Radio Baigoz Ali Boranbai Moldir
in practice, radio and television broadcasting , a simplified classification of radio bands : Extra long wave ( ADD) - miriametrovye wave Long Wave ( LW) - kilometer wave Medium Wave (MW ) - hectometre wave Short-wave ( SW) - decameter wave VHF (VHF ) - high-frequency waves , whose wavelength is less than 10 m
Radio (Latin radio - radiate , Beams ← radius - beam) - a kind of wireless communication , where as a carrier signal using radio waves propagating freely in space. principle of operation
In Russia, the inventor of wireless telegraphy traditionally considered Popov , but the one and the other is not quite right. Marconi , in fact, joined the transmitter and receiver Heinrich Hertz Popov , in a single device. In the first experiments on radio physical conducted study, and then the Mine garden officer class , the receiver detects radiation of radio signals by the transmitter , up to 60
Depending on the range of radio waves have their own characteristics and laws of propagation : What is Radio Thanks to the invention of radio , we can transmit information through the air, even through space , and take it without wires. Radio waves - the kind of energy that propagates in space as light. Radio waves are all around us all the time, but we can not find them until they turn on the radio (although correct to say " at the radio receiver ") and is not one of them.
AM and FM. There are two ways to transmit information by radio waves : AM ( amplitude modulation) and FM ( frequency modulation). AM transmission sends sound over the airwaves , changing its amplitude ( peak- ). The program changes the FM sound frequency radio waves. Radio receiver detects these changes and converts them back into sound. THE APPLICATION. Police regularly use radio, in case of need to quickly arrive on the scene. Ships and aircraft are maintained radio communication with the dispatcher. Artists on stage often use connected to amplifiers. Radio is even used in toys - remote control model cars , ships and airplanes. BROADCASTING. When the speaker (top photo ) is transmitting , the microphone picks up his voice and converts the sound waves into electrical current. This current , fluctuating just like the sound arrives at the transmitter. In the transmitter an alternating current superimposed on the high-frequency current. The mixed signals are converted into radio waves emitted by the antenna in all directions.
Different frequencies. Fluctuations inherent in all waves. The speed of these oscillations is their frequency. Radio waves oscillate at a surprisingly high frequency - from several thousand to several billion times per second. Transfer to various radio stations did not drown each other , they are broadcast at different frequencies. Most stations informs listeners on what hour they work togas , Tuning radio, we adjust it so that it accepts only the necessary.