Разноцветные кольца Colourful Rings 1 2 3 8 15 Игра-тест по фразовым глаголам для 7-9 классов
Fill in the gaps with prepositions: at, of, with, to, about, by, for, in, through, up, on, off, out, like
CHOOSE the RING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Qu-1 Who does your sister look …? An-1
An-1 like back
Qu-2 What do your friends usually laugh …? An-2
An-2 at back
Qu-3 Who did the children go to the country …? An-3
An-3 with back
Qu-4 What bus should I get … to go to the square? An-4
An-4 on back
Qu-5 How often does your father look … newspapers? An-5
An-5 through back
Qu-6 Who was the story written …? An-6
An-6 by back
Qu-7 What kind of music do you listen …? An-7
An-7 to back
Qu-8 What natural resources is your region rich …? An-8
An-8 in back
Qu-9 What are they looking … ? An-9
An-9 at back
Qu-10 What is your mother proud …? An-10
An-10 of back
Qu-11 What is your city famous …? An-11
An-11 for back
Qu-12 Whom did the policeman look …? An-12
An-12 for back
Qu-13 What did your mates talk … yesterday? An-13
An-13 about back
Qu-14 Who will you talk … tomorrow? An-14
An-14 to back
Qu-15 How often do your parents go …? An-15
An-15 out back
Qu-16 -Hello! Is John …? -No, he is out. An-16
An-16 in back
Qu-17 If you want to be healthy you should give … smoking? An-17
An-17 up back
Qu-18 What stop did the man get …? An-18
An-18 off back
THE END .Дополнительные источники информации не использовались Время создания презентации: 2010г., изменения произведены в 2012г. 15 3 8 1 2