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QUICK START An Orientation to PI 34 Information for Today and Tomorrow presented by QUICK START An Orientation to PI 34 Information for Today and Tomorrow presented by Chippewa Valley Regional PI 34 Network

PI 34 – What do I need to know? n n Teacher licensing process PI 34 – What do I need to know? n n Teacher licensing process has changed “Grandparented” licensed educators n n Continue old process: 6 credits – 5 years Utilize the new process: Develop a PDP May switch back & forth if desired August 2004 graduates n Must use the new process

If I’m in the old system, why change? n n n More options for If I’m in the old system, why change? n n n More options for individualized professional development Could result in less cost to renew license Learn the new process in order to mentor initial educators more effectively Know process to be a PDP Reviewer Work towards a “Master Educator” license

How does PI 34 affect my current license? n n n With a current How does PI 34 affect my current license? n n n With a current 5 year license, you will be issued a “professional educator” license when you renew If you add a NEW license in same category, you will get a “professional educator” license If you choose to add a new license in a DIFFERENT category, you will receive an “initial educator” license.

New Stages of Educator Licensing n Initial n n n Professional n n n New Stages of Educator Licensing n Initial n n n Professional n n n Granted to new educators 3 -5 year non-renewable license Currently licensed educators 5 year renewable license Master n n New DPI process in development National Board certification

Initial Educator License n n 3 -5 year non-renewable license Renewal Process n n Initial Educator License n n 3 -5 year non-renewable license Renewal Process n n n Year 1 – Reflection, Work with Mentor, Development of Professional Development Plan (PDP) based on Teacher Standards Year 2 – PDP goal approved by Team; Begin working on the goal and its objectives Year 3, 4, 5 – Fulfillment of plan goal and objectives; artifacts verified by Team; License renewed

Professional Educator License n n n 5 -year renewable license Develops a PDP working Professional Educator License n n n 5 -year renewable license Develops a PDP working toward proficiency in 2 or more educator standards PDP verified by Team; license renewed

Master Educator License n n Voluntary 10 -year renewable license Two methods to obtain Master Educator License n n Voluntary 10 -year renewable license Two methods to obtain n n DPI Process – Under development National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)

Pros n n n & Create YOUR plan Select the strategies to achieve YOUR Pros n n n & Create YOUR plan Select the strategies to achieve YOUR goals & objectives Graduate credit is not required Cons n n Creation of written plan takes effort and time Salary scales do not yet reflect salary advancement based on PDPs

Two different perspectives n You are currently a professional educator n n You choose Two different perspectives n You are currently a professional educator n n You choose between the two systems You are an initial educator n Required to use the new PI 34 system

Writing of the Professional Development Plan Required of all educators using PI 34 Writing of the Professional Development Plan Required of all educators using PI 34

The PDP – What does it look like? n Components mandated by DPI rule The PDP – What does it look like? n Components mandated by DPI rule n n n Reflection Description of school and situation Description of personal goal based on standards Rationale for the goal Description of plan assessment Stating of objectives, activities, timeline, collaboration

Paper PDP – Electronic PDP? Your choice! n Plan has been put into electronic Paper PDP – Electronic PDP? Your choice! n Plan has been put into electronic word processing formats n n n DPI website Local districts Plan accessed via web n n Wisconsin PDP (CESA 10 LRSC) QEI

Once the PDP goal is created – two perspectives come into play Professional Educator Once the PDP goal is created – two perspectives come into play Professional Educator & Initial Educator

Two Perspectives n Professional Educator n n Has the option of NOT convening a Two Perspectives n Professional Educator n n Has the option of NOT convening a team for PDP goal approval Team Make-up n 3 Peers n Initial Educator n Must convene a team from DPI approved list n n n Peer Administrator IHE representative

OK. As an Initial Educator, my goal is created…now what? n n Convene your OK. As an Initial Educator, my goal is created…now what? n n Convene your review team Team reviews all components n n Approves – you’re on your way Rejects – you need to make modifications and resubmit to Team Carry out your plan Maintain documentation/artifacts

My plan has been carried out. Now what? (Both groups) n n Reconvene your My plan has been carried out. Now what? (Both groups) n n Reconvene your Team verifies that the plan is completed, signs off on DPI form. You submit sign-off form and fee to DPI License Renewed!

Who/What is the Review Team? n n n Professional and Master Educators may serve Who/What is the Review Team? n n n Professional and Master Educators may serve on PDP Review Teams Reviewers are required to go through a DPI training Reviewers come from different categories: n n n teachers, administrators, representatives from Institutions of Higher Education (IHE = WI universities)

Who is on my Review Team? n n If you are a Professional Educator, Who is on my Review Team? n n If you are a Professional Educator, your team is 3 peers from approved list. If you are an Initial Educator, your team is made up of n n n Peer (not the mentor) Administrator IHE representative

How do I convene my team? n Depends on which format you choose to How do I convene my team? n Depends on which format you choose to use. n n Web-based formats provide for an automated system to select, invite, and communicate with Reviewers Paper-based systems – depends on district guidelines

Does the using of the PDP process result in different expenses for the ‘grandparented’ Does the using of the PDP process result in different expenses for the ‘grandparented’ educator? n Yes n n n Reviewers must get compensated for their time – PDP is not reviewed on “school time” Perhaps – access to a web-based product BUT … n n There can be a savings in tuition expense Districts may elect to assist in the fees

What are the fees for initial educators? Projected… n CESA 10 License Renewal Support What are the fees for initial educators? Projected… n CESA 10 License Renewal Support Center n n $275 – (years 1 - 2) includes seminar “PDP Writing, ” Help Desk, assistance with convening the Team, access & training to use a web-based PDP system, payment to reviewers. This fee covers the process through PDP goal approval. $200 estimated (3 -5 years from now) – includes Help Desk, assistance with convening the Team, payment to reviewers, PDP verification, assistance with submission to DPI for license renewal

What are the fees? Projected … n QEI – Quality Educator Interactive n n What are the fees? Projected … n QEI – Quality Educator Interactive n n n WEAC, UW Extension, UW System ? ? Using a paper/word processing system n ? ?

As a ‘grandparented’ educator, I want to use the new system. What are my As a ‘grandparented’ educator, I want to use the new system. What are my next steps?

License renewal in 2006 or later… n n n n Let your Personnel Department License renewal in 2006 or later… n n n n Let your Personnel Department know you are going to use the PDP process Select a PDP format (electronic vs. paper) Gather any/all professional development artifacts that you have collected since your last renewal Advised – enroll in a “PDP Writing” seminar Create your goal Advised – have a Team review the initial PDP goal Carry out the plan Submit for final verification – renew license.

What other changes are in store with PI 34? n School District Requirements n What other changes are in store with PI 34? n School District Requirements n Provide a trained Mentor to work with Initial Educators n n n Trained Mentors are Professional and Master Educators who are willing to assist their new colleagues – Compensation varies with districts Offer on-going orientation sessions Provide access to support seminars

Resources to help you n CESA 10 License Renewal Support Center n n Dept Resources to help you n CESA 10 License Renewal Support Center n n Dept of Public Instruction n n PI 34 Coordinator – Varies with each district Quality Educator Interactive (QEI) n n http: //www. dpi. state. wi. us/dlsis/tel/ Local School District n n Nancy Berklund, Coordinator (715 -720 -2137) Check with local union representative University of Wisconsin System

QUICK START An Orientation to PI 34 Chippewa Valley Regional PI 34 Network QUICK START An Orientation to PI 34 Chippewa Valley Regional PI 34 Network