Скачать презентацию Reagan Culture Wars and Recent American History 1980 Скачать презентацию Reagan Culture Wars and Recent American History 1980


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Reagan, Culture Wars, and Recent American History 1980 -2004 Reagan, Culture Wars, and Recent American History 1980 -2004

Women’s Rights n Equal access to n n n n education, family, employment Domestic Women’s Rights n Equal access to n n n n education, family, employment Domestic violence Control over bodies Betty Freidan NOW Planned Parenthood 2 -person family incomes Affirmative Action

Continued… n Title IX and women in n n college sports (Ed. Amend. 1972) Continued… n Title IX and women in n n college sports (Ed. Amend. 1972) Roe v. Wade (1973) Constitutional right to privacy Women in politics “Liberation” Gloria Steinem & Ms. Magazine

Conservative Backlash, 1965 -1980 n Conservatives react against changes in America during the 1960 Conservative Backlash, 1965 -1980 n Conservatives react against changes in America during the 1960 s n American foreign policy n “Lost Vietnam” n Affirmative Action n Women’s liberation

The Growing Backlash n 1978: Regents of U. C. v. Bakke n “Quotas” in The Growing Backlash n 1978: Regents of U. C. v. Bakke n “Quotas” in college admissions were unconst. n 1976: Hyde Amendment n Limited Medicaid funds for Abortion n Moral Majority, 1978 n Southern Democrats become Republicans n Many working class Anglos or “White Ethnics” in industrialized urban areas, and new suburbanites blamed immigrants and the poor for their condition, as well as economic decline of “Americans”

Conservative ideology n Ignored global changes in economy that led to the n n Conservative ideology n Ignored global changes in economy that led to the n n n n decline of American manufacturing and industrial base “Tax and spend” Great Society & War on Poverty Creationism, “family values, ” cut government, stop communists, end abortion, no immigration Strong military / national defense American global power Individualism Lead to “Culture Wars” & Reagan “Revolution…” Religious Fundamentalism and Extremism

Conservative Groups & Leaders n Barry Goldwater, AZ n Orrin Hatch, UT n Strom Conservative Groups & Leaders n Barry Goldwater, AZ n Orrin Hatch, UT n Strom Thurmond, MS n Ronald Reagan, CA n Jerry Falwell n Phyllis Schafly

Jerry Falwell, 1974 n Jerry Falwell, 1974 n "I listen to feminists and all these radical gals. . . These women just need a man in the house. That's all they need. Most of the feminists need a man to tell them what time of day it is and to lead them home. And they blew it and they're mad at all men. Feminists hate men. They're sexist. They hate men; that's their problem. "

Conservative Concerns n Conservative reactions to the “excesses” of the 1960 s and 1970 Conservative Concerns n Conservative reactions to the “excesses” of the 1960 s and 1970 s n Lost control of America n Diversity = n Divorce, gay rights, abortion, day care, big government, & decline of the family n Stopped ERA n New “traditionalism”

American Malaise n Soft America and “decline” of American power n OPEC and Oil American Malaise n Soft America and “decline” of American power n OPEC and Oil Embargo n Stagflation n De-Industrialization n Iranian Hostage Crisis (Nov. 1979) n n n Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew Shah of Iran 50 Hostages for over a year Failed rescue effort n USSR invaded Afghanistan (Dec. 1979)

Ronald Reagan n CA. Governor Reagan n Anti-communist n “Black and white” n “New Ronald Reagan n CA. Governor Reagan n Anti-communist n “Black and white” n “New Day in America” n Charismatic n Channeled anger of mainstream white America at minorities, immigrants, feminists, taxes, affirmative action, big government

Reagan’s Conservative Vision n Vietnam was a “Noble Cause” n Renew the Cold War Reagan’s Conservative Vision n Vietnam was a “Noble Cause” n Renew the Cold War n American Power n Patriotism n Traditionalism n State’s Rights n “Individualism” n Feel Good

Reaganomics: “Trickle-Down” n DOD spending up 45% n $3 trillion debt, 1981 -9 n Reaganomics: “Trickle-Down” n DOD spending up 45% n $3 trillion debt, 1981 -9 n Rising # of Fortune 500 companies n Expansion of “working poor” n Decline in real wages n Household debt n Deregulation and Savings & Loan Crisis $500 b n Ketchup is a vegetable n Tax cuts boosted elite incomes n Privatization and deregulation

The New Class Warfare n De-industrialization n 1 million manuf. Jobs lost in 1982 The New Class Warfare n De-industrialization n 1 million manuf. Jobs lost in 1982 n Growth of non-union service sector, minimum wage jobs n Unions lost millions of members n Federal subsidies to corporations

Iran-Contra Affair, 1980 s n 1979 election in Nicaragua n Sandinistas n U. S. Iran-Contra Affair, 1980 s n 1979 election in Nicaragua n Sandinistas n U. S. opposed them n Sold military land & weapons to n n n Iran (Khomeini), in return for release of hostages Used weapons against Iraq Gave $ to “Contras” who fought Sandinistas Col. Oliver North Illegal sale of US property w/o Congressional approval Aid to Contras violated the Boland Amendments

US opposed Sandinistas in Nicaragua Destabilized both regions Contras fought war against Sandinistas Secret US opposed Sandinistas in Nicaragua Destabilized both regions Contras fought war against Sandinistas Secret weapon sales to Iran $ from weapon sales send to Contras

“The Culture Wars” n n n n n Abortion Immigration Affirmative Action Bilingual Education “The Culture Wars” n n n n n Abortion Immigration Affirmative Action Bilingual Education Multiculturalism Communism Homosexuality Taxation Church and State

Continued… n HIV-AIDS n God’s punishment n Desegregation n State’s Rights n School Prayer Continued… n HIV-AIDS n God’s punishment n Desegregation n State’s Rights n School Prayer n Abortion n Operation Rescue n Affirmative Action n Hand-outs

Immigration n 1964 law n 8 million legally n 1986 IRCA (Reagan Administration) n Immigration n 1964 law n 8 million legally n 1986 IRCA (Reagan Administration) n n n Legalization Nominal fines Southeast Asia & Latin America n Reasons Economics n Obstacles n n Culture wars, racism INS/Border Patrol, Operation Hold the Line, Gatekeeper Propositions against bi-lingual education and public schooling, health care for undocumented immigrants

Cycles of Anti-Immigrant Fear 1910 s 1990 s Cycles of Anti-Immigrant Fear 1910 s 1990 s

International Events n End of the Cold War n Reagan: “Evil n n Empire” International Events n End of the Cold War n Reagan: “Evil n n Empire” Mikhail Gorbachev Fall of the Berlin Wall Collapse of USSR Reagan took credit for the end of the Cold War

Bush I to Bush II: The 1990 s n Post Cold War n Unclear Bush I to Bush II: The 1990 s n Post Cold War n Unclear foreign policy n Who is the enemy now? n Focused on domestic issues n Gulf War n NAFTA n New Democrats n Balanced Budget n Immigration n 2000 Election

George I: 1988 -1992 n Connecticut Family n Director of CIA n VP to George I: 1988 -1992 n Connecticut Family n Director of CIA n VP to Reagan n Invasion of Panama n Iranian Revolution and Iran-Iraq War n Over 60% of global oil

Middle East n Persian Gulf War of 1991 n Iraq invaded Kuwait n Sent Middle East n Persian Gulf War of 1991 n Iraq invaded Kuwait n Sent 200, 000 troops to Saudi Arabia (Desert Shield) warn Saddam Hussein n Increased troops to 430, 000 and in February 1991 invaded Iraq to free Kuwait n Control of the media, “smart bombs”, and Colin Powell’s “overwhelming force” doctrine

Continued n Americans with Disabilities Act n Clean Air Act n Corporate Mergers n Continued n Americans with Disabilities Act n Clean Air Act n Corporate Mergers n Computers, Autos, financial industry n Indian Gaming and Regulatory Act, 1988 n Indian Casinos n 1991 Rodney King, police brutality, and “riots / rebellion” in Los Angeles Police acquitted n Over 50 died, $1 billion in damage n

A “New Democrat”: 1992 -2000 n Arkansas Gov. n Working class, single n n A “New Democrat”: 1992 -2000 n Arkansas Gov. n Working class, single n n n n parent household Charismatic Sexual issues… Opposed Vietnam War New Democrat Fiscally conservative Socially moderate Multilateralism

Main Issues and Events n Tried to allow gays and lesbians to openly serve Main Issues and Events n Tried to allow gays and lesbians to openly serve in the military n Failed. Cultural conservatives and military leaders opposed it. “Don’t ask, don’t tell. ” n Tried to reform health care system to benefit the poor and uninsured. n Failed. Pharmaceutical industry, doctors, republicans opposed it. n Balance the Budget. n Succeeded. Returned taxes on the rich back to previous levels. Cut spending. Increased tax credit for low income families

Early 1990 s n Post-Cold War era n n No communist “menace” Base closures Early 1990 s n Post-Cold War era n n No communist “menace” Base closures n Economic growth n n Wealth discrepancies, “knowledge economy” Demise of Unions n Deep political divisions n Ongoing “Culture Wars” n Global Warming and environmental pollution n Consumer Debt

“Contract with America” n 1994 Congressional Elections n Newt Gingrich n Speaker of the “Contract with America” n 1994 Congressional Elections n Newt Gingrich n Speaker of the House n Welfare “Reform” n Balanced Budget n More prisons & harder sentences n Defense spending n End abortion n 39% voted

Continued… n Bill and Monica n Cover-up n House: Articles of Impeachment n Senate: Continued… n Bill and Monica n Cover-up n House: Articles of Impeachment n Senate: No n 1993: North American Free Trade Agreement n 1994: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade n 1995: Oklahoma City and Timothy Mc. Veigh

The 2000 Election n Most bitterly contested election in 100 years n Gore/Lieberman n The 2000 Election n Most bitterly contested election in 100 years n Gore/Lieberman n n Moderate populism Shadow of Clinton n Bush/Cheney n “Compassionate Conservative” n Roughly ½ of eligible voters went to polls n Voting irregularities n Florida

The Aftermath…. n Close election in Florida n Bush lead pop vote in FL, The Aftermath…. n Close election in Florida n Bush lead pop vote in FL, Gore wanted recount in 4 n n n n Democratic counties Ballot irregularities, inaccurate registration, incomplete lists, old voting machines, butterfly ballots, hanging chads Katherine Harris (R-Sec State & manager of Bush campaign in FL) refused recount, declared Bush winner Florida Supreme Court approved recount Bush appealed to U. S. Supreme Court 5 -4 Court supported Bush and ruled against it Gore won national popular vote Bush won electoral college vote (Mainly because all ballots were not counted in FL, he kept the 27 electoral votes)

Bush II n Reversal of Clinton’s n n n policies $1. 3 Trillion tax Bush II n Reversal of Clinton’s n n n policies $1. 3 Trillion tax cut Economic recession Globalization and Y 2 K Rolled back environmental protection 2000 census and multiple identities Immigration, borders and cheap labor

US & Globalization n The very same capitalist system promoted by the US, exported US & Globalization n The very same capitalist system promoted by the US, exported globally, brought changes to the US n Immigration to US fueled by globalization and movement of capital, search for cheap labor n Global capital left the US, wages declined, cheap goods imported, produced by lower wage workers n Attack on unions, benefits, entitlements n “Wal-Mart economy” n Small population, massive resource use & pollution n 2000 Mexico was second largest trading partner n Cultural intermixture vs. fear and reaction

September 11 th, 2001 n Attack on World Trade n n Center Nearly 3, September 11 th, 2001 n Attack on World Trade n n Center Nearly 3, 000 dead Islamic fundamentalists attacked symbol of economic and cultural imperialism OR economic freedom and opportunity… Bush became a “War President” Osama Bin Ladin

Invasion of Iraq, 2003 --? ? ? n Bush administration tied 9/11 attacks, Bin Invasion of Iraq, 2003 --? ? ? n Bush administration tied 9/11 attacks, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda to Iraq and Saddam Hussein n No ties, no links n Global terrorist threat and “Axis of Evil” n Remake the Middle East into pro-Western democracies favorable to the US n “Mission Accomplished” n War dragged on…Where’s Bin Laden? n Several trillion dollars

Election of Barak Obama n Constitutional Lawyer, Harvard Law Review n Bi-racial n Moderate/liberal Election of Barak Obama n Constitutional Lawyer, Harvard Law Review n Bi-racial n Moderate/liberal n Economic crisis n Health Care n National debt n Crippled GOP

Conclusions n History is who we are n Multiple perspectives n Evidence, sources, argument Conclusions n History is who we are n Multiple perspectives n Evidence, sources, argument n Skepticism and free thinking n People make history n Resistance and criticism are healthy n Multiple views of patriotism n Justice, equality, human rights