Скачать презентацию Recipe Manager Training Day 4 Menu Writer Скачать презентацию Recipe Manager Training Day 4 Menu Writer


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Recipe. Manager © Training Day 4 Menu. Writer Production Analysis & IT Administration User Recipe. Manager © Training Day 4 Menu. Writer Production Analysis & IT Administration User Training September 2014 Recipe Manager Vydata Systems Training Presentation

Today’s Training Agenda • Review of Day 3 • Menu. Writer Production Analysis • Today’s Training Agenda • Review of Day 3 • Menu. Writer Production Analysis • Advanced Scheduling and Resource Planning • Checking Stock Levels after Production • Making Menu Template Changes when Needed (IT) • RM Configuration (System Properties, Setup Database Fields and Columns) (IT) • Properly Applying System Updates (IT) • System Backup Plan (IT) • Profit Centers (Locations) (IT) • The Admin Module (IT) • Final Discussions

Review of Day 3 Yesterday we covered… • Recipe Writing • Building New Recipes Review of Day 3 Yesterday we covered… • Recipe Writing • Building New Recipes (Products) • Recipe Nutrition – USDA Discussion • Recipe Attachments • Recipe Check Boxes, Ingredients, Sub-Recipes, Costs, Yields, Portions, etc. • Inventory Quantities, Counting, and Stock-Level Analysis • Using Reports for inventory analysis • Counting and Inventory Analysis against “Actual” • Analyzing Stock Level Problems: Shortages / Overages • Closing a Period after a Count: Reconcile vs. EOP/BOP Count • Costing Any questions before we move on?

Menu. Writer – the Application Day 1 mentioned this application’s duel focus… The Master Menu. Writer – the Application Day 1 mentioned this application’s duel focus… The Master Menu n n Final Product Menu Recipe cost changes based on Inventory price changes Analysis of those changes Full Training on Day 4 Production Menus n n n Production of Meal Plans Production Scheduling Waste Sheets Virtual movement of inventory from ingredient to meal Building process for Purchase Orders Full Training on day 4 NOTE: access this application by clicking the MENU button in RM

Menu. Writer The Production Menus – the Focus for Today • Food production can Menu. Writer The Production Menus – the Focus for Today • Food production can be driven by sales orders, forecasting, or manual entry

Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Usage • Products that must be prepared or Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Usage • Products that must be prepared or “produced” • Based on “production runs” from a “production schedule” (menu) • Menus can be scheduled by period (date) or event • PRE-PREP Check can be used to analyze stock levels first • PREPARE will deduct raw materials and create final products

Menu. Writer The Production Menus – PRE-PREP Check • Analyze each ingredient to see Menu. Writer The Production Menus – PRE-PREP Check • Analyze each ingredient to see if we have stock to cover the menu

Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Preparing Food • Enter how much “actual prep” Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Preparing Food • Enter how much “actual prep” and “waste”, then run production • Recipes are all scaled and production causes raw inventory deduction

Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Scheduling • Schedule a recurring “date” production run Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Scheduling • Schedule a recurring “date” production run or a single “event” • Scheduling is done in MS Outlook Calendar

Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Waste • Waste sheets record product waste during Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Waste • Waste sheets record product waste during the production process • Waste is calculated in different ways depending on “when” it happens

Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Reporting / Analysis • A printed production menu Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Reporting / Analysis • A printed production menu is for internal viewing

Revisiting Purchase Orders After Production – Do we need more stock? • NOTE: we Revisiting Purchase Orders After Production – Do we need more stock? • NOTE: we can view stock affected and place purchase orders

Revisiting Purchase Orders After Production – Checking Stock Levels • NOTE: the LOW STOCK Revisiting Purchase Orders After Production – Checking Stock Levels • NOTE: the LOW STOCK flag from Inventory will display all low items

Revisiting Purchase Orders Production – Reorders (Tying Everything Together) • Production to Requisitions to Revisiting Purchase Orders Production – Reorders (Tying Everything Together) • Production to Requisitions to orders to received goods to more stock!

Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Setup Button for Changes • Design your Production Menu. Writer The Production Menus – Setup Button for Changes • Design your Production Menu the same way as the Master Menu

Workshop Suggestions for your Workshop… • • • Run an event menu production with Workshop Suggestions for your Workshop… • • • Run an event menu production with low stock items Evaluate the inventory changes after production Place orders for ALL stock that is flagged “LOW” Receive the order, then re-evaluate stock levels Menu SETUP: Make changes to your template

IT Training: Overview The IT Person’s Role – the “System Manager” • • • IT Training: Overview The IT Person’s Role – the “System Manager” • • • Software Installs System Configuration Networking – Profit Centers (Locations) Interfacing to Other Systems Training Kitchen Staff • • • System Maintenance Periodic Updates Backup Plans Picture/Document Attaching Troubleshooting Contacting Vydata Support is here to help!

RM System Configuration System Properties All system configuration settings are under File-System Properties… System RM System Configuration System Properties All system configuration settings are under File-System Properties… System Properties Include: • General Settings – Company info and specific switches • File Locations – Where stuff is located physically on network • Tree Setup – Showing which areas on Main screen • Fractions – Configuration of recipe ingredient viewing • COST Methods – Settings for cost control

RM System Configuration File Locations The most important tab for system management… Things to RM System Configuration File Locations The most important tab for system management… Things to check here: • Data Path – Make sure this is the correct path to database (RMD or MDB) file • Temp / User Path – Make sure this is a UNIQUE folder to each user! • EPOS Program Path – This is where EPOS is installed, make sure the EPOS. EXE is in this folder! Usually it is C: Program FilesEPOS • Default Import / Export Paths – Make sure these are separate and unique areas! Remember anything placed in the Auto. Import path will be pulled into RM at startup

RM System Configuration Profit Center ID The most important value for location control Things RM System Configuration Profit Center ID The most important value for location control Things to check here: • Make sure this is a unique value for EACH LOCATION on the network • If you are sharing the SAME data at the different locations, it may make more sense to use the SAME profit center along with the TRANSFERS system • To set up profit centers, click the SELECT button here to… • Add new profit centers • Delete profit centers • Assign a profit center to this client PC • Add/Remove departments or “areas” within a profit center location

EPOS System Configuration Administration All system configuration settings are under Admin Menu IT Areas EPOS System Configuration Administration All system configuration settings are under Admin Menu IT Areas of Interest: • System Settings – Company info, specific switches, and file locations • BACKUP / RESTORE – Where a batch file backup and restore process can be executed • Run DB Maintenance JOB – Specific jobs to run on database when (or if) required • User/Security Administration – Setting up user accounts and groups • Manage Company Locations – Setting up specifics for each profit center

Periodic Update Checking the Version of RM 2 places to check • Program DATE Periodic Update Checking the Version of RM 2 places to check • Program DATE – examine the “Date Modified” • Program VERSION – examine the “Product Version” NOTE: We suggest using a separate folder for your program updates downloaded from the Vydata website (www. vydata. com). Your system (Recipe Mgr Program) folder should never have a file that is older than the files in your update folder. The newest /latest date/time of a file is your latest version. Right-clicking on the program file gives you version information.

Applying System Updates We send out generally only two types of update links: Program Applying System Updates We send out generally only two types of update links: Program updates and Report updates. These links never change. However, support customers get notified when updates are ready for download.

Applying System Updates should be downloaded and extracted into either an update folder or Applying System Updates should be downloaded and extracted into either an update folder or their proper location.

Applying System Updates to reports go into the DATA folder while updates to programs Applying System Updates to reports go into the DATA folder while updates to programs go into the Recipe. Mgr root path. Make sure you overwrite the old files when applying an update. Once an update has been successfully applied and tested, there is no reason to keep previous versions, in fact we strongly advise not to. This causes confusion and risks old programs getting mixed in with newer updates.

Applying System Updates Remember these updates must go on each CLIENT system from where Applying System Updates Remember these updates must go on each CLIENT system from where the application is running. Remember the application is 32 bit, so it will be automatically installed into the (x 86) Programs area on 64 bit machines. You must be carefully when sharing a programs path among both 32 bit and 64 bit systems because the path may be wrong on some PCs and not others!

System Backup Plan Exactly WHAT and WHEN to Backup WHAT to Backup: • Update System Backup Plan Exactly WHAT and WHEN to Backup WHAT to Backup: • Update Folder – the updates folder mentioned previously that holds the latest programs and updates. In the event of an emergency, you can always REINSTALL a client, then do a quick update from the updates folder to get back in business! • Programs Folder – although you can always reinstall your programs from CD, the programs path has important system settings! Always back up this program (Recipe. Mgr and EPOS paths) as well. • DATA Folders – finally, it is most important to backup your DATA path which should include all files and sub-folders within it outside of the TEMP folder. WHEN to Backup: • It depends! If data entry occurs each day, then you should back up daily! Otherwise once a week is usually ok.

System Backup Plan Backup Options Both RM and EPOS have their own simple file System Backup Plan Backup Options Both RM and EPOS have their own simple file backup options. However, this may not be enough! This does not include your update folders or any special files that you copy (import Excel files, etc. ). You should implement your own backup plan either instead of or including the built-in system plan.

System Backup Plan Backup Options: RM Built-in File Backup Recipe Manager’s backup system can System Backup Plan Backup Options: RM Built-in File Backup Recipe Manager’s backup system can be configured from the main TOOLS menu… Automatic Data Backup Menu: • NO BACKUP – System does no backup (Default) • Prompt for Backup – Every so many uses, the system will prompt if you want to back up • Backup Weekly – Automatic backup after each week of use • Backup Monthly – Automatic backup after each month of use

System Backup Plan Backup Options: EPOS Built-in File Backup Enterprise. POS’s backup system can System Backup Plan Backup Options: EPOS Built-in File Backup Enterprise. POS’s backup system can be configured from the main ADMIN menu… Administration Menu: • BACKUP – runs a BACKUP. BAT file • RESTORE – runs a RESTORE. BAT file

System Backup Plan Backup Options: EPOS Built-in File Backup The EPOS backup system is System Backup Plan Backup Options: EPOS Built-in File Backup The EPOS backup system is NOT automatic. It must be user-initiated. It allows IT to design their own BACKUP. BAT and RESTORE. BAT file to allow the users to run periodically or schedule them in Windows. IT retains control, but the user’s must initiate.

The Admin Module Used for User / Group Maintenance – Under “Tools” Menu Controls The Admin Module Used for User / Group Maintenance – Under “Tools” Menu Controls all access to the system. Note: after installation, the initial login user is always ADMIN (password ADMIN) Note: multiple languages can be set up using a separate module (i 18 n) to log into from here as well Use the system to… • Add/Edit/Delete Users • Add/Edit/Delete Groups • Assign Users to Groups • Assign Privileges to Groups • Promote / Demote Users • Setup Supervisors and Subordinates • Reset User Passwords etc. , etc.

The Admin Module Used for User / Group Maintenance – Under “Tools” Menu After The Admin Module Used for User / Group Maintenance – Under “Tools” Menu After logging in successfully, access the Admin Module from the Tools menu. Note: the i 18 n Language Module is also accessed from Tools if configured under System Properties and if granted privileges for access within your group.

The Admin Module You are required to log into the system again initially Then The Admin Module You are required to log into the system again initially Then the main Admin screen is opened showing the user accounts and groups you have access to.

The Admin Module User accounts you don’t have access to are “grayed out” when The Admin Module User accounts you don’t have access to are “grayed out” when clicked and have brackets around them. This means you do not have the proper security level to modify them. You are not their Supervisor and can not modify their account! Note that ALL users can at least log in to change their address info or password, Your account is shown with an asterisk next to it in the tree view!

The Admin Module Groups hold users and control privileges (rights) to different system areas. The Admin Module Groups hold users and control privileges (rights) to different system areas. Click a Group to view its contents on the right. It shows members of the group at the top and assigned privileges at the bottom. Groups are ranked by organizational importance. Note: you PROMOTE or DEMOTE users by assigning them to user GROUPS

The Admin Module Moving a user into a higher ranking group is a PROMOTION The Admin Module Moving a user into a higher ranking group is a PROMOTION Moving a user into a lower ranking group is a DEMOTION This is how you assign supervisors, managers, admins, etc. Note: users can be promoted or demoted at will.

The Admin Module Open a user (either your own account or one of your The Admin Module Open a user (either your own account or one of your lower-ranking group members), to change any of their information including resetting their password.

The Admin Module Note: click the add/remove buttons in a group to adjust the The Admin Module Note: click the add/remove buttons in a group to adjust the access rights

In Summary : An IT Case Study Piccadilly Restaurants, with corporate offices located in In Summary : An IT Case Study Piccadilly Restaurants, with corporate offices located in Louisiana, has 130 restaurants located throughout several southern U. S. states. Piccadilly IT keeps Recipe Manager client locations updated at all locations by “pushing” updates down using Microsoft SMS. The corporate office controls access to various areas by defining their groups into Cashiers, Chefs, Supervisors, Store Managers, or Administrators! They use the SITEmanager product to monitor all locations from a simple interface and do transfers among locations when stock is low in one store but in excess at another! This keeps waste low! "Recipe Manager is a fantastic product. It has helped our business track detailed cost and nutrition information better than our previously used program. In addition it has greatly enhanced our ability to quickly distribute detailed recipe information to all of our restaurants!" Patrick Prudhomme Vice President - Purchasing Piccadilly Restaurants LLC

Case Study Continued… The system has helped Piccadilly… Provide a Nutrition Facts label on Case Study Continued… The system has helped Piccadilly… Provide a Nutrition Facts label on any food product on demand for restaurant customers. • Comply with FDA / USDA nutritional standards. • Provide a nutritional analysis page on their corporate web site for all popular food items. • Track costs and profit margins for all recipes by single portion or yield. • Quickly scale recipes up or down prior to food preparation. • Track a number of custom fields such as allergens that their old system would not allow. • Provide an automated way of recipe data distribution among all restaurants. • Centrally control recipe data from the corporate office. • Build custom reports with corporate standard layouts. • Build custom menus for specific days and specific shifts. • Track ingredient waste. • Interface with other business systems. • Automate unit conversions. •

Final Discussions Topics • SQL Server Backups – a Job for IT • Data Final Discussions Topics • SQL Server Backups – a Job for IT • Data Migration Plan – stick Access until you are ready for SQL Server • Importing / Exporting – mostly a customized process • The Middle Tier – used by remote sites only when a directlyconnected system across the WAN is not feasible due to connection speed or reliability • SITEmanager – used by management at all levels to macro-manage the entire operation from 1 to all locations in a single simple user interface (always recommended with 5 or more locations)

Questions? Contact us! +1 225 -272 -6767 (Office) +1 225 -275 -1603 (Fax) Corporate Questions? Contact us! +1 225 -272 -6767 (Office) +1 225 -275 -1603 (Fax) Corporate Web Site : www. vydata. com Product Web Site : www. recipemgr. com