. A. Ryabinin, 6) K. P. Rykaczewski, 2) R. N. Sagaidak, 1) D. A. Shaughnessy, 5) I. V. Shirokovsky, 1) M. A. Stoyer, 5) V. G. Subbotin, 1) R. Sudowe, 3) A. M. Sukhov, 1) Yu. S. Tsyganov, 1) V. K. Utyonkov, 1) A. A. Voinov, 1) G. K. Vostokin, 1) and P. A. Wilk 5) 1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, RU-141980 Dubna, RF 2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA 3 University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA 4 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235, USA 5 Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94551, USA 6 Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, RU-433510 Dimitrovgrad, RF (Dated: April 1, 2010) The discovery of a new chemical element with atomic number Z=117 is reported. The isotopes 293117 and 294117 were produced in fusion reactions between 48 Ca and 249 Bk. Decay chains involving eleven new nuclei were identified by means of the Dubna Gas Filled Recoil Separator. The measured decay properties show a strong rise of stability for heavier isotopes with Z≥ 111, validating the concept of the long sought island of enhanced stability for super-heavy 21 21 nuclei
112 ms 294 45 ms α 1 0. 023 s 290 1. 0 s E* = 35 Me. V 1 event 28. 3 s 16 s α 3 0. 74 s 282 8. 1 s α 4 11. 0 s 13 s α 5 1. 3 min 7. 4 min α 6 270 Db 274 Bh 278 Mt 115 α 2 Rg 3 n 249 Bk + 48 Ca 290 9. 00(10) Me. V 00(10) 9. 43 Me. V Bot. 8 α 3 Bot. 8 9. 55(19) Me. V 9. 55(19) 9. 14 Me. V 9. 14 α 4 Bot. 8 α 5 270 Db 274 Bh 278 Mt 282 290 286 113 9. 62 Me. V Top 4 α 4 8. 89 Me. V 64. 90 s 8. 77 Me. V 13. 59 min SF 101. 0 + 89. 1 Me. V 79. 25 h 278 α 5 Bot. 4 α 6 270 Db 113 α 3 Rg 9. 52 Me. V 6. 49 s 115 α 2 286 Mt 282 Rg 9. 01 Me. V 9. 01 1. 85 min 8. 64 Me. V 8. 64 <1. 42 min 1. 42 ry a in 274 Bh lim e pr SF 98. 6 + 88. 5 Me. V 64. 61 h 04 May 2010 10: 05: 46 Bk-target I 16 May 2010 02: 29: 54 Bk-target II 294 117 α 1 1 115 α 2 3 n 249 Bk + 48 Ca 294 α 117 9. 63(10) Me. V 9. 63(10) 9. 56 Me. V α 6 DGFRS 10. 81(10) Me. V 11. 00 Me. V 113 Bot. 8 TKE = 219(5) Me. V 33. 4 h 117 9. 95(40) Me. V 10. 23 Me. V 286 8. 80(10) Me. V 8. 80(10) 8. 43 Me. V SF 117 297 22
Hg-185 DISTRIBUTION 113 23
Experimental program of 2011 -2012 n Chemistry of 113 element (243 Am + 48 Ca) n Chemistry of 112 and 114 elements (242 Pu + 48 Ca) n Chemistry of 105 element (243 Am + 48 Ca)(off-line) 24
New Set-ups for Radiochemistry according to the 7 -year plan (2010 -2016) 1. Pre-separator (background, short lived isotopes); 2. New detector systems (max. information from single event); 3. New high beam current targets; 4. New radiochemical laboratory, II class (targets preparation, chemistry of long-lived SHE). Creation of set-ups will be synchronized with the construction of the new experimental hall and accelerator. 25
The PAC discussed in detail the programme of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions on the radiochemical studies of superheavy nuclei, proposed by S. Dmitriev. The programme includes investigations of chemical properties of elements 112– 114 in the fusion reactions 243 Am+48 Са and 242, 244 Pu +48 Са, as well as measurements of isotope masses of these elements with the use of the upgraded massspectrometer MASHA. The PAC notes that the studies of chemical properties of transactinide nuclei play an important role within the framework of the JINR seven-year plan. The PAC strongly supports the efforts of the FLNR Directorate towards construction of new 26 radiochemical laboratories.
Recommendation The PAC recommends continuation of the study of the chemical properties of superheavy elements with high priority. The PAC also recommends focusing efforts on designing new radiochemical laboratories. 27
IV. New projects “A study of the nucleon spin structure in strong and electromagnetic interactions” (project GDH&SPASCHARM)- Yu. Plis SPASCHARM Strong Interactions (IHEP, Protvino) Goals: Study of single-spin asymmetry based on large statistics of the production of light meson resonances (ρ, ω etc) Study of spin effects in charmonium production to understand charmonium hadronic production mechanism and to extract gluon polarization Δg(x) at large x 28
Strong Interactions • Experiments: • Measurement of single-spin asymmetries in the production of miscellaneous light resonances with the use of 34 Ge. V π - beam • Measurement of single-spin and double-spin asymmetries in charmonium production with the use of 70 Ge. V polarized proton beam • Equipment: • U 70 accelerator at IHEP, Protvino • π - beam; E = 34 Ge. V • Polarized proton beam; E = 70 Ge. V • Large frozen spin proton target at Protvino 29
GDH Electromagnetic Interactions (Mainz, A 2 -collaboration) MICROTRON continuous polarized electron beam, E=1. 5 Ge. V, Pe=85% 30
The GDH sum rule Goals: Measurement of helicity dependence of the photoreactions using the new frozen spin proton/deuteron target and Crystal Ball detector at polarized photon energies up to 1. 5 Ge. V. Experimental verification of the Gerasimov -Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule. σp(σa): total photoabsorption cross section for parallel (antiparallel) spins; ν: photon energy; M: mass of the nucleon; k: anomalous magnetic moment of nucleon with spin S (kp=1. 79; kn=-1. 91); νthr: threshold for pion production (photodisintegration). 31
Polarized targed and Crystal Ball / TAPS 32
The PAC recognizes the importance of polarization studies proposed in the GDH&SPASCHARM project, presented by Yu. Plis. The aim of this project is to carry out experimental investigations of a wide scope of problems connected with a QCD spin-flavor structure study of protons and neutrons. These experiments require the use of polarized targets and beams which determine the key role of the JINR physicists who developed two frozen spin polarized targets to be used in the proposed experimental programme. The PAC would like to hear at a future meeting a more detailed report about the experimental set-ups. 34
Recommendation The PAC considers the GDH&SPASCHARM project to be very important and recommends its approval for the years 2011– 2013 with high priority. 35
Experimental study of nuclear fusion reactions in a ptµ system (project TRITON)- D. Demin R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S 31 st meeting (January 2010), PAC for Nuclear Physics The PAC recommends the development of an experimental project to study ptμ fusion by the Mu-CATALYSIS collaboration (Dubna, VNIIEF Sarov, Delft University, INP Cracow, ITEP Moscow). 36
The rates of the muon catalyzed fusion reactions d+d, p+d and t+t have been measured, and they turned out to be in an agreement with theory. This is not the case for the p+t fusion rates These reactions proceed from the ground state of the ptµ and hence from the s-wave of the initial system. As the total pt spin can be 1 (initial state) or 0 ( ) and the ground state of is , the possible transitions are (M 1) and (E 0). Experimental investigation of the reactions (1 -2) ( ɣ and µ ) was made in the only experiment at PSI : P. ~Bauman et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 24 (1993) 3720 {pt. PSI}. Events of reaction (3) with creation of electron-positron conversion pairs have not been observed by the authors. It turned out that the authors results are in the sharp contradiction with theory. So, the yield of reaction (1) (M 1 transition) exceeds the calculated value eight times and the yield of the muon conversion (E 0 transition) is higher than expected value by hundreds 37 times!
Proposal for the new experiment to study the pt fusion reactions We propose to perform the experiment on this subject with new experimental method providing new possibilities for the investigations. From "the physical" point of view, there are several distinctions between the previous measurement and our proposal. 1. Not triple H/D/T but double H/T mixture will be used that allows to simplify the data interpretation. 2. Our experiment will be especially aimed to detect not only muons and gammas but pairs also, including registration of the electron-positron coincidence in time. 3. Two ways will be used to obtain the relative yields for all three main channels of pt-fusion reaction: a) logical selection criteria using coincidences (anti-coincidences) of the signals for separate parts of the detection system. b) analysis of energy spectra collected by the charge particle detectors. 38
TRITON is the continuation of the previous CATALYSIS project. The PAC heard the information by D. Demin on this project to study М 1 and Е 0 transitions in the pt-fusion reaction in the ptμ molecule. (It is sufficient that М 1 transition is sensitive to MEC influence and Е 0 to charge distribution in the 4 He nucleus. ) The study of the channel yielding е+е- pairs is of special interest. Note that the values of the extracted nuclear matrix elements in the A=4 system are within reach for developing ab initio calculations in modern effective field theory. It is basically a test of QED under the influence of manybody problems. Recommendation. The PAC recommends approval of the TRITON project for the years 2011– 2013 with high priority. 39
V. Visit to the Laboratory of Radiation Biology (LRB) The members of the PAC appreciated the visit to LRB and thank Professor E. Krasavin for illustrating the activities of this Laboratory. 40
VI. Scientific reports Accelerating Medium Effect as a general wave phenomenon- A. Frank • Experimental results obtained by two different methods manifest that neutron really changes their energy at the passing the accelerating sample. Agreement with theory is about ~10% • Accelerating medium effect was observed only in neutron optics. • Accelerating medium effect is a very general one. Any particles have to change their energy after the passing of matter (or region of potential acting) which is moving with acceleration. PSI 2010. October, 11 -14, 2010 41
Conclusion Accelerating medium effect (AME) recently observed in neutron optics is a very general effect It might be a good tools for the precise measurements Apparently it might play a significant role in some astrophysical phenomena The PAC highly appreciated the report “Effect of accelerating medium as a general wave phenomenon” presented by A. Frank. These beautiful experiments performed at ILL open new perspectives. This prominent activity should be strongly supported. 42
Formation of strongly deformed nuclear states- A. Zubov Using the cluster approach, author proposed a model of the hyperdeformed (HD) state formation in the entrance channel of heavyion reaction at bombarding energies near and below the Coulomb barrier. The initial excited (dinuclear system)DNS then can be deexcited by the emission of a neutron to the cold quasibound state which is identical to the HD state. Another mechanism for the population of HD state is the direct sub-barrier tunneling. The neutron emission from the initial excited DNS, which competes with the quasifission and the diffusion of the initial DNS to more symmetric or asymmetric configurations, is described by using a statistical approach. Tunneling through Coulomb barrier is considered using the quantum diffusion approach with the formalism of reduced density matrix. One can identify the HD state by measuring the consecutive collective rotational E 2 -transitions in coincidence with the decay fragments of the DNS constituting the HD configuration. 43
The optimal reactions and conditions for the identification of HD states are proposed and the HD state formation and identification cross sections are estimated. The details are available in the papers: A. S. Zubov, V. V. Sargsyan, G. G. Adamian, N. V. Antonenko, and W. Scheid, Phys. Rev. C 81, 024607 (2010); Phys. Rev. C 82, 034610 (2010). Analysis of formation of (superdeformed ) SD states in particle evaporation reactions. 108 Pd(48 Ca, 4 n)152 Dy, 24 Mg(20 Ne, 2)36 Ar, etc. Are light particles emitted from compound nucleus, final SD cluster configuration or some intermediate cluster configuration? Comparing the experimental data (band intensities, population cross sections) with the predictions of the model. Proposal for the optimal conditions in these reactions. Possibility of existence of HD states in light N = Z nuclei (36 Ar, 40 Ca)? The PAC also heard with interest the report “Formation of strongly deformed nuclear states” presented by A. Zubov. Improvements 44 and extensions of these calculations are recommended.
VII. Poster session The PAC was particularly pleased with the presentations of new results and proposals by young scientists of BLTP and DLNP in the field of nuclear physics research. 45
DLNP BLTP I. Shlyk "New nuclear clusters with phi-mesons" Sh. Kalandarov "Angular momentum dependence of complex fragment production in low energy heavy ion collisions" V. Sargsyan "Sub-barrier capture with quantum diffusion approach: actinide-based reactions“ A. B. A. Khvorostukhin Shear and bulk viscosities for a pure glue matter L. Perevoshchikov, M. -M. Be, Ch. Briancon, V. Gorozhankin, X. Mougeot: “Construction of beta spectra on the basis of experimental nuclear decay data” L. L. Perevoshchikov, А. Kh. Inoyatov, D. V. Filosofov, V. M. Gorozhankin, A. Kovalík, N. A. Lebedev, M. Ryšavý: “Precise Energy Determination of the 22. 5 ke. V M 1+E 2 Nuclear Transition in 149 Sm” A. G. Beda, V. B. Brudanin, V. G. Egorov, D. V. Medvedev, M. V. Shirchenko, A. S. Starostin: “GEMMA: search for the neutrino magnetic moment (NMM)” D. Zinatulina, V. Brudanin, V. Egorov, D. Medvedev, Jh. Nemtsova, M. Shirchenko, E. Shevchik, I. Smirnova, I. Zhitnikov: “µ-veto for low-background experiments” Jh. Nemtsova, V. B. Brudanin, V. G. Egorov, M. V. Shirchenko, E. A. Shevchik, Yu. A. Shitov, D. R. Zinatulina, I. V. Zhitnikov, I. E. Smirnova, M. V. Danilov, A. S. Kobyakin, R. V. Mizyuk, E. G. Novikov, V. Yu. Rusinov, A. S. Starostin, I. N. Tikhomirov, “DANSS project: Solid State Scintillator Detector for the Reactor Anti. Neutrino” B. A. Shaibonov: “Search for a diffuse flux of high-energy neutrinos with the Baikal neutrino telescope NT 200” E. N. Pliskovskii: “Data acquisition system for the next generation of the Baikal neutrino telescope HT 1000” K. V. Konishchev: “Search for Neutrinos from Dark Matter Annihilation in the Sun with the Baikal Neutrino Experiment” Dmitry Tsirkov: "Vector analyzing power of pp → {pp}/π0 reaction at intermediate energies". Vera Shmakova: "Vector analyzing power in pd → 3 He/π+ and pd→ 3 He/π0 at Tp = 353 Me. V at the ANKE-COSY experiment. I. 46
The best theoretical and experimental poster presentations have been honored. They are “Shear and bulk viscosities for pure glue matter” by A. Khvorostukhin (BLTP) and “μ-veto for low-background experiments” by D. Zinatulina (DLNP). This type of presentations should be continued in future. 47
VIII. Next meeting of the PAC The next meeting of the PAC for Nuclear Physics will be held on 16– 17 June 2011. Its tentative agenda will include: – Reports and recommendations on themes and projects to be completed in 2011 – Consideration of new projects – Status of the GERDA project – Poster presentations of new results and proposals by young scientists in the field of nuclear physics research – Scientific reports 48
Thank you for your attention! 49