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Queens Library: An Overview 皇后图书馆简介
Presenters: Roland Marks & Lisa Tan Queens Library
History Began in 1896 成立于1896年 u Composed of 63 Community Libraries, one Central Library and Bookmobile 由 63个分馆, 1个中央馆, 流动 图书馆组成 u One of the three public library systems in New York City u
Mission statement 宗旨 u u To provide quality services, resources, and lifelong learning opportunities through books and a variety of other formats to meet the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs and interests of its diverse and changing population. 为满足皇后区多种族常变动的人口在信息, 教 育, 文化和娱乐方面的需要和兴趣, 通过书籍和其 它多种形式, 提供优质服务, 信息资源, 和终生学习 的机会.
About Queens皇后区概况 One of the five boroughs of New York City 纽约市的五个区之一 u Population of 2. 2 million (2000 Census) 人口: 2百 20万 u Most culturally diverse county in the USA 是全美国文化最多元化的地区 u
Budget and Funding资金 u u Queens Library receives the majority of its operating expenses from the City of New York. In Fiscal Year 2006, total support was $107. 5 million 皇后图书馆的资金主要来自纽约市政府. 2006年度预算为一亿零七百万.
Funding Sources资金来源 83% from city 83%来自市政府 u 7% from state 7%来自州政府 u 2% from federal 2%来自联邦政府 u Remainder from other sources 其余部 分来自其它基金和私人资助. u
Map of Queens Library locations 皇后图书馆分布图
Central Library 中央馆 u
Central Library, continued 中央馆, 续 u
Central Library, continued 中央馆, 续 u
Bookmobile 流动图书馆
Central Library, Department Listings 中央馆所属部门 Business, Science & Technology 商业科技处 u Circulation Services 流通服务处 u Cyber Center 电脑中心 u
Central Library, Department Listings, Continued 中央馆所属部门, 续 Film and Video 电影和电视剧部 u Fine Arts & Recreation 美术音乐部 u Information Services 信息服务部 u
Central Library, Department Listings, Continued 中央馆所属部门, 续 Interloan 馆际借书部 u Literature & Languages 语言文学部 u Long Island Division 长岛历史资料部 u
Central Library, Department Listings, Continued中央馆所属部门, 续 Social Sciences 社会科学部 u Telephone Reference Service 电话咨 询服务部 u Youth Services 青少年服务部 u
The International Resource Center (IRC) 国际资源中心
Located in Flushing Library, on the 3 rd Floor, 位于发拉盛分馆三楼
Holdings 馆藏 Over 60, 000 titles 拥有6万多件藏书 u Emphasis on international subjects 着重于国际主题 u Print, media, and electronic resources包括印刷, 多媒体, 电子等形式 u Focus on supporting educational levels from high school to university (master’s)提供从高中到大学教育水平以 上的研究文献 u
Unique features 特点 In existence since 1998 成立于1998年 u Literature in 50 languages collected 收集50余种语言的书籍, 文献 u Non-US literature in English translation非英语文学的翻译作品 u
Unique features, continued 特点, 续 World. Lin. Q 世界连网咨询 u Art gallery (with changing exhibits) 艺术展览厅 u Excellent Chinese language collection 相当大的中文藏书 u Window of Shanghai 上海之窗 u
Staff expertise 馆员 Librarians required to know English and at least one other language 须懂 两种语言 u Librarians skilled in reference 须熟悉 咨询 u Several librarians have worked overseas for Queens Library 有在海外 作的经历 u
Where IRC fits into the library’s organization structure 国际资源中心 在皇后图书馆结构中的位置
Programs 公共讲座, 活动 u u Programs at the IRC support the agency’s collection 与中心的藏书主题有关 Types of programs: dance, music performance, film screenings, book discussions (in Chinese or Spanish), lectures, international business database training, Internet Resources training in non-English languages 多种语言, 形式包括读 书会, 讲座, 音乐, 舞蹈, 国际商务, 网上数据库搜寻 培训, 等等.
Programs, continued公共讲座, 活动 , 续 u A cultural festival, lasting a full weekend (Saturday and Sunday), taking place every year 每年举行不同 族裔的节日庆祝活动
Electronic presence of the IRC A monthly annotated list of books on global studies and international business (Next Reads); available by email subscription u Links from IRC web site to Power Point presentations on international business (mainly involving individual countries) u
Cooperation with outside organizations 联系与其它机构的合作 u Co-sponsorship with Baruch College and La Guardia Community College for programs in international business 与本 市的几个商学院共同举办有关国际商业的讲座 u Bibliography created for students in Global Studies Certificate program at Baruch. 为布鲁卡商学院的国际研究证书课程提 供书目 u Involvement with multiple organizations for annual World Trade
Recent initiatives of Queens Library 皇后图书馆最近的新事物 QL Chat 皇后图书馆员 网上聊天 u Library 2. 0 Blog 图书馆博客 u
Projects in development at the IRC Question. Point 提问点 u A link to international business etiquette tips 有关国际商务中的礼节的 链接 u
Next part will be presented by Lisa Limin Tan 谭黎民 A Branch of Queens Library 皇后图书馆的分馆介绍