- Количество слайдов: 21
Real-World Business Interoperability. Connecting People, Data, & Diverse Systems Jorgen Thelin Connected Systems Division, Microsoft Corporation Erica Moe Admin. Server Inc.
It gives customers control over the data they create and want to share Interoperability means connecting people, data, and diverse systems Vendors create innovative solutions that bridge technologies to address real customer needs in an innovative manner The nature of software allows for translatability in lieu of uniformity
Many Systems == Development & Management Complexity Siebel Oracle LOB JD Edwards SAP (etc. ) IBM DB MQI 2 Oracle D B Teradata FTP TCP /IP W S- HT TP * Directory Clearing House Remote Store P n. P UP UP RL IO Swift Services Database Partner Rosetta. Net L L XM XM f rify Clla r Ca NA S 70 32 TN DA DR IBM Mainframe HL 7 AP AP LD LD o o Tiibc T bc SAP EDI Your Enterprise A HIPA
Why Interoperability? Interoperability is Connecting People, Data and Diverse Systems http: //www. microsoft. com/interop/ Interoperability is now as important to must customers as security or reliability But interoperability is still just a means to an end Interoperability helps to: Reduce costs / Improve operational efficiencies Open access to new markets / Enable new business opportunities / Increase agility Maximize choice of solutions and vendors Ensure access to data across all applications
Achieving Interoperable Business Factors required for business interoperability (5 P’s) Interoperable Communications Payloads – What to communicate – data formats Protocols – How to communicate - message formats and exchange patterns Processes – How to handle received communications Partners – Who does the process need to work with – both internal and external People – Who operates the process and deals with exceptions
Insurance Case Study – Business Process This case study is based on a real-world business process from the insurance industry Focusing on the underwriting part of the new business process
Insurance Case Study – Architecture Overview
Payload Formats “Build or Buy? ” XML is the standard way to define new interoperable payload formats Many pre-existing “flat-file” formats exist too Sometimes require translation / mapping between different formats Data Protocols Formats Metadata Major XML data formats are already defined in many industries and/or niches, for example: • ACORD TXLife – Life Insurance • Rosetta. Net PIPs – B 2 B trading partner transactions • SWIFT – Inter-bank transfers & communications • XBRL – Company accounting data reporting
Insurance Case Study – Message Flows
Interop Choices - Protocols “Buy the Platform and then Build the config” Concentrate on the interop capabilities you need for your application E. g. Confidentiality, Reliability, Adressability Select appropriate WS-* protocols in the appropriate places E. g. WSSecure. Conversation to protect long running conversation sessions Recommendation: Use the WS-* Architecture as a “menu” to choose the desired interop config
Interop Configuration – Quality-of -Service Considerations What’s the business impact of: A message going missing A message being delivered multiple times Protect against multiple calls to services that are expensive to execute Especially anything involving human workflow Capabilities of interest here: • WS-Reliable. Messaging • Exactly-once delivery assurance • In-order delivery assurance • WS-Atomic. Transaction • Atomic • WS-Business. Activity • Long running conversation
Interop Configuration – Security Considerations What is the business impact of: Interception of messages (confidentiality) Message alteration (tamperproofing) Traffic routed through intermediary nodes Disclosure of personally identifiable information Required integrity guarantees Overall non-repudiation requirements Security processing overhead on throughput and latency Capabilities of interest here: • WS-Security • Basic XML encryption and signing, plus representations for various security tokens • WS-Secure. Conversation • Efficiently secure the exchange of multiple messages in a session • WS-Trust • Request and issue security tokens and to manage trust relationships • WS-Federation • Federation of identity and credentials across different trust realms
Interop Configuration Addressability Some Addressability Decisions: Directly Addressable Nodes can communicate directly Common Intranet configuration Non-addressable Nodes cannot communicate directly due to one or more firewalls or other blocks Common B 2 B configuration Relay Nodes communicate through a relay service which both can connect to. Common Extranet / VPN configuration Emerging as an important Internet configuration
Process Implementation “Build or Buy? ” Biz. Talk provides general purpose message processing, format mapping and workflow capabilities important in this example Or vertical industry package products like Admin. Server provide automation of tailored business processes Process definitions are often not shared externally if viewed as a source of competitive advantage – focus on message interoperability instead
Insurance Marketplace Insurance is an important financial services market segment Microsoft works with ISV Partners to deliver full feature interoperable business solutions based on Microsoft platform products such as: Windows Server System. NET / Windows Communication Foundation Office Biz. Talk SQL Server Admin. Server is a Microsoft ISV partner delivering a Policy Administration Server solution for the Insurance Industry Admin. Server is using XML and Web Services to enrich the interoperability of their product
Admin. Server – Systems Overview Leverage system constructs Enterprise rules library Single repository for source code Certified on numerous technology stacks Modern Technology Platform Component-based Server-based Web-based Standards-based
Admin. Server - Current Solution Set Admin. Server Administration System Straight Through Processing in support of policy life cycle for: Term Universal Life Indexed UL Fixed Annuity Indexed Annuities AD&D/Supp Benefits Vision/Dental Long Term Care Whole Life Variable UL Variable Life Variable Annuity Immediate Annuities Cancer/Critical Illness Disability Income Medical/Health UVServer Unit Value Pricing and Reconciliation Reinsurance Full Reinsurance Administration Integration with Rivers Wave BPO/ITO Outsourcing for business processes and/or information technology in conjunction with certified business partners
Admin. Server - Future Solution Set Graphical Rules Interface (Beta) Illustration. Server (2007) Illustrations and re-projections Wealth management tools New. Business. Server (2007) Underwriting Distribution. Server (2008) Licensing and appointments Hierarchy management Client Management System CRM capabilities Central Client repository Property & Casualty Personal Lines Commercial Lines
Summary Interoperability is connecting people, data, and diverse systems 5 -P’s to achieve full business interoperability: Payload, Protocols, Process, Partners and People XML and Web Services are the way to achieve high-fidelity, interoperable communications WS-* Architecture provides a “menu” of interoperability choices Focus on architectural decision criteria such as reliability, security, addressability to create an interoperability profile for your system
Resources Microsoft Interoperability Home Page http: //www. microsoft. com/interop MSDN Web Services Home Page http: //msdn. microsoft. com/webservices Microsoft Financial Services Industry Architecture Center http: //msdn. microsoft. com/Fin. Serv. Arch Admin. Server http: //www. adminserver. com/
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