Разделительный вопрос или вопрос с «хвостиком» I

- Размер: 2.6 Mегабайта
- Количество слайдов: 8
Описание презентации Разделительный вопрос или вопрос с «хвостиком» I по слайдам
Разделительный вопрос или вопрос с «хвостиком»
I he she it you we they н. в. am is are do does have has cancan must пр. в was were did hadhad could б. в. will(won’t) , , . . не так ли?
She is а а doctor, н. в. am is are do does have has cancan must пр. в was were did hadhad could б. в. will(won’t) I he she it you we they isn’t sheshe ? ? We aren’t sad, areare wewe ? ? Children are not in the garden, are they ? ? They were good friends, were not they ? ? It wasn’t April, was itit ? ?
Sveta has got two cats, н. в. am is are do does have has cancan must пр. в was were did hadhad could б. в. ww ill(won’t) I he she it you we they has not sheshe ? ? have not they ? ? have wewe ? ? has not sheshe ? ? Boys have a new car, We haven’t sweets, She has a big doll, A dog has a nice house, has not itit ? ?
Girls can sing well, н. в. am is are do does have has cancan must пр. в was were did hadhad could б. в. will I he she it you we they I can’t speak French, Children could read fast, They mustn’t run in the room, You must learn well, cancan not they ? ? cancan II ? ? could not theythey ? ? mustmust not youyou ? ?
We live in Plast, н. в. am is are do does have has cancan must пр. в was were did hadhad could б. в. will (won’t) I he she it you we they She likes apples, Nick played football well, Little boys don’t drive cars, Mary went to the cinema, Students had five lessons yesterday, don’t wewe ? ? do do they ? ? doesn’t sheshe ? ? didn’t they ? ? didn’t hehe ? ?
Найди ошибки 1. My friend’s name is Sasha, isn’t he? 2. 2. The park was white with snow, was it? 3. We study Maths and P. E. , are we? 4. The Browns have a son, didn’t they? 5. I like summer, do I? 6. My mother was busy, wasn’t she? н. в. am is are do does have has cancan must пр. в was were did hadhad could б. в. will I he she it you we they isn’t it? wasn’t it? don’t we? haven’t they? don’t I?
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