Скачать презентацию RD PORTAL Resources Expenditures — Rules Скачать презентацию RD PORTAL Resources Expenditures — Rules


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RD PORTAL Resources – Expenditures - Rules RD PORTAL Resources – Expenditures - Rules

Resources The Contract ® A 3 -year contract ® A budget of 2, 674, Resources The Contract ® A 3 -year contract ® A budget of 2, 674, 911. 07 € ® A contribution of 960, 000 € from the EC (35. 89%)

How to read the budget : incomes 4 main items ® Commission funding = How to read the budget : incomes 4 main items ® Commission funding = the contribution of the EC ® Contribution pertaining to national officials (only for public bodies) = Staff cost which contributes to the project (most of time, part of the salary of the national coordinator) ® Applicant's financial contribution = financial participation of the institution } For pubic bodies = running costs (money for travel, translation, etc. } For non-public bodies = staff salary + running costs ® Other external resources = funding contracts with other institutions, which give money for the Orphanet project (ex: contracts with Ministry of Health)

How to read the budget: Expenditures ® Direct costs - 6 items : } How to read the budget: Expenditures ® Direct costs - 6 items : } Staff • Costs pertaining to national officials • Costs not pertaining to national officials } } } Travel costs and subsistence allowances Equipment (computer, softwares. . . ) Consumables & supplies directly linked to the project Subcontracting costs (not applicable for our project) Other costs (meeting, translation, etc. ) ® Indirect costs : maximum of 7% of direct costs

The pre-financing ® First pre-financing: 30% of the commission funding sent in September 2007 The pre-financing ® First pre-financing: 30% of the commission funding sent in September 2007 ® Further pre-financing: } 20% for year 2 } 20% for year 3 Conditions to obtain further pre-financing èAt least 30% of previous pre-financing payment must be used èIf less than 70% is used, the next payment is reduced by the unused amounts Conclusion Spend one third of the budget before the 31 st March 2008

Payment of the balance Depends on the final financial report and all the supporting Payment of the balance Depends on the final financial report and all the supporting documents Conclusion The better the money is spent, the more we will have in the end.

Rules All the money from the cell Commission Funding has to « truly » Rules All the money from the cell Commission Funding has to « truly » be spent and included in the accounting system at the end of the contract. This implies that The institution gives all the Commission funding to the local team and not just the prefinancing.

Rules ® Staff: } Must have a work contract } Must receive payslips ® Rules ® Staff: } Must have a work contract } Must receive payslips ® Travel and subsistence allowance } The internal rules of the institution have precedence. I must receive these official internal to send to the EC. } If such internal rules do not exist in the beneficiary’s organisation, the rates and the rules approved by the Commission shall apply. } Only staff who are listed in the Staff section of the budget are allowed travel and subsistence allowance

Rules ® Equipment: } Equipment not included in the provisional budget is ineligible. } Rules ® Equipment: } Equipment not included in the provisional budget is ineligible. } Beneficiaries shall inform the EC about their internal rules on depreciation of equipment. } The rate applied is calculated pro rata for the period covered by the grant, taking into account the acquisition date of equipment. 33/36 x value of computer = sum in financial report } The depreciation period is three years for computer hardware and electronic equipment. } Concerns only IRCCS and IP-CZD.

Rules ® Consumables and supplies } Must be identifiable and assigned to the action. Rules ® Consumables and supplies } Must be identifiable and assigned to the action. } If not, must be included under the indirect costs ® Other costs: } No specific rules

Reporting requirements ® 1 scientific and 1 financial report per year, sent to the Reporting requirements ® 1 scientific and 1 financial report per year, sent to the coordination team ® Deadline: 30 April of each year ® The financial report must be presented in the same model as the budget ® The financial report must be sent with all the supporting documents and signed by the financial officer

The financial report ® Total expenses = Total Incomes ® In Euros with written The financial report ® Total expenses = Total Incomes ® In Euros with written exchange rate for non-euro countries ® Includes EC contribution + Institution contribution, as in the budget ® Costs without VAT except for institutions who cannot recover VAT ® All the cells must be filled in ® Adjustments can be made in the budget by transferring between items of eligible costs, however: } Transfers cannot exceed 20 % of the amount of each item } EC shall be informed before

The supporting documents ® Staff } Payslips } A table with the personnel cost The supporting documents ® Staff } Payslips } A table with the personnel cost month by month, where EC can see the calculation of the daily cost per staff member } Timesheets } For all the people mentioned in the financial report.

The supporting documents ® Travel and substance allowance } The institution rule for the The supporting documents ® Travel and substance allowance } The institution rule for the reimbursement of daily allowance } The boarding passes, train tickets, hotel invoices. . . ® Equipment } The institution rule concerning depreciation } All the invoices } A proof that the invoices are paid (print screen of accounting system or copy of bank transfer. . . )

The supporting documents ® Consumables and supplies ® Other costs All the invoices The supporting documents ® Consumables and supplies ® Other costs All the invoices

What the EC may ask for. . . ® CV ® Several price estimates What the EC may ask for. . . ® CV ® Several price estimates for any expenses accompanying the final invoice, proving that the chosen supplier was the most cost effective ® Etc.

Difference between budget and report ® If the function of employee is not the Difference between budget and report ® If the function of employee is not the same ® If the daily cost is not the same ® If the number of work days is not the same ® If transfer between items are higher than 20% ® If you have or need to buy something which is not in the budget Inform us in order we can ask for an amendment to the contract