Все вопросы по презентациям.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 10
Questions on the presentation “Labor contract” 1. What are the parties of the labor contract? 2. What is the labor contract about? 2. What are the significant terms of the labor contract? 3. In what form must the labor contract be concluded – oral or written? 4. When does the labor contract come into effect? 5. For what term can the labor contract be concluded? 6. In what cases can a term labor contract be concluded? 7. What contract is better for an employee – term or for indefinite time? 8. Can an employer require an employee to perform the work not specified by the labor contract?
Conclusion and termination of labour contract 1. Can the person who was refused in conclusion of a labor agreement appeal in court about the rightfulness of this decision? 2. What is a service record book (a work record book)? 3. What is the form of labor agreement? 4. Can a probationary period condition be stated in a labor agreement? When is it prohibited? 5. What are general reasons for termination of a labor agreement? 6. What is the general procedure for employment agreement termination? 7. What is the day of termination of a labour agreement?
Conclusion and dissolution of employment agreement 1. What is the general procedure for employment agreement conclusion? 2. What are guarantees implemented during agreement conclusion? 3. What is a work record book? 4. In what form must the parties conclude the labor contract? 5. What is an employment test? When is it prohibited? 6. Recite several grounds (3 or 4) for employment agreement termination. 7. What is the general procedure for employment agreement termination?
The discipline of work 1. What types of labor stimulations can the employer use to encourage employees to perform faithfully their duties? 2. What penalties can the employer impose for committing a disciplinary delinquency ? 3. Are penalties that are not included in laws allowed? 4. What is the procedure of imposing disciplinary penalties?
Questions on the presentation “The rights and duties of the spouses” 1. What rights of spouses are non-property? 2. What are their peculiarities (of non-property rights)? 3. What property is the joint (common) property of spouses? 4. What property is the property of each spouses? 5. How do the spouses dispose of the joint property? Can one of them dispose of the joint property (for example, sell their TV-set) without the consent of the other spouse? 6. What do you think, why the spouses can decide to divide their joint property? 7. How to divide the joint property? What to do if the spouses cannot agree how to divide their joint property?
Questions on the presentation “Marital agreement” • 1. Between whom can a marital agreement be concluded? • 2. When can a marital agreement be concluded –before, during or after the marriage? • 3. What types of marital agreements can be? • 4. In what form must a marital agreement be concluded – oral, written or notarial? • 5. What are the significant terms of the marital agreement? • 6. Can the agreement stipulate that the father will not be allowed to see his son in the case of divorce? • 7. Can the agreement stipulate that the mother will not get child support from the father in the case of divorce? • 8. When does the marital agreement come into effect? • 9. In what cases may the marital agreement be recognized as invalid?
Legal consequences of a civil partnership 1. What is a civil partnership? 2. Are you entitled to marry while you live in a civil partnership? 3. Is the home that you share with your partner your joint property? 4. Is a partner legally entitled to a share of the other partner’s estate , when this other partner dies ? , 5. Does a partner have a right to apply to the court to order the other partner to pay maintenance to support him/his in the maintenance case of invalidity? 6. Does a partner have a duty of a father, if the child was born in a civil partnership?
Legal consequences of civil marriage 1. If you do get married after a civil annulment, are you committing bigamy? 2. Is the home that you share with your partner a family home? 3. When a partner dies, is the other partner legally entitled to a share of his/her estate without a will? 4. What are the consequences for your children, if the farther (the former partner) does not consider them his children? 5. Does a partner have a right to apply to the court to order her former partner to pay maintenance to support her, if she has become an invalid?
Annulment of the Marriage 1. Who has the right to demand that a marriage be recognized as annulled? 2. In what cases can a marriage be recognized as annulled? 3. What are the consequences of recognizing a marriage as annulled?
The Rights and the Duties of Parents and Children 1. What are the rights of underage children? 2. What are the property rights of the underage children? 3. What are the parents' rights? 4. What are the parents' duties? 5. What parents can be deprived of the parenthood? 6. What is a restriction of the parental rights? When is it possible? 7. What are consequences of the restriction of the parental rights? 8. What are the adult children's duties?
Все вопросы по презентациям.ppt