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Quarterly Progress Report Staff Updating & Review meeting Netherlands Leprosy Relief, India DHANBAD, 7 -8 July 2010 Presented by Dr. H. C. Pandey ILEP State Co-ordinator, U. P. Lucknow. 1
Gantt. Chart showing Quarterly Progress Report S. N. 1 2 3 4 Activities Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total ½ day ANMs Training workshop at Unnao Planned Nil 199 130 Nil 25 354 Performed Nil 149 108 Nil 21 278 ½ day ASHAs Training workshop at Kannauj Planned Nil Nil 60 979 405 1, 444 Performed Nil Nil 60 432 222 714 POD & Self Care Planned in villages Performed workshop at Kalyanpur Kanpur Nagar Nil Nil 20 Nil Nil Nil 25 POD & Self Care Planned in villages Performed workshop at Bilgram -Hardoi Nil Nil Nil 20 20 Nil Nil Nil 27 27 2
Gantt. Chart showing Quarterly Progress Report S. N. 1 2 Activities Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total 1 st Review meetings at CHC Kalyanpur on 21/05/2010 Planned Nil Nil 25 Performed Nil Nil 07 2 nd Review meetings at CHC Kalyanpur on 21/06/2010 Planned Nil Nil Nil 25 25 Performed Nil Nil Nil 12 12 3
Activities Completion Report 2010 1 st & 2 nd Quarter Result Based Activities Allocated Budget for the quarter Batches Planned Batches Done Total Expenditure 09 (354) 09 (278) 18, 109=00 Result-1 GHC Staff performance improved ½ day Sensitization workshop of ANMs at District Unnao. 11, 604 : - 1 st Qtr. 46, 416 : - 2 nd Qrt. 4
Half Day Sensitization of ANMs at CHC Nawabganj Unnao on 23 rd March 2010 5
Half Day Sensitization of ANMs at CHC Bighapur Unnao on 05 th April 2010 6
Activities Completion Report 2010 1 st & 2 nd Quarter Result Based Activities Allocated Budget Batches for the quarter Planned Batches Done Total Expenditure Result-2 : Leprosy Services established under NRHM ½ day Sensitization workshop of ASHAs at District Kannauj. 25, 000 : - 1 st Qtr. 07 25, 000 : - 2 nd Qtr. (1, 444) 07 (714) 36, 097=00 7
Half day Sensitization of ASHAs at CHC Saurik Kannauj on 15 th May 2010. 8
Half day Sensitization of ASHAs at CHC Chhibramau Kannauj on 04 th June 2010. 9
Activities Completion Report 2010 1 st & 2 nd Quarter Result Based Activities Allocated Budget for the quarter Batches Planned Batches Done Total Expenditure 1) CHC Kalyanpur K. Nagar 21 & 22/04/2010 01 (20) 01 (25) 17, 218=00 2) CHC Bilgram, Hardoi 29 & 30/04/2010 01 (20) 01 (27) 14, 214=00 Result-3 : DPMR Services improved 02 days POD & Self Care in villages workshop at 43, 848 : - 1 st Qtr. 43, 848 : - 2 nd Qtr. 1 st Review meetings at CHC Kalyanpur on 21/05/2010 Included with POD & Self Care workshop 01 (25) 01 (07) 970=00 2 nd Review meetings at CHC Kalyanpur on 21/06/2010 Included with POD & Self Care workshop 01 (25) 01 (12) 1504=00 Total 33, 906=00 10
02 days Self Care training cum Practice workshop at CHC Bilgram Hardoi On 29 th June 2010 11
02 days Self Care training cum Practice workshop at CHC Bilgram Hardoi On 30 th June 2010 Footprints taken by GHC Staff. 12
NLR Activities performed 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) All three NLR activities for 2010 have been completed. Half day Sensitization workshop of ANMs at Distt. Unnao( Batches : - 09 ) Half day Sensitization workshop of ASHAs at Distt. Kannauj ( Batches : - 07) 02 days POD & Self Care in villages workshop 1) At CHC Kalyanpur Kanpur Nagar ( Batch : - 01) 2) At CHC Bilgram at Hardoi ( Batch : - 01) 1 st Review meeting at CHC Kalyanpur on 21/05/2010. 2 nd Review meeting at CHC Kalyanpur on 21/06/2010. 13
ILEP activities planned and completed in the districts since January 2010 Till June 2010. S N Description of activities 1. Training of trainers ( T. O. T) Place/ Venue Dates Charans Guest 27 th House , April to C-60 , Nirala 30 th Nagar Lucknow. April 2010. ( 04 days ) Number of Particip ants Planned No Participated 35 32 12 DLOs 10 NMS / PTT 10 ILEP / WHO members 14
Comments Difficulties faced ½ day Sensitization workshop of ANMs : - At District Unnao. 1) No notable problem faced during Sensitization of ANMs except : a) For Sensitization workshop at CHC Bichhia 04 dates were given & only on 4 th date workshop could be completed. b) At PHC Sumerpur & CHC Bangarmau ANMs went on coming even after 01 hour start of the workshop. Rest no problem Expectations from District/State/NLR 1) DLO /DN has promised that above problems will not be faced in future. 15
Comments Difficulties faced ½ day Sensitization workshop of ASHAs : - At District Kannauj. No major problem faced during Sensitization of ASHAs except : 1) At CHC Tirwa seating arrangement was not up to the mark. 2) At CHC Chhibramau 01 ASHA started saying that we (ASHAs ) are getting Rs. 100=00 for trainings. But here they are getting only Rs. 50=00. Expectations from District/State/NLR 1) 2) Supdt. CHC Tirwa made the proper seating arrangement for workshop. At CHC Chhibramau DLO who was present at the workshop & Supdt. CHC told the ASHA that for this activity only Rs. 50=00 has been sanctioned as per diem by Director General , Medical Health Services, U. P. 16
Comments Difficulties faced 02 days POD & Self Care in villages workshop At CHC Kalyanpur, Kanpunagar : 1) Accommodation for the workshop was insufficient. At CHC Bilgram Hardoi : - No Problem faced. Expectations from District/State/NLR 1) DLO Kanpur Nagar & Supdt. CHC Kalyanpur has promised for selection of big room for such activities in future. 17
Epidemiological Status U. P. 2009 -10 Population of U. P. : - 20, 37, 63, 851 Leprosy cases at end of March 2010 : - 16, 484 New case detection from 1 st April 2009 to 31 st March 2010 : - 27, 473 ANCDR per 1, 000 popul. Prev. Rate per 10, 000 popul. as on 01. 04. 2010 13. 48276 0. 808976 Child Rate among New Cases (In %) 5. 987697 Deform-ity Rate Among New Cases (In Gr. II %) 2. 162123 %age of MB among New Cases Detected (In %) %age of Female among New cases ( In %) 38. 97645 31. 54006 18
NLEP- Monthly Reporting Form Uttar Pradesh State Report DPMR activities During the month March, 2010 Cummulative total from April till March, 2010 S. No. PB MB Total 47 142 189 386 1194 1580 (i) PHC 36 114 150 306 1044 1350 (ii) District Hospital 4 26 30 52 212 264 3 No. of suspected relapse cases referred by PHCs 0 3 3 25 63 88 4 No. of relapse confirmed at District Hospital 0 3 3 8 24 32 5 No. of cases developed new disability after MDT 1 3 4 20 56 76 1 No. of reaction cases recorded 2 No. of reaction cases managed at 19
Contd……. . DPMR activities During the month March, 2010 Cummulative total from April till March, 2010 S. No. PB MB Total 6 No. of patients provided with footwear 65 281 346 230 1170 1400 7 No. of patients provided with self care kit 88 376 464 224 905 1129 8 No. of patients referred for RCS at tertiary Instts. 6 48 54 31 287 318 9 No. of institu tes provid ing RCS Govt. 2 2 NGO 2 2 4 4 No. of patie nts RCS done Govt. 21 58 79 64 160 224 NGO 0 0 0 21 131 152 21 58 79 85 291 376 10 Total 20
Major Problems Identified in the District in NLEP Programme S. N o. Problems Suggestions 1. DPMR forms are not available in HCFs of all districts. Even available in districts , NMSs & NMAs of HCFs do not know to fill up the forms correctly. DLOs have been requested for printing & distribution of DPMR forms but they complain of shortage of Budget etc. SLO may kindly look into it. DLO / DN in NLEP monthly meetings should demonstrate ST, VMT & filling of DPMR forms. 2. DN Staff do not get vehicle for Supervision in DLOs are requested to spare NLEP vehicle to periphery where as 01 vehicle on road is DN staff for Supervision when they are available with DLO, so Supervision is weak. working in office & not going to field. 3. Knowledge of NLEP / GHC Staff is weak in POD & Self Care. Workshop on POD & Self Care in villages to be organised in all the districts. 4. Healthy Contact Examination is not done in every District of Lucknow zone. DLO & DN on his Supervision should see that Healthy Contact Examination of every cases is done. 21
Major Problems Identified in the District in NLEP Programme S. N o. Problems Suggestions 5. ST & VMT is not done in every District. ST & VMT to be demonstrated to NLEP Staff in their monthly meetings. Most of the NLEP Staff do not know about correct VMT. 6. ATP is prepared by all Districts but Supervision report & Validation report is neither prepared nor sent to SLO in few districts. DLOs are requested to prepare ATP every month & Visit to be made as per ATP. Supervision & Validation report to be sent to SLO regularly. 7. Validation of Cases is poor. Validation of cases to be improved by DN. 8. Referral Unit is established in all 07 Districts of Lucknow zone but cases are not referred from periphery to referral unit in all districts. DLO / DN should make wide publicity about constitution of referral unit in District Hospital among all HCFs & NLEP Staff. 22
Feed Back on ½ day Sensitization of ANMs & ASHAs. ANMs : - ANMs were trained in District Unnao. • ANMs referral of Leprosy case is negligible only 04 cases are referred & confirmed from total district till June 2010. • Training was performed in May & June 2010. ASHAs : - ASHAs were trained in District Kannauj. • In Last weak of April : - 01 batch ( 60) rest May & June 2010. • After training cases by ASHAs are referred & confirmed in no. of 02 to 03 cases from each CHCs / PHCs. • Leprosy Cases recorded are mostly referred by ASHAs. 23
Activity plan July – Dec’ 2010 We are of the opinion that : 1) Improved Case findings : ASHAs ½ day Sensitization workshop will be more fruitful. 01 more district may be taken. ASHAs at POD & Self Care Camp at CHC Bilgram , Hardoi has shown much interest. 2) Improved Disability Management & Rehabilitation : Self Care Camps may be organized in district Sitapur or Kanpur Dehat. 3) Educational Support : - Improved educational status of PAL’s Children. For PALs attended Self Care Camp / workshop at Kalyanpur, Kanpur Nagar & Bilgram , Hardoi. 4) Improved Office Management : - Upgradation of NLR State Office( Lucknow ). Requirements are : 1) Office Chairs : 06 2) Table for Fax Machine : 01 3) Rack Almirah : 01 4) Refrigerator 300 Ltr. : 01 5) Air Conditioner 02 tons( Split AC ) : - 01 6) Room Cooler : 01 7) Wall Clock : 01 24