Скачать презентацию RACURS New functionality of Photomod system Version 3 Скачать презентацию RACURS New functionality of Photomod system Version 3


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RACURS New functionality of Photomod system. Version 3. 8 Denis Naumov naumov@racurs. ru Jurmala, RACURS New functionality of Photomod system. Version 3. 8 Denis Naumov naumov@racurs. ru Jurmala, Latvia, September 14, 2005

Content • Introduction • New Features – General changes – Montage Desktop – Scanner Content • Introduction • New Features – General changes – Montage Desktop – Scanner imagery processing – AT, Solver, DTM – Stereo. Draw • Conclusion

Introduction PHOTOMOD 3. 6 – 3. 8 • More reliable • More powerful • Introduction PHOTOMOD 3. 6 – 3. 8 • More reliable • More powerful • Easier in use

General changes • Further speed-up in processing of big of data • Epipolar transformation General changes • Further speed-up in processing of big of data • Epipolar transformation "on-the-fly" • Data access optimization • Support for Immersion Soft. Mouse & Stealth Z Mouse • LZW lossless compression support • Loading of different data without project • Search and delete images not used by any projects • Enhanced smooth roam mode • GUI improvements in all modules

General changes cont. Epipolar transformation General changes cont. Epipolar transformation "on-the-fly“ Search and delete images not used by any projects Support for Immersion Soft. Mouse & Stealth Z Mouse

Montage Desktop • Improved project management (flexible data and image selection option for copying, Montage Desktop • Improved project management (flexible data and image selection option for copying, backup and restoring from backup) • Block forming: option of deleting group of images from a strip • Camera editor: option of entering distortion values in pixels (camera parameters) • Raster map georeferencing by ground control points (project)

Montage Desktop cont. Improved project management Montage Desktop cont. Improved project management

Montage Desktop cont. Raster map georeferencing by ground control points Montage Desktop cont. Raster map georeferencing by ground control points

Scanner imagery processing • Processing of mono blocks of images supplied with RPC data Scanner imagery processing • Processing of mono blocks of images supplied with RPC data (IKONOS, Quick. Bird и Orb. View) • Processing of SPOT 5 images (HRG and HRS sensors) • Displaying detailed sensor information in the process of images input

Scanner imagery processing cont. Processing of mono blocks of images supplied with RPC data Scanner imagery processing cont. Processing of mono blocks of images supplied with RPC data

Scanner imagery processing cont. Display of detailed sensor information Scanner imagery processing cont. Display of detailed sensor information

AT • Measuring ground control points on images using georeferenced raster map • Displaying AT • Measuring ground control points on images using georeferenced raster map • Displaying triplet errors and vertical parallax values while editing points on "all" images at the same time • Adding points simultaneously on "all" images • Sorting table of triplet errors by error values

AT cont. Measuring ground control points using georeferenced raster map AT cont. Measuring ground control points using georeferenced raster map

AT cont. Displaying triplet errors and vertical parallax values AT cont. Displaying triplet errors and vertical parallax values

Solver • Displaying point errors in the image coordinate system • Graphic window for Solver • Displaying point errors in the image coordinate system • Graphic window for single image processing • Searching in the adjustment report

Solver cont. Displaying point errors in the image coordinate system Solver cont. Displaying point errors in the image coordinate system

DTM • Automatic switching between stereopairs during block-wide TIN and contour lines control operations DTM • Automatic switching between stereopairs during block-wide TIN and contour lines control operations • Direct input of the grid origin coordinates for DTM creation

DTM cont. Direct input of the grid origin Stereopair automatic change DTM cont. Direct input of the grid origin Stereopair automatic change

Stereo. Draw • Displaying georeferenced map with overlayed vector data during 3 D feature Stereo. Draw • Displaying georeferenced map with overlayed vector data during 3 D feature extraction • Streamline mode optimization • Fast Z marker movement option • Stereopair auto-switching when checking topology of block-wide 3 D vector objects • Hot keys for faster working with a code table • Optional code table creation when importing vectors from popular formats • Export of the code table to PHOTOMOD Vect. Or (the classifier creation)

Stereo. Draw Cont. • Object rotation at arbitrary angle • Improved DXF import-export • Stereo. Draw Cont. • Object rotation at arbitrary angle • Improved DXF import-export • Auto. CAD color palette for object color selection • Flexible managing of layers visibility • Additional parameters of topology control • Option of saving and exporting only visible objects • Batch reference files load • Displaying object labels including coordinate values and attributes

Stereo. Draw cont. Displaying georeferenced map with overlayed vector data during Stereo. Draw cont. Displaying georeferenced map with overlayed vector data during

Stereo. Draw cont. Auto. CAD color palette Hot keys for faster working with a Stereo. Draw cont. Auto. CAD color palette Hot keys for faster working with a code table

Stereo. Draw cont. Object rotation at arbitrary angle Flexible managing of layers visibility Stereo. Draw cont. Object rotation at arbitrary angle Flexible managing of layers visibility

Mosaic • Export of georeferenced orthomosaics to DGN format • Import of cutlines from Mosaic • Export of georeferenced orthomosaics to DGN format • Import of cutlines from Shape and DXF formats using DBF tables to assign cutlines to images • Orthorectification of individual project images • Support of the Arc. World georeference file (. jpw) for saving mosaic to JPEG format

PHOTOMOD Geo. Mosaic • New module, Work outside PHOTOMOD system • Comprise all what PHOTOMOD Geo. Mosaic • New module, Work outside PHOTOMOD system • Comprise all what PHOTOMOD Mosaic has plus more • Possibility of an automated registration of original images • Georeferencing and mosaicing of images in external formats • Definition of an arbitrary coordinate system both for original images and resultant mosaic • Background trimming and automated building of transformation regions

PHOTOMOD Geo. Mosaic cont. PHOTOMOD Geo. Mosaic cont.

PHOTOMOD Geo. Mosaic cont. PHOTOMOD Geo. Mosaic cont.

PHOTOMOD Geo. Mosaic cont. Definition of an arbitrary coordinate system both for original images PHOTOMOD Geo. Mosaic cont. Definition of an arbitrary coordinate system both for original images and resultant mosaic

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