- Количество слайдов: 47
RDMS Collaboration Russia and Dubna Member States CMS Collaboration Коллаборация CMS России и стран-участниц ОИЯИ RDMS participation in the CMS Experiment I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 1
CMS ready for data taking I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 2
Less than 3 years before the CMS cavern was empty I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 3
January 2008: Last disk lowered I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 4
ECAL EE Installation Highly complex and delicate installation: done in 2 weeks against the 6 weeks initially planned I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 5
CRUZET 4: great success I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 6
and then the first LHC Beam Data-taking with LHC beam. Wed, 10 Sept. 2008 “Splash” events observed when beam (450 Ge. V, 4× 109 p) struck collimators 150 m upstream of CMS Halo muons observed once beam started passing through CMS I. Golutvin and T. Virdee “Splash” Event 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 7
Cosmic Runs At Four Tesla (Oct-Nov 2008 and Aug 2009): Continuous Global Cosmic Runs with CMS at operating B field (3. 8 T) I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 8
Re-opening of CMS (Nov. 08) I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 9
Installation of the Si Preshower The two separate ES Dees I. Golutvin and T. Virdee Installation completed in Apr’ 09 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 10
ME 4/2 and Castor Installation CASTOR: 223/224 ch working Exposed to test beam before installation – results being analyzed I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 11
CMS Status CMS was Closed in July. CRAFT has been successfully carried out. CMS is being put into “beam-ready” state. Communication from CERN DG “The LHC will run for the first part of the 20092010 run at 3. 5 Te. V per beam, with the energy rising later in the run. ” Decision taken with Experiments, Machine and CERN management. . I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 12
RDMS in CMS Physics Program 13
RDMS Strategy: – Full Integration in CMS Physics Program – Concentration on physics topics, where RDMS physicists already contributed significantly in preparation of CMS physics program I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009
RDMS contributed significantly into POG and DPG: - HF, НЕ, EE, CSC calibration, HF and HE+EE+ES test beams, DQM, overall detector performance with both Monte-Carlo and Cosmic Test data - core software development - development, optimization and validation of algorithms and event processing software • to reconstruct and to analyze muons, jets, electrons, MET etc, high-mass objects (dimuons, di-jets), decay chains • to study reconstruction efficiency of physics objects from data, trigger performance, misalignment effect I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009
RDMS CMS Selected Physics Tasks Forward Physics • Study of 2 jet production in hard single diffraction IHEP, SINP MSU, Erevan • Study of 2 jet production in central diffraction IHEP, ITEP, SINP, Erevan Higgs • Search for Higgs bosons in decays into 2 photons, 4 leptons, 2 leptons and 2 jets, 2 leptons and 2 neutrinos JINR, ITEP, MSU, Kharkov QCD • Measurement of the gamma+jet cross-sections • Measurements of jet inclusive cross-section • Search for BFKL effects at jet production • Study of jet shapes • Study of jet fragmentation I. Golutvin and T. Virdee JINR, ITEP, SINP JINR PNPI, ITEP, SINP MSU 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 16
RDMS CMS Selected Physics Tasks EWK • Measurement of DY muon pair production • Measurement of forward-backward asymmetry in muon pair production • Measurement of triple boson couplings • Bose-Einstein correlations of gauge bosons (WW, ZZ) JINR, Minsk, Gomel JINR Minsk JINR Top physics • Observing the t-channel single top production IHEP, SINP SUSY • Search for sleptons and lepton flavor number violation INR Exotics • Search for heavy neutrino and WR • Search for new resonances (extra dimensions and Z’) in DY • Search for non-resonant di-muon signals from ADD and compositeness INR JINR Heavy Ion • QGP hard probes (heavy quarkonia and jets) and soft probes (eliptic flow) I. Golutvin and T. Virdee SINP MSU 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 17
Cosmic Runs At Four Tesla (Oct-Nov 2008 and Aug 2009): Continuous Global Cosmic Runs with CMS at B = 3. 8 T Run CMS continuously to gain operational experience, stability of infrastructure. Collected 300 M (2008) and 520 M (2009) cosmic events. ~70% (24/7) More than 99 % of registration channels were operational About 600 TB of data distributed widely. The last analyses of these data used software release destined for 2009 data-taking & LHC grid infrastructure. Detector and software performances are studied. I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009
RDMS contributed, in particular, into study of CSC performance: CRAFT Results: ME 2 and ME 3 were derived spatial resolutions of ME 1/1, CSC Spatial Resolution Example for ME 1/1 (2008 CRAFT data): ME 1/1 b “Summary of the performance of the CSC's from CRAFT Data”, CFT-09 -011 I. Golutvin and T. Virdee ME 2/1 ME 3/1 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 19
To study of muon track reconstruction Track Efficiency CRAFT Results: Muon efficiency ~ 50 K events were analyzed: events with tracks in opposite detector hemispheres (two-leg muons with a topology similar to that expected in pp collisions) were selected “Muon Reconstruction Performance”, CFT-09 -014 I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009
Hadronic Barrel Calorimeter Response Track Efficiency CRAFT Results: Muon was studied on CRAFT 2009 data (45 M events) Mean response for HB+/HB- is in good agreement I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009
24 papers with CRAFT results sent to publication in Journal for Instrumentation 1. Performance of the CMS Pixel detector with cosmic ray data, CFT-09 -001 2. The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker Operation and Performance With Cosmic Rays in 3. 8 T Magnetic Field, CFT-09 -002 3. Alignment of the CMS Tracker with CRAFT data, CFT-09 -003 4. Performance and Operation of the CMS Crystal Electromagnetic Calorimeter, CFT-09 -004 5. Measurement of the muon stopping power in Pb. WO, CFT-09 -005 6. Time reconstruction and performance of Crystal ECAL, CFT-09 -006 7. From Detector to Analysis: CMS Data Processing Workflows During an Extended Cosmic Ray Run, CFT-09 -007 8. The CMS CRAFT Exercise, CFT-09 -008 9. Performance of CMS Hadron Calorimeter Using Cosmic Muons and the Proton Beam From the LHC, CFT-09 -009 10. Measurements of RPC performance in CMS with cosmic rays, CFT-09 -010 11. Summary of the performance of the CSC's from CRAFT Data, CFT-09 -011 12. Results On Local Muon Reconstruction in DT Chambers From Analysis of Cosmic Muon Data, CFT-09 -012 13. L 1 Trigger Performance, CFT-09 -013 14. Muon Reconstruction Performance, CFT-09 -014 15. Magnetic Field Studies, CFT-09 -015 In total, 178 authors from RDMS 16. Muon Track-based alignment, CFT-09 -016 17. Muon hardware-based alignment, CFT-09 -017 out of 2432 18. HCAL Timing, CFT-09 -018 19. Anomalous signals in HCAL, CFT-09 -019 20. Performance of the High Level Trigger, CFT-09 -020 21. Characterization of Beam Halo Data, CFT-09 -021 22. DT Local Trigger Performance, CFT-09 -022 23. DT Calibration, CFT-09 -023 24. Fine Synchronization of the muon Drift-Tubes local trigger, CFT-09 -025 I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 22
The list of the RDMS authors (I) Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia (3 authors) S. Chatrchyan, V. Khachatryan, A. M. Sirunyan National Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk, Belarus (12 authors) V. Chekhovsky, O. Dvornikov, I. Emeliantchik, A. Litomin, V. Makarenko, I. Marfin, V. Mossolov, N. Shumeiko, A. Solin, R. Stefanovitch, J. Suarez Gonzalez, A. Tikhonov Research Institute for Nuclear Problems, Minsk, Belarus (5 authors) A. Fedorov, M. Korzhik, A. Karneyeu, V. Panov, R. Zuyeuski Research Institute of Applied Physical Problems, Minsk, Belarus (1 author) P. Kuchinsky Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria (12 authors) K. Abadjiev 1, T. Anguelov, J. Damgov, N. Darmenov 1, L. Dimitrov, V. Genchev 1, P. Iaydjiev, S. Piperov, S. Stoykova, G. Sultanov, R. Trayanov, I. Vankov University of Sofia, Bulgaria (9 authors) A. Dimitrov, M. Dyulendarova, V. Kozhuharov, L. Litov, E. Marinova, M. Mateev, B. Pavlov, P. Petkov, Z. Toteva E. Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, Academy of Science, Tbilisi, Georgia (3 authors) N. Djaoshvili, N. Roinishvili, V. Roinishvili Institute of High Energy Physics and Informatization, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia (1 author) N. Amaglobeli Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia (36 authors) M. Finger Jr. , I. Altsybeev, I. Belotelov, P. Bunin, Y. Ershov, I. Filozova, M. Finger, A. Golunov, I. Golutvin, N. Gorbounov, V. Kalagin, A. Kamenev, V. Karjavin, V. Konoplyanikov, V. Korenkov, G. Kozlov, А. Kurenkov, A. Lanev, A. Makankin, V. V. Mitsyn, P. Moisenz, E. Nikonov, D. Oleynik, V. Palichik, V. Perelygin, A. Petrosyan, R. Semenov, S. Shmatov, V. Smirnov, D. Smolin, E. Tikhonenko, S. Vasil'ev, A. Vishnevskiy, A. Volodko, A. Zarubin, V. Zhiltsov I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 23
The list of the RDMS authors (II) Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina (St Petersburg), Russia (24 authors) N. Bondar, L. Chtchipounov, A. Denisov, Y. Gavrikov, G. Gavrilov, V. Golovtsov, Y. Ivanov, V. Kim, V. Kozlov, P. Levchenko, G. Obrant, E. Orishchin, A. Petrunin, Y. Shcheglov, A. Shchetkovskiy, V. Sknar, I. Smirnov, V. Sulimov, V. Tarakanov, L. Uvarov, S. Vavilov, G. Velichko, S. Volkov, A. Vorobyev Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia (11 authors) Yu. Andreev, A. Dermenev, S. Gninenko, N. Golubev, M. Kirsanov, N. Krasnikov, V. Matveev, A. Pashenkov, V. E. Postoev, A. Toropin, S. Troitsky Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia (16 authors) A. Baud, V. Epshteyn, V. Gavrilov, N. Ilina, V. Kaftanov†, V. Kolosov, M. Kossov, A. Krokhotin, S. Kuleshov, A. Oulianov, G. Safronov, S. Semenov, I. Shreyber, V. Stolin, E. Vlasov, A. Zhokin Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (13 authors) E. Boos, M. Dubinin, L. Dudko, A. Ershov, A. Gribushin, V. Klyukhin, O. Kodolova, I. Lokhtin, S. Petrushanko, L. Sarycheva, V. Savrin, A. Snigirev, I. Vardanyan P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia (5 authors) I. Dremin, M. Kirakosyan, N. Konovalova, S. V. Rusakov, A. Vinogradov State Research Center of Russian Federation, Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia (23 authors) S. Akimenko, A. Artamonov, I. Azhgirey, S. Bitioukov, V. Burtovoy, V. Grishin 1, V. Kachanov, D. Konstantinov, V. Krychkine, A. Levine, I. Lobov, V. Lukanin, Y. Mel'nik, V. Petrov, R. Ryutin, S. Slabospitsky, A. Sobol, A. Sytine, L. Tourtchanovitch, S. Troshin, N. Tyurin, A. Uzunian, A. Volkov National Scientific Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine (4 authors) L. Levchuk, S. Lukyanenko, D. Soroka, S. Zub I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 24
October Exercise The main goal of CMS October Exercise is the final commissioning of the CMS analysis system q q Tier-2 analysis model deployment training people to efficiently access and analyze data to start work with Secondary Datasets (SD) scale-test of CMS Computing Ø T 1 -T 2 transfers of SDs and MC Ø Widespread use of GRID services Ø T 2 -T 2 transfers Ø Analysis jobs exercising early analyses by as many people as possible • I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 25
RDMS participates in October Exercise via Exotica PAG and Muon POG • • JINR Tier-2 is operated as the Exotica and Muon associated sites INR Tier-2 is operated as target sites for user job output MUON POG: skimming and analysis of RAW CRAFT datasets Exotica PAG: skimming and analysis of single muon and dilepton datasets I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 26
CMS “Early” Papers Preparing publications of the first expected LHC results (10 -100 pb-1): u u If, today, we did have data available and understood, would we and could we do the analysis as described in the paper? If the analysis was actually carried out as described, would CMS be ready to send this paper to a journal "as is"? If not, what additional work (analysis, editorial, other) would still be necessary prior to submission? I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 27
RDMS contributed to CMS Early Analysis with 10 -100 pb-1 at the LHC start-up - “Combination of two lepton channels for a narrow resonance search”, based on EXO-09 -006 and “Search for New High-Mass Resonances Decaying to Muon Pairs in the CMS Experiment”, BSM-07 -002 - “Heavy Right-Handed Neutrinos”, based on EXO-08 -006 - “Study of jet transverse structure using the second moment of the jet profile in transverse momentum at 10 Te. V”, based on QCD-08 -002 - “Dijet production with large rap gap between the dijets, test of BFKL dynamics”, based on FWD-08 -004 I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 28
RDMS activity in CMS Physics Program is very well visible The research results were published and presented by of RDMS groups on the international workshops, conferences and symposiums. The results on topics where RDMS physicists play key roles were given on behalf of CMS Collaboration as well as on behalf of both ATLAS and CMS Collaborations During the last three years • more than 150 papers were published including ü more than 50 CMS Notes and PAS ü more than 90 International Journals and Conference Reports • more than 200 talks on CMS Physics Meetings • 100 talks at the International Conferences (ICHEP, HCP, NEC, etc) • about 70 RDMS physicists are participated in CMS data analysis I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009
RDMS Computing I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 30
RDMS CMS Grid Sector Tier-0 CERN Other CMS Tier-1’s CMS RDMS Tier-1 (System administrator is Victor Zhiltsov) Tier-2 JINR Dubna Tier-2 INR Troitsk Tier-2 SINP MSU Moscow Tier-2 IHEP Protivino Tier-2 ITEP Moscow Tier-2 FIAN Moscow Tier-2 PNPI Gatchina Tier-2 KIPT Kharkov Tier-2 Minsk Erevan Tier-2 Russia Tier-2 Sofia Tbilisi DMS RDMS Grid Sector To provide data management and data transfer to RDMS Tier-2 and data processing in the framework of RDMS Physics Tasks the special СMS RDMS Tier-1 was created in CERN I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 31
Basic CMS requirements to each CMS T 2 sites a) site monitoring b) certification of Tier 2 – Tier 1 links c) CMS job robot test d) minimal CMS Tier-2 disk space is ~ 100 TB (should not be shared with other experiments) I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 32
Status of RDMS Tier-2 Tier-0 CERN Other CMS Tier-1’s CMS RDMS Tier-1 (System administrator is Victor Zhiltsov) Tier-2 JINR Dubna Tier-2 INR Troitsk Tier-2 SINP MSU Moscow Tier-2 IHEP Protivino Tier-2 ITEP Moscow Tier-2 FIAN Moscow Tier-2 PNPI St. Petersburg Tier-2 KIPT Kharkov Tier-2 Minsk Erevan Tier-2 Russia Tier-2 Sofia Tbilisi DMS RDMS Grid Sector I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 33
RDMS request for RU and JINR T 2 s Resources to be available since April 2010 Total disk space – up to 1300 TB Total CPU – up to 4500 k. SI 2 K Main concern is still Gb-data links I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009
CMS RDMS Tier-2 association Now Exotica PAG: T 2_RU_JINR Higgs PAG: T 2_KIPT_UA Muon POG: T 2_RU_JINR Heavy Ion PAG: T 2_RU_SINP Jet. MET/HCAL POG: T 2_RU_ITEP New CMS requirements: - Tier 2 -Tier 2 link certification is needed without fail - Local DBS installation has to be done Reliable daily maintenance of all CMS required services including user support is sure to be provided Future interest Exotica PAG: T 2_RU_INR Top PAG: T 2_RU_SINP e-gamma/ECAL POG: T 2_RU_INR I. Golutvin and T. Virdee QCD PAG: T 2_RU_PNPI, FWD PAG: T 2_RU_IHEP 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009
Remote Operations at RDMS Institutions Important functions of RDMS Institutions are remote operations: remote monitoring of data taking (DQM), express analysis, calibration and alignment of subdetectors The functionality readiness is being tested in beam tests and regular cosmic runs CERN RAW Expert Advices CMS Data Base I. Golutvin and T. Virdee Condition data RDMS • Data processing for express analysis of detector subsystem operation • Expert analysis of conditions of detector subsystems • Calibration and alignment 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009
Example: JINR Remote Operation Centre q. Monitoring of detector systems q. Data Monitoring / Express Analysis q. Shift Operations (except for run control) q. Communications of JINR shifter with personal at CMS Control Room (SX 5) and CMS Meyrin centre q. Communications between JINR experts and CMS shifters q Coordination of data processing and data management q. Training and Information I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 37
RDMS Team: M&O and Mo. A RDMS 2009 M&O: RDMS 2009 Mo. A: RDMS 2010 M&O: RDMS 2010 Mo. A: I. Golutvin and T. Virdee. CMS. RDMS_DMS RDMS_RF Paid Authors (phys. paper) Grad. Students Total FTE for services 22 60 82 8 90 23 RDMS_DMS RDMS_RF Paid Authors (phys. paper) Grad. Students Total 20 59 79 6 85 Russia-CERN Joint Working Group, October 28, 2008
RDMS M&O cat. A Payment 2009 RDMS_DMS 189. 4 KCHF Invoiced 506. 1 KCHF Paid I. Golutvin and T. Virdee. CMS. 200. 6 KCHF Paid RDMS_RF Invoiced 506. 1 KCHF Russia-CERN Joint Working Group, October 28, 2008
RDMS CMS Book Scientific RDMS Report for 15 years
In August, 2009 in the “Eterna” Moscow publishing house the RDMS scientific report for last 15 years has been published as a book. 50 authors CMS members have brought defining contribution to the book. The book consists of the three sections: • The Introduction of Scientific Editorial Council devoted to the modern problems of physics, LHC, CMS, RDMS; • RDMS participation in creation of CMS; • The CMS selected physics tasks.
Tit ST H of I le
Selected Physics Topics: 1. G. Kozlov, N. Krasnikov, and V. Matveev “Introduction into the Standard Model – basis of the modern knowledge on the matter” 2. M. Dubinin and A. Nikitenko “Higgs Bosons and Great Unification” 3. E. Boos, L. Dudko, and S. Slabospitsky, “Wonderful top-quark” 4. M. Savina and S. Shmatov “Physics with Extra Dimensions” 5. Yu. Andreev, S. Bityukov, N. Krasnikov, and V. Matveev “The puzzle of the heavy neutrino” 6. V. Petrov, R. Ryutin, and A. Sobol “Physics of the large distance at the Large Hadron Collider” 7. G. Kozlov “On quantum particle correlations” 8. I. Lokhtin and L. Sarycheva “Investigation of the high-density matter properties in the relativistic heavy-ion collisions” 45
Conclusions We are close to the first physics run of LHC. The next few weeks must be used to complete all preparatory work and to refine details of the analyses for the new initial scenario of 7 Te. V. Expectations are for months of operation at 7 -10 Te. V with the goal of collecting a few hundreds pb-1 of integrated luminosity. CMS is in an excellent status to produce good physics results from the first LHC data. A new era of discoveries is just in front of us. I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 46
I. Golutvin and T. Virdee 26 th meeting of the CERN-Russia Joint Working Group for LHC Experiments, 14 October 2009 47