
  • Количество слайдов: 138


Constant Flow Constant Flow

Rodin’s The Thinker Rodin’s The Thinker

“At first life was a struggle for existence; now, for a standard of living; “At first life was a struggle for existence; now, for a standard of living; next it will be for quality of thinking, the coming earthly goal of human existence”. UB Pg. 910

Dr. Candace Pert, together with Solomon Snyder and colleagues, played a key role in Dr. Candace Pert, together with Solomon Snyder and colleagues, played a key role in discovering the brain's long-suspected but elusive opioid receptors in 1972. She is author of the controversial Molecules of Emotion (1997).

 Monod Jaques Monod obtained his Science Degree in 1931, and his doctorate in Monod Jaques Monod obtained his Science Degree in 1931, and his doctorate in Natural Sciences in 1941. After lecturing at the Faculty of Sciences in 1934, and spending some time at the California Institute of Technology on a Rockefeller grant in 1936, Monod joined the Institut Pastuer after the liberation as Laboratory Director in Lwoff's Department. He was made Director of the Cell Biochemistry Department in 1954, and in 1959 was appointed Professor of the Chemistry of Metabolism at the Sorbonne.

David Bohm David Bohm "I would say that in my scientific and philosophical work, my main concern has been with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular as a coherent whole, which is never static or complete but which is an unending process of movement and unfoldment. . "

Bohr Neils Bohr In Manchester Bohr worked with Rutherford's group on the structure of Bohr Neils Bohr In Manchester Bohr worked with Rutherford's group on the structure of the atom. Rutherford became Bohr's role model both for his personal and scientific qualities. Using quantum ideas due to Planck and Einstein, Bohr conjectured that an atom could exist only in a discrete set of stable energy states.

Positron Emission Tomography Synthesis of neuropeptides starts with the transcription of the DNA code Positron Emission Tomography Synthesis of neuropeptides starts with the transcription of the DNA code by messenger RNA. The messenger RNA then binds with ribosomes to create a long chain of amino acids called a propetide. The propeptide, with the enzyme protease, enters the Golgi apparatus where they are both packaged into a vesicle to be sent down the axon.

Max Planck was 42 years old when he made historic quantum announcement, took only Max Planck was 42 years old when he made historic quantum announcement, took only a minor part in the further development of quantum theory. This was left to Einstein with theories of light quanta, Poincare’ who proved mathematically that the quanta was a necessary consequence of Planck's radiation law, Neils Bohr with his theory of the atom, Paul Dirac and others. Electrons, photons, and the photo-electric effect 8 -6 -99 Planck's constant

 Light – Wave, Particle or Both? Just as light is thought to have Light – Wave, Particle or Both? Just as light is thought to have a dual nature, sometimes showing the characteristic of a wave, and sometimes that of a particle (photon), quantum theory attributes a similar dual wave-particle nature to subatomic particles. The orbital clouds are mathematical descriptions of where the electrons in an atom are most likely to be found, which means the model shows the spatial distribution of electrons. The (simplified) picture above depicts the electron probability clouds in a water molecule.

MHCPEP Binding peptides (v. 1. 3) MHCPEP Binding peptides (v. 1. 3)

Peptides and Molecules DNA interacting with transcriptional regulatory proteins. Major Histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules Peptides and Molecules DNA interacting with transcriptional regulatory proteins. Major Histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules and peptide binding.

Molecule with a bound Peptide Molecule with a bound Peptide

"Intelligence may control the mechanism of civilization, wisdom may direct it, but spiritual idealism is the energy which really uplifts and advances human culture from one level of attainment to another. " (UB pg. 910)

MICHELANGELO The Outworking of His Mind’s Eye This is the earliest extant work of MICHELANGELO The Outworking of His Mind’s Eye This is the earliest extant work of Michelangelo. The waxy, translucent slab, like alabaster, is reminiscent of Desiderio. Carv in "rilievo schiacciato" it represents Michelangelo's exploration o quattrocento techniques.

Artistic rendering by Pavel Janak. Artistic rendering by Pavel Janak.


Cosmic Mind Cosmic Mind

PLATO Contemplating the World of Forms PLATO Contemplating the World of Forms

Astral Circus by Robert Venosa Astral Circus by Robert Venosa

Zig Zigler “I believe that persistent effort, supported by a character-based foundation, will enable Zig Zigler “I believe that persistent effort, supported by a character-based foundation, will enable you to get more of the things money will buy and all of the things money won’t buy. ” Tony Robbins UNLEASH THE POWER WITHIN is about creating breakthroughs, moving beyond fears and limiting beliefs, accomplishing goals and realizing true desires, turning dreams into reality, creating fulfilling relationships, and modeling the strategies of peak performers to produce a quantum difference in your life.


MHCPEP Binding peptides (v. 1. 3) MHCPEP Binding peptides (v. 1. 3)

DNA interacting with transcriptional regulatory proteins . DNA interacting with transcriptional regulatory proteins .

 . (MHC) molecules and peptide binding . (MHC) molecules and peptide binding

Thoughts create energy Thoughts create energy

ATLANTIS By Gary Tonge ATLANTIS By Gary Tonge

Bridge to Spiritual Immortality Bridges, by Fred Smith Bridge to Spiritual Immortality Bridges, by Fred Smith

Celestial Truth Grand Universe by Gary Tonge Celestial Truth Grand Universe by Gary Tonge

"The mind of man can attain high levels of spiritual insight and corresponding spheres of divinity of values because it is not wholly material. There is a spirit nucleus in the mind of man the Adjuster of the divine presence. " This is why all advancement begins with thought. (TUB 2094)

Patterns & Forms Patterns & Forms

ATLANTIS By Gary Tonge ATLANTIS By Gary Tonge

Astral Circus by Robert Venosa Astral Circus by Robert Venosa

Worship of Nature Worship of Nature

Cave Paintings by Cro Magnon Man Cave Paintings by Cro Magnon Man

Funeral Service Funeral Service

The Terracotta Warriors represent only a small portion of the eight thousand strong underground The Terracotta Warriors represent only a small portion of the eight thousand strong underground army buried in front of the Emperor Qinshihuang's tomb (r. 221 -207 BC) to defend him in the afterlife.

Good & Bad Good & Bad

Olmec - Ariel Olmec - Ariel

Copal by Ariel Copal by Ariel

Stonehenge Stonehenge

Easter Island Easter Island

Brotherhood of man Brotherhood of man

Timeline of Man 987, 000 BCE 2004 CE Timeline of Man 987, 000 BCE 2004 CE

First Object of Worship First Object of Worship

Leonid Meteors Leonid Meteors


Jewels Jewels

Ultimate Stone Benediction Ultimate Stone Benediction

 • ENTELECHY – a vital force that directs an organism toward self-fulfillment. • ENTELECHY – a vital force that directs an organism toward self-fulfillment.

Grapes Grapes

China’s Dragons China’s Dragons

Lightening Lightening

Rainbow Rainbow

Purity of the Flame Purity of the Flame

Planets Planets

zodiac zodiac

Veneration of Man Veneration of Man

Stonehenge Stonehenge

Luck & Chance Luck & Chance


Burmese Fetish Statue Burmese Fetish Statue

Mecca Mecca

Totems Totems

Charms and Magic Charms and Magic

Olmec - Ariel Olmec - Ariel

Priesthood Priesthood

Curandera - Ariel Curandera - Ariel

Rites Rites

Sun & Moon - Ariel Sun & Moon - Ariel

Communication - Ariel Communication - Ariel

Prayers in Trees Prayers in Trees

Sacramental Chalice Sacramental Chalice

Sacrament Sacrament

Conciliation, Propitiation, Sacrifice, Atonement and Redemption Conciliation, Propitiation, Sacrifice, Atonement and Redemption

God within by Ain Vares God within by Ain Vares

Ritual & Priests Ritual & Priests

Sprit Magicians Sprit Magicians

Constellations - Ariel Constellations - Ariel

Olmec - Ariel Olmec - Ariel

Ritual & Priests Ritual & Priests

Walk On by Arne Bass Walk On by Arne Bass

Greek Medici ne Achilles dresses the wound of Patroclus. Vase painting, 5 th century Greek Medici ne Achilles dresses the wound of Patroclus. Vase painting, 5 th century B. C. E. (Berlin F 2278, Staatliche Musee zu Berlin; photograph by Maria Daniels; Courtesy of the Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz).

Pyramids Pyramids

Secrecy Secrecy

Tenskwatawa (The Prophet) (1775 -1837) Indian chief Henry Inman (18011 -1846), after Charles Bird Tenskwatawa (The Prophet) (1775 -1837) Indian chief Henry Inman (18011 -1846), after Charles Bird King Oil on canvas, c. 1830 -1833

Ritual & Priests Ritual & Priests

Selah Selah

Spiritual Restrictions Spiritual Restrictions

God within by Ain Vares God within by Ain Vares

Paradise by Gary Tonge Paradise by Gary Tonge

By Jeff Hayworth By Jeff Hayworth

Constellations by Ariel Constellations by Ariel

Celestial Truth Grand Universe by Gary Tonge Celestial Truth Grand Universe by Gary Tonge

Sacred Scripture Sacred Scripture

Obtuse Obtuse


Change revision Change revision

Priest Police Iraq: Khorsabad, Palace, Court VIII Neo-Assyrian Period Reign of Sargon II, 721 Priest Police Iraq: Khorsabad, Palace, Court VIII Neo-Assyrian Period Reign of Sargon II, 721 -705 B. C.

The Ancient of Days – William Blake The Ancient of Days – William Blake

Web of Religion, Blake Web of Religion, Blake

Urantia Urantia

Spiritual Pursuit Spiritual Pursuit

“Too often, all too often, you mar your minds by insincerity and sear them “Too often, all too often, you mar your minds by insincerity and sear them with unrighteousness; you subject them to animal fear and distort them by useless anxiety. "

"It is the motivating thought, the spiritual content that validates the mortal supplication. Words are valueless. "

The Road to Cosmic Citizenship The Road to Cosmic Citizenship

Thesis By, Cal Feldman Thesis By, Cal Feldman


“The expansion of material knowledge permits a greater intellectual appreciation of the meanings of “The expansion of material knowledge permits a greater intellectual appreciation of the meanings of ideas and the values of ideals. A human being can find truth in his inner experience, but he needs a clear knowledge of facts to apply his personal discovery of truth to the ruthlessly practical demands of everyday life. " (TUB 1222)


Truth is not a word Reaching Out by Gary Tonge Truth is not a word Reaching Out by Gary Tonge

The spirit can dominate mind; so mind can control energy. But mind can control The spirit can dominate mind; so mind can control energy. But mind can control energy only through its own intelligent manipulation of the metamorphic potentials inherent in the mathematical level of the causes and effects of the physical domains. Creature mind does not inherently control energy; that is a Deity prerogative. But creature mind can and does manipulate energy just in so far as it has become master of the energy secrets of the physical universe. P. 1222 - § 3

Cosmic Mind Cosmic Mind

“At first life was a struggle for existence; now, for a standard of living; “At first life was a struggle for existence; now, for a standard of living; next it will be for quality of thinking, the coming earthly goal of human existence”. Pg. 910

It Begins… It Begins…