Разнообразие английского языка.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 7
Разнообразие английского языка. Изучение английского языка. Кучумова Дашенька
• English language is language not only the future, but also the present. What to learn it costs, to convince already it is necessary nobody. And here is how it to learn? This question sets the people who are not knowing this language, but ready to start its studying. And, can, someone else doubts, whether costs овчинка manufactures? The main thing at studying of English language from zero (and at all other stages too) is a huge desire and diligence. Knowledge of English language never will do much harm, but at you will be advantage before those who doesn't know it!
• English language, time and again you asked, what for it is necessary to me. But where now without it. Any formed person can't disagree that knowledge of English language now it is necessary. English language is necessary to travelers, English language is necessary to pupils, English language is necessary to scientists, even playing games it is desirable to know English language it is necessary to all! We are surrounded everywhere with English language so has strongly entered into our everyday life that some at all don't notice it. Signboards in English in your native city, names of firms, the enterprises and offices - all in English. Many inscriptions, preventions are etc. duplicated in English as this language is recognized all over the world. English language became an international language, from it already where you will not get to. If you know English language can be assured that won't be gone in one country of the world.
• Many, studying language at school or on special courses, coming to the English-speaking countries practically can't communicate and understand. The real spoken language very much differs from language, преподаваемого under standard programs. For this reason now one their most effective ways of training, not including lives in the English-speaking environment, development of an authentic content – viewing of films, listening and reading of audiobooks, news, podcasts is. Why authentic? This only thing that will help to seize a living language on which speak carriers and to learn to understand foreign speech. It is the fastest and natural way.
The End
Разнообразие английского языка.ppt