Разделительный вопрос или вопрос с «хвостиком»
н. в. am is are do does have has can must пр. в was were did had could б. в. will(won’t) I he she it you we they не так ли? , .
н. в. am is are do does have has can must пр. в was were did had could б. в. will(won’t) I he she it you we they She is а doctor, isn’t she? We aren’t sad, are we? Children are not in the garden, are they? They were good friends, were not they? It wasn’t April, was it?
н. в. am is are do does have has can must пр. в was were did had could б. в. will(won’t) I he she it you we they Sveta has got two cats, has not she? Boys have a new car, have not they? We haven’t sweets, have we? She has a big doll, has not she? A dog has a nice house, has not it?
н. в. am is are do does have has can must пр. в was were did had could б. в. will I he she it you we they Girls can sing well, can not they? I can’t speak French, can I? Children could read fast, could not they? They mustn’t run in the room, must they? You must learn well, must not you?
н. в. am is are do does have has can must пр. в was were did had could б. в. will (won’t) I he she it you we they We live in Plast, don’t we? Nick played football well, didn’t he? Little boys don’t drive cars, do they? She likes apples, doesn’t she? Mary went to the cinema, didn’t she? Students had five lessons yesterday, didn’t they?
н. в. am is are do does have has can must пр. в was were did had could б. в. will I he she it you we they Найди ошибки 1. My friend’s name is Sasha, isn’tit? isn’t he? 2. The park was white with snow, wasn’t it? was it? 3. We study Maths and P. E. , are we? don’t we? 4. The Browns have a son, didn’t they? haven’t they? 5. I like summer, do I? I? don’t 6. My mother was busy, wasn’t she?
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