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RA VI Working Group on Service Delivery and Partnership (WG-SDP) Report RA VI – 5 th Meeting of the MG, Vilnius, 26 -28 April 2017 Axel Thomalla WG-SDP
WG-SDP Report Working Group members Axel Thomalla, Germany, Chair Adriaan Perrels, Finland Vice-Chair / Leader TT/SEB Tanja Cegnar, Slovenia, Leader TT/SDM Frank Kroonenberg, The Netherlands Leader TT/WARN Michael Rohn, Germany Rapp. on EU and Partnership José Fernández, Spain Rapp. on Aviation matters
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Taskteam on Socio-Economic Benefits (TT-SEB) Membership v Adriaan Perrels (FMI, chair) v Gerald Fleming (Met Eiránn) / Evelyn Murphy (alternate) v Claire Ross (UKMO) v Alex Rubli (Meteo. Swiss) v Thomas Schuhmacher (DWD)
WG-SDP Report TT-SEB Activities Objectives 1. Support possible pilot SEB studies 2. Ensure professional exchange & co-operation 3. Develop a platform for dissemination and learning Activities Reviews of recent and upcoming SEB’s in RA VI area (finished) v Studies from UK, Finland, Spain, Switzerland, Germany have been reviewed Contribution to SEB course for RA VI members (Zagreb 29. 6 -3. 7. 15) v SEB course was supported, TT-SEB exchange back to back Session during EMS-ECAM 2015 v Oral and poster session was performed
WG-SDP Report TT-SEB Activities (contd. ) Activities in 2016 v EMS 2016 – A SEB related session named High Impact Weather: Forecasting Systems, Socio-Economic Benefits and User Perspectives was staged with 3 posters and 7 presentations; highly appreciated session with large audience v UKMet. Office pursued an updated SEB study (based on the Weather Service Chain Analysis approach) – a summary was submitted to TT-SEB v German Ministry for transport and digital infrastructure commissioned a SEB study on wind power related weather services – not officially published and discussed in TT -SEB context In addition to be considered: v Sessions within EAERE conference (European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) and/or WEMC (World Energy & Meteorology Council) conference (ICEM) – still open (so far no papers from TT-SEB) Considering an EU COST action (DL 9/2016) – still lingering v Confirmed interest from at least 7 countries (need 10+) v Considered themes – within SEB umbrella: v E. g. new observation methods, new ways of information provision; R&D prioritization)
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Taskteam on Warning Services (TT/WARN) Membership v. Frank Kroonenberg – Chair (KNMI-Netherlands) v. Hannele Kaija (FMI-Finland), v Dora Luptak (OSMZ-Hungary), (replaced Zoltan Fodor) v Sarah Davies (UKMO-Great Britain), v Ana Casals Carro (Aemet-Spain), v Mats Johansson (SMHI-Sweden), v Amit Savir (Israel) (new member) Vera Cristea (Moldava)left TT Warn
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Taskteam on Warning Services Objectives 1. Develop and establish a mentoring pilot project in the field of weather warnings; 2. Provide best practice examples of severe weather warning verification 3. Advise on possible warning improvements by CAP standards Activities since 2016 TT Warn now finalized all of its actions ! (mid april 2017), final report is drafted and has been send to chair WG-SDP. Most of the work is based on: v Survey send late Nov 2015 to NMHS Heads of Forecasting WMO RAVI (75% response) v Survey result analysis was completed and led to ranking on best practice for warnings and for impact based verification.
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Taskteam on Warning Services (cont) Activities since 2016 v External funding for twinning project seemed to be impossible to achieve. However within the report alternative ways of twinning without financing are given. Still an in kind twinning is now running between UK- Metoffice and KNMI v Out of the information from Meteoalarm members is concluded that CAP implementation is still an issue to Members. After hick ups it is well scheduled now, with deadline for complete implementation within Meteoalarm by late June 2017 v For impact-based warning verification a short recommendation paper was drafted that is easy to get implemented as a NMHS procedure, at least for those with good linking to their Civil Protection Agencies v Google-Meteoalarm co-operation has been put on hold due to Google change of priorities.
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Taskteam on Service Delivery, Media and Communication (TT/SDM) Membership v Tanja Cegnar – Chair (Slovenia) v Judith Rhodes (UK) v Marina Makarova (RUS) new member, nominated in Feb 2016 Still additional members needed, still a small group! This will lead to some delays in the work programme of TT-SDM.
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Taskteam on Service Delivery, Media and Communication Objectives 1. Ensure a harmonized and synchronized regional implementation of the Strategy on Service Delivery by the Members; 2. Provide an regional overview on best practices of communication / public affairs 3. Develop and establish a mentoring pilot project in the field of communication; 4. Organize a communications workshop for Information and Public Affairs focal points Activities and related events in 2016 v 1) A Regional Stakeholders Workshop to Implement the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery for NMHSs in South-East Europe took place in Albania. It was sponsored by the World bank. Because of limited resources TT members were not invited.
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Taskteam on Service Delivery, Media and Communication Activities and related events in 2016 v A European workshop on communication for NHMSs took place in Trieste during the EMS/ECAC 2016 conference In September. With financial support of Munich RE. An e-version of publication was compiled with presentations delivered at that workshop including a couple of other sessions. v With the financial support of the Solco W. Tromp foundation a workshop on delivery of agrometeorological services was carried out in Ljubljana. Presentations are available on the RA VI web site. Short articles from countries taking part at the workshop were provided, but WMO Commission for agrometeorology has not been able to publish this material yet. v Marina Makarova has provided an overview of services offered by NHMSs in east half of Europe.
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Taskteam on Service Delivery, Media and Communication Findings v v v Not surprisingly is that there are still huge differences between member states in capability to provide services to the society. While countries under the umbrella of EUMETNET are in general well equipped and are delivering adequate services, there are many countries that would need support and mentoring to develop their service to the adequate level This is in line with the outcome of a survey analysed by WMO secretariat. WMO is publishing guidelines and technical notes, but this is not sufficient. There are proposals for mentoring, some education programmes, but again they all require funding. Activities planned v A European workshop on communication for NHMSs is in preparation to take place during the EMS 2017 conference In September in Dublin.
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Rapporteur on Aviation José Fernández (ESP) Objectives 1. Organize an European Conference on meteorological service provision to civil aviation; 2. Monitor regional activities and developments related to civil aviation meteorology Recent activities v Successful preparation and realization of the ECMA conference in October 2015. WG-SDP actively participated in the organization v support was provided to Marina Petrova, chairing CAe. M ET-CCP, building up a network of aviation experts from different European countries. The aim of this network to contribute with their views and inputs to surveys and studies conducted by the ET-CCP
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Rapporteur on Aviation Recent activities v Some explorations were performed, following the advice of Dimitar Ivanov, to find an useful social network platform that could be an adequate forum for exchanging information on aviation between NMHSs experts on aviation. v A report providing an overview on the situation of aviation meteorology in Europe/RA VI after ECMA 2015 was drafted, and is made available to the MG. However there is still a lack of information with regard to Eastern Europe region situation.
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP Rapporteur on EU and Partnership Michael Rohn (GER) Recent Activities v v v WMO RA VI Workshop on RCC Implementation and the Second Coordination meeting of RA VI RCC Network - preparation of presentation on EU matters brief on Copernicus" provided to INTAD – session March 2017 - will be made available to INTAD 6 Project list RA VI: regarding EU funded activities related to "Disaster Risk Reduction": Copernicus, ERCC, H 2020 Overall approach: v v Various and extensive information sources exist. Try to assist in understanding or orientation for navigation through already existing information.
WG-SDP Report WG-SDP / DRR focal point Axel Thomalla (GER) Background v v Cg-17 reconfirmed the establishment of the DRR FP TC-TP and requested to include focal points of the RAs as a mechanism to support the WMO-wide coordination of DRR activities. FP RA-TC-TP is one of the main governance mechanisms for the DRR Programme Terms of Reference : v Serve as a point of contact for RAs’, TCs’ and TPs’ DRR-related activities and issues; v Conduct an ongoing review of the DRR Roadmap, proposing updates where necessary; v Propose and coordinate the development of priority initiatives v Gather and share information on DRR-related activities and best practices v Report on progress to the EC WG on DRR and the presidents of Technical Commissions (PTC) and the Presidents of Regional Associations (PRA).
2016 Meeting of the DRR Focal Points of WMO Regional Associations, Technical Commissions and Programmes (DRR FP RA-TC-TP) 14 -16 December 2016, Geneva Challenges and opportunities faced in RA VI v v Unique structure compared to other RAs (EUMETNET, ECMWF, EUMETSAT, EU, WMO RA VI…) Many projects (in particular EU funded) Very diverse (sub-regions) Different national DRR platforms and user requirements
Some projects v v v South East Europe Multi-hazard Early Warning Platform WMO’s South East Europe Flash Flood Guidance System (SEEFFGS) ARISTOTLE (All risk integrated system towards transboundary holistic early warning) RA VI Hydrology Forum (every 2 years, regional platform to discuss on aspects of operational hydrology) Planned: q Flood Forecasting and Warning System for the Sava River Basin (Sava FFWS) q DAREFFORT - Improvement of flood forecasting in the Danube basin
3. How can the DRR FP RA-TC-TP mechanism best add value to your RA’s work? v v v Alignment of strategic plan/operational plans of TCs and RAs Overview of existing working groups, contacts, To. R Knowledge transfer from technical commissions into the regions (or to TT/WG in the region) v DRR FP could serve as a strong network which is diverse in composition (expert subnetworks, and development agencies network) v Bridge gaps Facilitate linkages Transferring knowledge v v 19
4. Suggested structure for future meetings of the DRR FP RA-TC-TP to ensure realizable and predictable outcomes from the work of the FPs v v Assessment of ongoing projects in the regions including the progress made (annual update during the meeting) and the collaborations that have been initiated Develop mechanisms to improve networking between RAs, TPs and TCs as well as NMHSs. Cooperation and complementarity – how to avoid duplication of work and to improve exchange of knowledge between WGs Stronger interactions with the donors (invite the donor community). 20
Thank you ! Axel Thomalla Deutscher Wetterdienst axel. thomalla@dwd. de