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Radiation Belt Storm Probes RBSP An Introduction to RBSP-EFW The Electric Field and Waves Instrument On the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission Dr. John W. Bonnell EFW Soc Lead/Hardware Co-I UC Berkeley 510 -642 -0852 jbonnell@ssl. berkeley. edu
Outline • Mission Overview – Schedules – Orbits – Instruments and Data Products • EFW Instrument Overview – Hardware Design – Data Products – Operations • TOHBAN Duty – Data Analysis Tools RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 2
Mission Overview -- Schedule 26 months until launch! Event Date or Dates Instrument and SC Flight Builds MOC and SOC Development Q 1 2010 to Q 2 2011 SC-Level Integration and Test MOC and SOC Development Mission Sims Q 1 2011 to Q 1 2012 Launch Site Operations Jan – May 2012 Launch May 2012 Instrument Commissioning May-Jul 2012 Start of Normal Operations Jul 2012 First Senior Review Effort Q 1 2014 End of Nominal Mission Jun 2014 End of Post-Mission Archiving Jun 2015 RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 3
Mission Overview – Orbits and Attitude • SC spin axis points near the Sun. • 21 -day repointing schedule: • 27 -deg max off-pointing. • 15 -deg N-S pointing offset. • EFW wire boom motion < 0. 5 -deg, post-maneuver. Post-Commissioning apogee is near Dawn, precessing towards Midnight … • ~ 600 km alt. apogee • ~ 5. 8 Re radius apogee • ~ 9 -hr period. • 10 -deg inclination (to equator) ~70 days/lap -> 5 laps/yr RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 ~220 deg/yr -> 1 y 8 m precession 4
Mission Overview – Instruments Particles From RBSP M-CDR, p. 4. 1 -9. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 5
Mission Overview – Instruments Fields EFW Burst Capability (up to 8 k. Hz) From RBSP M-CDR, p. 4. 1 -10. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 6
Mission Overview – Instruments Data Products From RBSP SDMP, p. 38. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 7
RBSP Level-1 Mission Science EFW Measurement Requirements Provide understanding, ideally to the point of predictability, of how populations of relativistic electrons and penetrating ions in space form or change in response to variable input from the Sun. • Which physical processes enhance the radiation belts? • What are the dominant processes for relativistic electron loss? • How does the ring current and other geomagnetic processes affect radiation belt behavior? The EFW instrument measures the DC and low-frequency electric fields, plasma density structures, and EM waves responsible for the acceleration, loss, and transport of energetic charged particles in the inner magnetosphere. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 8
RBSP EFW Instrument On-Orbit Configuration Axial Booms (1 of 2; 12 -14 -m tip-to-tip) Spin Plane Booms (1 of 4; 80 - and 100 -m tip-to-tip) IDPU (inside S/C bus, on side panel) RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 9
RBSP-EFW Instrument Overview “A High-Impedance, Low-Noise, Three-Axis Digital Voltmeter in Space” Booms and Sensors: • Four spin plane booms (2 x 40 m and 2 x 50 m) • Two spin axis stacer booms (2 x 6 to 7 m; length trimable on-orbit) • Spherical sensors and preamplifiers near outboard tip of boom (400 -k. Hz response) • Flexible boom cable to power sensor electronics & return signals back to SC • Sensors are current biased by instrument command to optimize DC and AC response. 2 5 +Z 4 3 6 Not to Scale Instrument Data Processing Unit (IDPU): Main electronic box, controlling sensor bias, A -D conversion, digital filtering, burst memory, diagnostics, mode commanding, TM formatting ). Provides analog interface between EFW and EMFISIS instruments (shared E- and B-field measurement capabilities). Provides Space Weather quantities (spin fit E; SC_POT) to “beacon” and std. TM. 1 RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 10
Instrumentation Designs IDPU AXB (1 of 2), Stowed SPB (1 of 4), Stowed RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 11
Instrumentation Engineering Test Units RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 12
EFW Instrument Block Diagram RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 13
EFW Instrument Block Diagram – Descriptions (1) • Sensors and Preamps • makes electrical contact with ambient plasma • buffers contact to plasma and drives cables to maintain DC and AC response. • provides surfaces for current and voltage biasing (SENSOR, USHER, GUARD). • Boom Deploy Units (SPB, AXB) • provides mechanical anchor for wire and stacer booms. • provides controlled deploy mechanism (releases, motors, etc. ). • Instrument Data Processing Unit (IDPU) • Consists of 4 boards in a heavy (. 350 -inch thick!) Al Chassis – BEB, DFB, DCB, and PCB/LVPS. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 14
EFW Instrument Block Diagram – Descriptions (2) • Boom Electronics Board (BEB) • provides floating ground generation, current and voltage bias control, ground test signal routing. • Digital Fields Board (DFB) • provides analog signal conditioning (single-ended V, differential E, DC/AC coupled, etc. ). • provides analog-to-digital conversion (16 ksamp/s/channel), digital waveform filtering (13 power-of-two steps for each channel), broadband filter generation (one octave each), FFT-based spectral and cross-spectral data products, Bfield aligned coordinate transformation prior to SPEC or XSPEC processing. • Data Controller Board (DCB) • Provides command data interface between EFW and rest of SC • Handles command processing, instrument control, data routing and formatting, burst valuation. • Power Control Board/Low-Voltage Power Supply (PCB/LVPS) • Provides regulated power supplies (fixed and floating ground) for all IDPU boards. • Provides isolated BEB supplies for contingency operations (E-field to EMFISIS). RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 15
EFW-DFB Block Diagram RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 16
EFW-DFB Performance Specifications (1) Product Type Packet Name Source Signals (Internal to DFB) Survey Waveforms E_SVY Driving Requirement E 12 DC, E 34 DC, E 56 DC ± 1 V/m 30 u. V/m EFW-45 V 1 DC, V 2 DC, V 3 DC, V 4 DC, V 5 DC, V 6 DC ± 225 V 6 m. V EFW-46 EFW-51 MAG_SVY MAGU, MAGV, MAGW ± 5 V E_B 1 E 12 DC, E 34 DC, E 56 DC ± 1 V/m 30 u. V/m EFW-49 EFW-52 V_B 1 V 1 DC, V 2 DC, V 3 DC, V 4 DC, V 5 DC, V 6 DC ± 225 V 6 m. V EFW-45 SCM_B 1 SCMU, SCMV, SCMW E_B 2 E 12 DC, E 34 DC, E 56 DC, E 12 AC, E 34 AC, E 56 AC, Epar, Eprp, Epar. AC, Eprp. AC V_B 2 V 1 AC, V 2 AC, V 3 AC, V 4 AC, V 5 AC, V 6 AC SCM_B 2 Wave Counter Measurement Resolution V_SVY Burst Waveforms Measurement Range SCMU, SCMV, SCMW, SCMpar, SCMprp SWD E 12 AC, E 34 AC ± 5 V EFW-44 AC: ± 400 m. V/m DC: ± 1 V/m AC: 12 u. V/m DC: 30 u. V/m EFW-49 EFW-52 ± 12. 5 V 0. 4 m. V EFW-45 ± 5 V EFW-44 4 Ranges, Configurable EFW-49 EFW-52 RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 17
EFW-DFB Performance Specifications (2) Product Type Packet Name Source Signals (Internal to DFB) FFTs SPEC Select 8 of: E 12 DC, E 34 DC, E 56 DC, Epar, Eprp, E 12 AC, E 34 AC, E 56 AC, Epar. AC, Eprp. AC, SCMU, SCMV, SCMW, SCMpar, SCMprp, V 1 AC, V 2 AC, V 3 AC, V 4 AC, V 5 AC, V 6 AC, (V 1 dc+V 2 dc+V 3 dc+V 4 dc)/4 XSPEC FB Filter Bank Frequency Bands Driving Requirement(s) A (5%) 112 bins B (10%) 64 bins C (20%) 36 bins EFW-49 Select pairs from SPEC 1 SPEC 8. A (5%) Same as Selection for SPEC B (10%) Same as Selection for SPEC C (20%) Same as Selection for SPEC EFW-43 EFW-48 Select 2 of: E 12 DC, E 34 DC, E 56 DC, E 12 AC, E 34 AC, E 56 AC, SCMU, SCMV, SCMW, (V 1 dc+V 2 dc+V 3 dc+V 4 dc)/4 A 0. 8 to 1. 5, 1. 5 to 3, 3 to 6, 6 to 12, 12 to 25, 25 to 50, 50 to 100, 100 to 200, 200 to 400, 400 to 800, 800 to 1. 6 k, 1. 6 k to 3. 2 k, 3. 2 to 6. 5 k B (Default) 0. 8 to 1. 5, 3 to 6, 12 to 25, 50 to 100, 200 to 400, 800 to 1. 6 k, 3. 2 to 6. 5 k EFW-48 RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 18
Telemetry Budget • Proportions of real time data and playback of burst are adjustable to keep within 12 -kbps budget. • Baseline effective duty cycles for B 1 and B 2 data are: • B 1 – 7. 5% (1. 8 hr/day, or 40 min/orbit). • B 2 – 0. 1% (~80 s/day, or ~30 s/orbit). RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 19
EFW SOC Data Products Data Level Description Time to Availability Est. Volumes Users L 0 Raw de-commutated, APID-separated telemetry data retrieved from MOC. Binary files. Typically daily retrieval and processing and/or reprocessing to pick up long-latency Burst data. Processing time < 6 hours. 130 MB/day/SC. SOC, archives. L 1 L 0 + Time-tagged RAW waveform and spectral in spinning spacecraft coordinate system. Software and CAL files read L 1 data files and produce data in physical units. ISTP-Compliant CDFs. Daily production and/or reprocessing. Processing time < 6 hours. Latency <= 7 days. 520 MB/day/SC. SOC, EFW Team, archives. L 2 L 1 + Time-tagged waveform and spectral data in calibrated physical units [V, m. V/m, (V/m)2/Hz, etc. ] in despun spacecraft coordinate system and relevant geophysical coordinate systems. ISTP-Compliant CDFs. Quick. Look L 2 data and Summary Plots. JPG and PDF (TBD) plot files (6 and 24 -hr). Available internally daily for purposes of instrument operations and data validation. Pushed weekly or bi-weekly to MOC as validated by EFW-SOC and SCI teams. Latency <= 1 week. 2. 1 GB/day/SC. SOC, EFW Team, RBSP Science Team, Other End Users (Archives, Virtual Observatories, GIs, etc. ). L 3 L 2 + Vx. B removal for DC E-field estimate. Latency <= 1 month. 3. 1 GB/day/SC. L 4 L 3 + global E field pattern estimates Latency <= 1 year. Negligible additional volume. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 20
EFW SOC Quick. Look/Summary Plots • Combination of Survey waveform (E and B) and spectral (ptcl and wave) data: • spin-fit E and B • survey waveform E and V • SC Potential (density) • i+ and e- flux vs. energy and time spectra. • Relevant geophysical indices (eg. Dst) • Perigee-to-Perigee and UTC day divisions. • Automated generation from QL data. • Example format (THEMIS) to right: RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 21
EFW SOC System Diagram TEST-SOC FLIGHTSOC GSE RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 22
EFW SOC Organization EFW PI • The EFW SOC will be: John Wygant • Developed at UCB. • Hosted from UCB. • UCB has played a similar role on previous missions: • CRRES, Polar, FAST, THEMIS. • EFW Instrument I&T occurs at UCB, and SOC development builds on the GSE required to support that effort: • GSE→Test SOC→FLT SOC. (UMN) EFW Science Team UCB Lead/PM John Bonnell • EFW SOC development a collaboration between the SOC team and FSW Lead, with input from PI, PM, and Sys. Eng, as required. • Pre- and Post-Launch Scientific input, testing and guidance provided by PI and EFW Science Team. EFW PM Keith Goetz (UMN) EFW Tohban (Duty Scientist) EFW Sys. Eng Michael Ludlam (UCB) EFW SOC Lead EFW FSW Lead John Bonnell Peter Harvey (UCB)) EFW CTG Lead William Rachelson (UCB) EFW SDC Lead Matt Born (UCB) • Tohban (Duty Scientist) provides single-point-of -contact between Science Team and SOC Team post-launch. EFW Instrument Operators (UCB) EFW SOC Effort – Technical Management RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 23
“Ask not what EFW can do for you, but what you can do for EFW…” Who is the TOHBAN, and what does he or she do? • • • “Scientist on Duty” (TOHBAN = Duty Officer or Officer of the Day). 2 -4 week stints providing: PI Support (planning, analysis, discussion). Data Validation. Burst Playback Selection. Liaison between EFW Science Team SOC Team: – Implementation of science measurement goals and requirements. – Coordination between EFW and other RBSP Instrument teams. • What’s in it for you? – – Deeper understanding and appreciation of EFW dataset. First cut at data fresh off the satellite. Larger role in burst selection planning. Enduring appreciation of EFW technical and ops staff. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 24
EFW SOC Utilization Normal On-Orbit Operations • • Burst Management (RBSP_EFW_SYS_016 B_Burst. Triggers) – Higher-rate waveform data (E, V, and SCM) collected continuously and banked into SDRAM and FLASH in seconds to minutes long segments (many days of B 1 storage; many minutes of B 2 storage). – Each segment tagged with “Burst Quality” computed on-board from DC or AC fields data cues (Filter Bank AC E or B, cues from other instruments). – B 1 playback is through ground selection by PI a/o TOHBAN based on Survey data and other data sources (geophysical indices, etc. ); onboard with Burst Quality allows for autonomous selection and playback, as needed (vacations, illness, ennui, etc. ). – B 2 survival and playback selection on-board is based on Burst Quality; playback selection includes option forced collection (supports INT, and some possible campaign modes). – B 1 and B 2 support for time-tagged campaign modes available as well (e. g. BARREL support). Inter-Instrument Burst Data – EFW message includes axial sensor status (illuminated/eclipsed), sensor sweep status (static/sweeping), and current burst-valuation algorithm ID and value (SC-level Shared Instrument Data ICD). RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 25
Data Analysis Tools • IDL/TPLOT-based tools during Instrument and SC-level INT: – TPLOT by itself. – EFWPLOT (TPLOT for non-programmers). – Level-0 data files or equivalent. • THEMIS Data Analysis Software (TDAS) during mission: – IDL/TPLOT-based; developed/supported at UCB. – ISTP-compliant CDF data files. – In use now (FAST, THEMIS). – Developing interest from ERG and ORBITALS. • Science Data Tool (SDT) during mission: – C-based; developed/supported at UCB. – ISTP-compliant CDF data files. – Old-school E-field tool (Polar, Cluster). • AUTOPLOT for inter-instrument data browsing: – Feeds on ISTP-compliant CDF data files. – Can act as scripted filter to produce files in desired output format. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 26
BACKUP and SUPPORTING SLIDES RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 27
EFW Measurement Requirements And Example Data RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 28
RBSP Level-1 Mission Science EFW Measurement Requirements (in detail) • The RBSP mission will determine local steady and impulsive electric and magnetic fields …These products will enable the scientific goals of determining convective and impulsive flows, determining properties of shock generated shock fronts, … • The RBSP mission will derive and determine spatial and temporal variations of electrostatic and electromagnetic field amplitudes, frequency, intensity, propagation direction, spatial distribution and temporal evolution with sufficient fidelity to calculate wave energy, polarization, saturation levels, coherence, wave normal angle, phase velocity, and wave number for a) VLF and ELF waves, and b) random, ULF, and quasi-periodic electromagnetic fluctuations. • These products will enable the scientific goals of determining the types and characteristics of plasma waves causing particle energization and loss including wave growth rates; quantifying adiabatic and non-adiabatic mechanisms of energization and loss …; determining conditions that control the production and propagation of waves … • High time resolution burst electric and magnetic field measurements will provide understanding of the role in the prompt acceleration and loss of energetic particles of nonlinear interactions with discrete large amplitude wave structures. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 29
E-Fields in the Active Radiation Belt CRRES measurements of the E-field during a pass through the inner magnetosphere: interplanetary shock induced electric field, large scale MHD waves, and enhancement in convection electric field. MHD waves: an important mechanism for radially diffusing and energizing particles. The shock induced magnetosonic wave created a 5 order of magnitude increase in 13 Me. V electron fluxes in <100 seconds resulting in a new radiation belt that lasted two years The large scale electric field produced a ~70 k. V potential drop between L=2 & L-4 and injected ring current plasma. d. Dst/dt= - 40 n. T/hr RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 30
RBSP Mission Data Products By Instrument and Level RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 31
Data Products ECT Next 5 pp, from RBSP SDMP, p. 40 -4. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 32
Data Products EMFISIS RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 33
Data Products EFW RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 34
Data Products RBSPICE RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 35
Data Products PSBR/RPS RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 36
EFW Instrument Commissioning: Turn-On/Check-Out And SPB and AXB Boom Deploy RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 37
EFW Instrument Commissioning • EFW Commissioning consists of two phases: – Initial instrument turn on and check out. – Radial and axial boom deploys. – May occur at RBSP MOC (using Test SOC; prefered) or at EFW SOC (using Flight SOC). • • • Turn-On and Checkout consists of stowed functional tests (duplicates of SClevel INT procs and data, which are in turn duplicates of Inst-level INT procs and data). Commanding performed via scripts on CTG by EFW Operator. Connection to EFW Instrument is via spacecraft and Flight MOC. User Interface to EFW instrument does not change from INT to Commissioning and Ops. Instrument Activity Duration Telemetry Requirements Constraints & Notes EFW Turn-On and Check Out 2 x 2 hrs NRT: ~4 kbps. Stored: ~8 kbps. Should occur after or in conjunction with EMFISIS Turn-On and Check Out b/c of shared analog data (EFW, MAG, and MSC). EFW Boom Deploys ≈2 Weeks (both RB_A and RB_B in parallel) NRT: ~4 kbps for initial step; 1 -2 kbps thereafter. Stored: <5. 25 kbps (Survey TM). Boom deploys must occur in sunlight. Sensor Diagnostic Tests will drive spacecraft floating potential. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 38
EFW Instrument Commissioning: Boom Deploys • • Baseline EFW boom deploy plan already developed (RBSP_EFW_TN_003 C_EFW_Boom. Deploy. Sequence. doc). Boom deploy power controlled by MOC (SC service). Boom deploy commanding through EFW SOC (test or flight). Commanding via scripts of FSW commands, run on the CTG, with feedback on status and progress of deploy via Real. Time Engineering telemetry: – DEPPAIR: which pair of booms enabled. – DEPSTAT A/B: deploy motor status. – DELN A/B: number of clicks deployed so far. • Deploy commands are of the form: – Deploy a pair of booms N clicks. – Deploy a single boom N clicks. • • FSW monitors deploy, and maintains pair-wise deploys within 2 clicks of each other, until deploy is complete, or deploy is aborted. Heritage system (and code!) from Polar, Cluster, THEMIS. RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 39
EFW Instrument Commissioning: Radial Booms Deploy • • For radial boom deploys, conservation of angular momentum and known mass properties of SC and booms allow for prediction of spin rate as a function of boom stroke (number of clicks deployed) Spin rate changes during staged, pair-wise boom deploy illustrated below. Spin rate vs. boom stroke and time during deploy used to monitor state of deploy and abort, if required. Baseline 15 -day parallel deploy schedule between both observatories incorporated into current Mission Timeline. Fine wire unfurling RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 40
EFW Instrument Commissioning: Axial Booms Deploy • • • Axial boom deploy occurs after radial boom deploy is complete, and observatory mass properties and dynamics confirmed (typically no significant delay required). Axial booms deployed singly, in stages using motor deploy system to ≈5 -m stroke (≈10 -m tip-to-tip). Final deploy lengths trimmed in few-cm increments using Survey axial E-field and SC potential estimates to reduce common-mode signal. Trim phase occurs in parallel with other instrument commissioning activities. See the following EFW Technical Note for further analysis and details: – RBSP_EFW_TN_023 C_AXB_motor_drive_and_measurement_requirement. doc RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 41
Acronyms, Abbreviations, References and Links RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 42
Acronyms and Abbreviations A-D AXB CDR ECT EFW EM EMFISIS/MAG EMFISIS/MSC HOPE IDPU L 1 Ln Mag. EIS MOC MRD PSBR/RPS RBSPICE REPT SC or S/C SC-POT SOC SPB TM UC UCB analog to digital Axial Boom Critical Design Review Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma Suite Electric Fields and Waves electromagnetic Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science EMFISIS three-axis DC (fluxgate) magnetometer EMFISIS three-axis AC (searchcoil) magnetometer Helium, Oxygen, Proton, and Electron detector Instrument Data Processig Unit Level 1 Level "n"; requirements or data products. Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer Mission Operations Center Mission Requirements Document Relativistic Proton Spectrometer Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope Spacecraft spacecraft potential Science Operations Center Spin Plane Boom Telemetry University of California, Berkeley RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 43
References and Links • • APL Document 7419 -9129, rev ‘-’, “RBSP Science Data Management Plan, ” N. Fox; pp. 37 -38, pp. 40 -44. RBSP Mission CDR Package, Dec 2009: – – – • “ 4. 1 Science Requirements and Implementation, “ B. Mauk. “ 5. 1 Mission Systems Engineering Overview, “ J. Stratton; p. 5. 1 -8. “ 5. 3 Mission Design and Navigation, “ G. Heyler; p. 5. 3 -3, 4, 6. EFW Instrument CDR Package, Sep 2009: – “ 201 -DFB-Cole, ” W. Cole. – “ 101 -Overview-Goetz, ” K. Goetz. – “ 102 -Science-Wygant, ”, J. Wygant. – “ 103 -SYS-Ludlam, ” M. Ludlam. • RBSP-EFW Instrument FTP Site: – http: //apollo. sll. berkeley. edu/pub/RBSP • • RBSP Mission Site: http: //rbsp. jhuapl. edu/ RBSP-EFW Sci Team Mtg - 26 Mar 2010 44