Скачать презентацию RA-IV WIGOS Implementation Workshop English 1 — 3 Скачать презентацию RA-IV WIGOS Implementation Workshop English 1 — 3


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RA-IV WIGOS Implementation Workshop (English), 1 - 3 December, Willemstad Curaçao and St. Maarten RA-IV WIGOS Implementation Workshop (English), 1 - 3 December, Willemstad Curaçao and St. Maarten Presentation Carshena Gordon, Meteorologist Haime Pieter, BSc Engineering, Meteorological Department of Curaçao & St. Maarten carshenagordon@sintmaartengov. org Haime. pieter@meteo. cw

Outline of the presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mission of the NMHS National Outline of the presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mission of the NMHS National Observing Issues or Needs Plans for the observing networks WIGOS Implementation Status Summary

Mission of the NMHS • Current Mission To protect life and property against natural Mission of the NMHS • Current Mission To protect life and property against natural hazards through the issuance of timely and appropriate weather products for various entities (aviation, marine, public); in order to sustain social and economic developments. (CUR/SXM) • Mandate: The provision of meteorological services to the aviation and marine industries, and the general public. (CUR/SXM)

Responsibilities • • • Surface/upper air observations Issuing METARS General Aerodrome forecasts/warnings Flight Folders Responsibilities • • • Surface/upper air observations Issuing METARS General Aerodrome forecasts/warnings Flight Folders Issue Public/marine forecasts Issue special bulletins (hurricanes, storms, other hazardous weather events) • Maintain weather/Climate database

Major historical meteorological disaster events Hurricane Donna (1960), 7 deaths (SXM) Hurricane Hugo (1989), Major historical meteorological disaster events Hurricane Donna (1960), 7 deaths (SXM) Hurricane Hugo (1989), over $10 million usd. (SXM) Hurricane Luis and Hurricane Marilyn (1995), 10+ deaths and more than $1 billon usd in damages. (SXM) Hurricane Georges (1998) (SXM) Hurricane Lenny / Flooding (1999), 7 deaths (SXM) Hurricane Jose (1999), $7. 5 to $8. 5 million USD(SXM) Hurricane Thomas (2010) 112 million USD (CUR) Hurricane Gonzalo (2014), 1 death (SXM) Disaster type: Tropical Cyclones

Staff composition related to observations and data collection/processing and competence For St. Maarten: 5 Staff composition related to observations and data collection/processing and competence For St. Maarten: 5 Observers: data collection; 5 Forecasters: data processing. For Curaçao : 8 Observers: data collection; 7 Forecasters: data processing.

WIGOS Implementation Status • Status of the WMO-reported national observing networks – We have WIGOS Implementation Status • Status of the WMO-reported national observing networks – We have a network consisting of 12 automatic stations and 2 airport stations (automatic). Only the airport stations and one sea level station is reporting outside the country. Furthermore we have 22 manual stations. All the data of the stations are being saved directly in a database making it possible to access the data for validation and reports. (CUR) • • One AWS operational station at the airport Upper air observation There were other historical rainfall stations on the island which are no longer operational. (SXM)

Is there an existing national or regional database that catalogues your observing networks? • Is there an existing national or regional database that catalogues your observing networks? • Rainfall and temperature are catalogued at the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology CIMH. (CUR/SXM) - Other parameters are archived at the MDS.

Availability of Metadata • Are your data and metadata are accessible and shared? – Availability of Metadata • Are your data and metadata are accessible and shared? – Data are made available upon request. The process to make Metadata available is in it’s initial stage (SXM) – Metadata has been collected and is available upon request (CUR)

Major needs and gaps in observing capabilities and access – Major needs and gaps, Major needs and gaps in observing capabilities and access – Major needs and gaps, related to observational data and access, when producing weather forecasts and warnings. • Given the rainfall variation across the island, more weather stations are needed. • Human resource to deal specifically with data management. • Lack of a proper database for climate data. • Radar coverage is needed for more accurate forecasts. (SXM) • Our major needs and gaps at this moment is the need for training for new incoming personnel and for current personnel in data management (CUR) • Technical expertise and training (CUR/SXM)

How can WMO help? How can RA-IV and Members help? • Installations of additional How can WMO help? How can RA-IV and Members help? • Installations of additional AWS in other districts on the island. • Building capacity in data management. • Training in radar/satellite Meteorology. • Sharing best practices (SXM)

Plans for the National Observing Networks • Please indicate the current plans and projects. Plans for the National Observing Networks • Please indicate the current plans and projects. For St Maarten: – The installation of a new Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) is carded for early 2016 at the airport. – Discussions are being held with regards to the purchase of a new radar in collaboration with St. Martin (French side). For Curaçao – Installation of a 3 rd sea level station. – Improve the network functionality for increased real-time availability of data and improved data quality. – Enforce the maintenance schedule and requirements as stated by the quality management.

WIGOS Implementation Status • Is there an updated National WIGOS Implementation plan/strategy? – A WIGOS Implementation Status • Is there an updated National WIGOS Implementation plan/strategy? – A National WIGOS Implementation plan/strategy is presently being worked on. (CUR/SXM) • Do you have plans to create and execute such a strategy? – Yes, given the assistance and training from the relative authorities (CUR/SXM) • What are your training needs? – Setting up the WIGOS plan/ strategy (CUR/SXM) – Training/assistance in improving network functionality. (CUR/SXM)

WIGOS Implementation Status • Do you have any agreements with your partners? (Formal or WIGOS Implementation Status • Do you have any agreements with your partners? (Formal or informal collaborative arrangements amongst meteorological, hydrological, marine/oceanographic, and academic/research institutions and private sector services within the country for WIGOS implementation) – General agreements for data exchange, but not specifically for the WIGOS implementation (CUR) – There is a formal agreement with the airport, however there are no formal agreements with other stakeholders. (SXM)

Can partners discover and access your data? • Constraints and barriers that may prevent Can partners discover and access your data? • Constraints and barriers that may prevent non-NMHS organization from contributing and/or accessing observations via GTS and/or WIS: are security issues which have to be cleared by local ICT department. (SXM) • Data can be accessed at the Meteorological department by making a request. (SXM) • Partners can access our data through our website or have direct access via dedicated channels for other more specific products. (CUR)

WIGOS Implementation Status • Is there an operational Quality Management System for the National WIGOS Implementation Status • Is there an operational Quality Management System for the National Observing system Network or specific component observing system? – Yes, however not certified (CUR) – Partially implemented, some work is needed to have it fully operational. (SXM) • Are operational and/or maintenance processes for observing systems documented and their implementation monitored? – Some operational and/or maintenance processes for observing systems are documented and their implementation is monitored. (SXM) – Yes (CUR)