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Queensland Boatsafe Course Maritime Skills Centre boatlicencecairns@gmail. com www. boatlicencecairns. com. au Tel : 0404 545 848
Table of Contents Section 1 - Safety & Regulations Section 2 - Seamanship and Regulations Section 3 - Charts & Navigation Section 4=- Practical Seamanship Section 5 - PWC
Useful Web addresses Dept of Meteorology www. bom. gov. au Marine Safety Qld www. msq. qld. gov. au Environment Protection Agency www. epa. qld. gov. au Department of Primary Industries www. dpi. qld. gov. au
Introduction and Aims The course aims to give applicants the required competencies to obtain a Qld boat licence. It covers the units of competency required by Qld Transport to issue a boat licence. The course can be conducted in house with a qualified Boatsafe Instructor or offsite as an Online Training Package. Either way the Assessment process is the same.
Statement of Attainment MEM 30905 – Certificate 111 in Boating Services.
Statement of Attainment Codes Title MEM 50008 B Carry out trip planning and preparation MEM 50009 B Safely operate a mechanically powered recreational boat MEM 50010 B Respond to boating emergencies and incidents
Boatsafe Units of Competency 1. Prepare a recreational vessel for operation. 2. Apply international and state regulations. relevant to the operation of a recreational vessel. 3. Assess weather conditions and forecasts. 4. Operate mechanical and electrical appliances of a recreational vessel. 5 Manoeuvre a recreational vessel. 6. Apply safety management in a recreational vessel.
Common Boating Terms Port side- the left hand side of the vessel. Starboard side – the right hand side of the vessel. Bow – the front of the boat. Stern – the after end or rear end of the boat. Nautical mile- 1 NM is equals 1. 85 klm. Knot – 1 knot equals 1 NM per hour.
Power of Shipping Inspectors The Qld Water Police Qld Boating & Fisheries Maritime Safety Qld They enforce the Act, the Regulations & Standards. Monitor fish catches. Monitor and enforce EPA regulations. Manage pollution emergencies.
Shipping Inspectors Check for overloading Check for all Safety Equipment Check Registration Check Licence Check Fish catch Check for blood alcohol level of driver Check crews blood alcohol level
Masters General Safety Obligation Under the Act, the Master and/or the Owner have total responsibility for the equipment and the Safe operation of the vessel. The four main areas comprising the GSO. Is the ship safe Is the ship operated properly Is the ship properly crewed Is the ship properly equipped
Qld License and Registration What vessels require a licensed driver. vessels with greater than 6 hp What age can you get the RMDL license, 16 yrs old Can an unlicensed driver drive a boat, only under the control of a licensed person What vessels require registration, greater than 4 hp Where should the rego numbers be placed, both sides of the hull What height should the rego numbers be, 150 mm on a planing hull Where should the rego label be placed, port side adjacent to the numbers How many people are allowed in your boat, as many as the manufactures plate states What is it and what should you do in the event of a Marine Incident, damage to property and injury to people, report it within 48 hrs
Safety Equipment Regulations There are three types of waters in Qld. Smooth Water Partially Smooth Water Open Water Refer to the Qld Boating and Fishing Guide for the maps of the various waters or Qld Tide Tables.
Safety Equipment to be carried by Regulation Equipment Smooth Water Partially Smooth Water Epirb Open Water All boats when more than 2 miles from land Signaling devices All boats at night Life Jackets / PFD’s PFD types 1, 2, 3 PFD types 1, 2 PFD type 1 Fire Fighting Equipment All boats over 5 m V-Sheet All boats Flares 2 red hand flares 2 orange smoke
Equipment to be carried as a Safety Obligation Equipment Smooth Water Partially Smooth Water Open Water Navigation Chart, map, compass or GPS All Boats Pumping/Bailing All Boats Anchors All Boats Drinking Water All Boats Under 6 m Under 6 m Manual Propulsion
Marine Radio There are 3 types of Marine Radio’s. VHF HF UHF Contact your Trainer for details.
Seamanship & Regulations Keep a good Lookout at all times. Give way to all vessels on your right. Always travel on the right of the channel or River. If you are on a collision course with another vessel, both vessels veer to the right. Overtake on any side as long as it is safe. Power boats always give way to all sail boats. Keep clear of all Commercial vessels.
Qld Distance and Speed Regulations Always travel at a safe speed. Maximum and Minimum speeds apply. If you are within 30 m of anything in the water reduce speed to 6 knots no wake or wash. Maximum speed on Smooth Water is 40 knots. No Maximum speed limits on Partially Smooth and Open Water. Keep 30 m away from the divers flag.
Vessel Lights Sailboats less than 7 m and boats under oars must have a torch or lantern to display. All vessels at anchor must display a white all round white light. All sailboats over 7 m and all motor vessels must show a white stern light at night, whilst underway. All vessels underway (not at anchor) must display red and green navigation lights.
Navigation Lights The arc of visibility of these lights is determined by peripheral vision of the helmsman. When you are at the helm facing the bow you can turn your head and eyes fully to the left or right and see from the bow to 22. 5 deg. aft of the beam of either side. Any vessel approaching you from aft of your peripheral vision will see your white stern light and must keep clear. In effect, at night, this turns every vessel into a set of traffic lights.
Peripheral Vision All vessels in your port peripheral vision see your Red navigation light. Red tells them to give way. All vessels in your starboard peripheral vision see your Green navigation light. Green tells them to proceed (with caution).
Lights What lights are displayed by a travelling power boat between sunset and sunrise ? All round white light and red and green navigation lights If you are at anchor at night what lights should you display ? All round white light What lights are displayed by a row boat and sailboat under 7 m ? Torch or lantern What lights are displayed by a sailing boat greater than 7 m ? White stern light, port & stbd lights You are out at night and see a red non-blinking light 400 m off your port bow, what is it ? Port light of a sailing vessel
Simple Give way Rule for night time is If you are operating a power boat and approaching lights of any colour or combination other than constant white over green (which are the starboard light and white light of another power boat approaching on our Port side then YOU MUST GIVE WAY to the boat displaying those lights.
Day Shapes Commercial vessels also use our waters. All of the day shapes and lights they show are telling a story, i. e. , black ball over a black diamond over a black ball is telling everyone that he is R. A. M, restricted in his ability to manoeuvre and at night he will display a red light over a white light over a red light, stay clear as he could have steering problems, towing someone, involved in under water operations.
Sound Signals Sound signal remembrance hint: SPA S = Starboard = 1 short blast P = Port = 2 short blasts A = Astern = 3 short blasts What are your intentions? = 5 short blasts
Water Ski Regulations Only licensed drivers can drive for water skiing. All boats must have an observer minimum age of 13 years, facing backwards. All skiers and everyone out the back of the boat are included in the carrying capacity label. Skiers cannot wear a PFD Type 1. You can only water ski in areas that are not prohibited.
Anchoring Danforth Anchors are for sand mud. Reef Anchors are for rocks and reefs. Plough/CQR anchors are for larger boats. Drogue Anchors are for drift fishing and keeping your vessel positioned safely. Do not anchor within 30 meters of anything. Use 3 -4 times the depth of water for the meters of anchor rope out. Always attach a chain to the anchor and your rope to the chain.
Overnight Anchoring Always check that you will be safe in a tide change situation. Remember, the more anchors you use the more anchors you need to get back into your boat at some stage. Always have a spare anchor on your boat for night time use.
IALA Buoyage System A There are 5 types of marks in the IALA system A Each type has variations in size and configuration, e. g. , floating buoy, pole, tower etc. IALA marks have 3 means of identification Colour pattern The Light colour Day shape, on top of the mark.
Lateral Marks Starboard Marks The colour is green Triangle top shape Flashing green light at night Port Marks The colour is red Can shape top shape Flashing red light at night
Special Mark The colour is yellow X top mark may be present Flashing a yellow light at night Used to indicate that a feature such as a channel change in direction or intersection, spoil ground, cable or pipe line You must consult your chart for more information.
Safe Water Mark Coloured white with red vertical stripes Single red sphere top mark Iso/Occ/LFl 10 s white light at night Indicates there is safe and navigable water all around the mark or to mark the centre of a channel
Isolated Danger Mark Coloured Black with one or more red horizontal bands Two vertical black spheres top mark Flashing White light at night in groups of 2 Indicates and isolated danger of limited extent which has navigable water all around it
Cardinal Marks North Cardinal Mark Two black triangles pointing up top mark Black paint will follow the triangles, ie, black up and yellow down Indicates safe water to the North South Cardinal Mark Two black triangles pointing down top mark Black paint will follow the triangles, ie, black down and yellow up Indicates Safe water to the South
Cardinal Marks East Cardinal Mark Two black triangles, one pointing up and one pointing down. Black paint will follow the triangles, black yellow black Indicates Safe water to the East West Cardinal Mark Two black triangles both pointing to the middle. yellow black yellow Indicates safe water to the West
IALA Buoyage System by night Not all marks have lights and those that are lit have a description beside the symbol. FL R 4 s = flashing red every 4 seconds QY= quick yellow (approx 1 flash per second) FL G(3)4 s= flashing green in groups of 3 every 4 seconds FL Y 4 s 25 m 3 M= flashing yellow every 4 seconds and the light is 25 meters above the high water line and can be seen for 3 nautical miles
Common Light Sequences Fixed (constant light) F Occulting (light on more than off) Single occulting OC Group occulting OC (2) Isophase (time on and off equal) Iso Flashing ((light is on less time than off) Single flash Fl Group Flashing Fl(2) Long Flashing (2 s or longer) L Fl Quick (1 per sec) Very Quick (2 per sec)
CHARTS Charts have several important features: They tell you the lowest astronomical tide water height Bouyage direction Degree’s and minutes Compass Rose Distances between any two points Magnetic variation from True North
The Weather White caps appear at 15 knots Always easier to travel with the wind You will use at least 30% more fuel in rough weather Strong wind warnings at 25 -33 knots Usually no insurance when strong wind warnings are issued Always know what the weather is going to do
Sources of Weather Updates Television Newspapers (inside back page of Cairns Post) All of Qld 1300 360 426 Marine Warnings 1300 360 427 South East Qld 1300 360 428 www. bom. au/weather/qld
Coastal Bars There are no Coastal Bars in North Qld, however there are 11 in Qld from the NSW border to the Sunshine Coast. Very Dangerous and you must consult with local organisations before attempting to cross.
Tides Mostly we have 2 highs and 2 lows every day Spring tides occur on the New and Full moons and the effect is higher highs and lower lows. Neap tides occur when the sun, moon and earth are at right angles, first and last quarters and the effect is higher lows and lower highs. Spring-Neap-Spring-Neap is New Moon-1 st qtr-Full moon- last qtr. Every 28 days.
Vessel Handling Man overboard drill Crossing another boats wash Berthing against a pontoon or similar Picking up a mooring Nosing onto a beach Reversing away Know marine electronics Know gears and throttle Trimming an engine Manage crew and passengers Manage an emergency, mechanical or medical
Launching and Retrieving Remember, all boat ramps are slippery Do not wear thongs Always have a painter rope tied to the boat Make sure your vehicle is in gear with your handbrake on Usually, your back wheels about a 500 mm from the water will launch most boats.
Ramp Etiquette Always prepare your boat for the water in the rigging lane, never on the ramp Once back on the trailer take your rig to the rigging lane once more and do your tie downs, lower your aerials, hook your lights up etc away from the ramp.
Mooring When approaching a mooring Always approach into the wind or tide, whatever is the stronger Stop at the mooring Retrieve line by hand or boat hook Turn off your engine
Mooring When departing a mooring Start engine Move forward to remove tension on line Untie from the cleat Throw the line clear Reverse away or move away at angle to avoid mooring line
Berthing Always approach slowly Wing and currents play a big part in how you will berth your boat If possible, with the wind blowing you onto the berth is the better option, but you sometimes do not have the luxury of choice Remember to allow for tides as you could be left hanging in the air Try to come into the wind or current if possible Always be ready to use reverse Have someone ready to fend you off
Finish Thanks for looking. You should be well prepared now for your course.